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Bell Ringer The Georgia colony was founded for 3 reasons. Explain each. 1)Charity: 2)Economics: 3)Defense:

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer The Georgia colony was founded for 3 reasons. Explain each. 1)Charity: 2)Economics: 3)Defense:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer The Georgia colony was founded for 3 reasons. Explain each. 1)Charity: 2)Economics: 3)Defense:

2 Setting Up The Georgia Colony Pt. 2

3 Today’s Agenda Opening: 13 Colonies BrainPop video Work Interactive PowerPoint (brief Session: notes) Closing: Answer essential question

4 Standard SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.Element a.Explain the importance of Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and the city of Savannah. Essential Question How was the city of Savannah designed?

5 13 Colonies Video Logs Record at least 2 facts to share with the class. story/thirteencolonies/preview.weml

6 City of Savannah’s Design ~ Founded at Yamacraw Bluff (ridged and steep drop off into theSavannah River) ~ 16 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean ~ One of North America’s first “planned towns” ~ Set up in blocks with squares in the middle for open space ~ Settler had 5-acre garden on edge of town and 45-acres in the countryside ~ Settlers farmed during the day but returned to town at night to have safety from attack

7 Tomochichi ~ Chief of the Yamacraw Indians (created from a blend of Creek and Yamasee Indians) ~ Thought it was better to align with the English instead of the Spanish ~ Allowed Oglethorpe to settle on Yamacraw Bluff (future site of Savannah) ~ Close friends with Oglethorpe and traveled back to England with him to meet King George II ~ Created English speaking schools for Native Americans ~ Buried with full English military honors in Savannah

8 Mary Musgrove ~ Had a Creek Indian mother and English father ~ She spoke both Creek and English ~ Ran a trading post (store) with husband John in Savannah ~ Served as Oglethorpe’s interpreter for 10 years (1733- 1743) ~ British and colony officials would not let her have land given to her by Tomochichi ~ She sued and was given St. Catherine’s Island and a large sum of money by royal governor Henry Ellis

9 21 Trustees Agree to run colony for 21 years Could Not: ~ Own land in Georgia Colony ~ Hold public office in Georgia Colony ~ Be given money for their work regarding the Georgia Colony

10 People and Things Not Allowed in Georgia Colony No: ~ Catholics (worried they may align with fellow Catholics in Spanish Florida) ~ Blacks (wanted to ensure slavery would not exist in Georgia Colony) ~ Lawyers (wanted colonist to work out their differences) ~ Liquor (worried it would make colonist lazy and troublesome) ~ Jews (would be admitted later because the colony needed a doctor at that time)

11 Colonists Required to: ~ Defend the colony ~ Grow mulberry trees (to support silkworms) ~ Obey all Trustees’ rules ~ Farm their land Could not: ~ Sell their land ~ Pass land down to female heirs (children) ~ Land only passed down to male heirs (children) ~ Borrow money against their land

12 What Did Colonists Get When Coming to Georgia? If they paid their own way on the Ann: ~ 500 acres of land ~ tools ~ enough food (seeds) for one year ~ Could take up to 10 indentured servants (Indentured servants worked under contract for a set number of years in exchange for passage to the colonies, food, and shelter) Trustees paid their way on the Ann: ~ 50 acres of land ~ tools ~ enough food (seeds) for one year

13 Closing In a 7 sentence paragraph o Explain how Savannah was designed o Who were some important people in Savannah o Who were the Trustees and what was their role We will share these as a class

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