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Spatial Structure of Environment and Behavior Joseph Peponis and Jean Wineman.

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial Structure of Environment and Behavior Joseph Peponis and Jean Wineman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial Structure of Environment and Behavior Joseph Peponis and Jean Wineman

2 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Space and Its Social Functions Built space is a field of structured copresence, coawareness and encounter. Does space structure influence behavior? Generative function of Space Reproductive Function of Space

3 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Generative Function of Space Space with more accessibility has higher probability of being used for movement. Three corollaries: Natural movement Virtual community Economies in Spatial Systems

4 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Reproductive Function of Space Space contributes to the reproduction of social schemas. We can understand the spatial relationship between components of a space based on their labels.

5 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Space Syntax Set of techniques and theories to examine spatial configurations Three basic concept: Depth Integration Choice

6 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Depth, Integration, Choice

7 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Space Layout How can we interpret layouts as discrete patterns of relationship? Axial map Convex Map

8 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Axial Map

9 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Depthmap Software

10 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Spatial Configuration and Movement in Urban Areas High Correlation between Integration and movement Correlation is higher when the spatial structure fits the larger context. In some studies, correlation between choice and movement was even higher.

11 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Patterns of Movement and Copresence in Buildings Functions of spaces affect patterns of movement within it Strong correlation between interaction and Integration in office environments Syntactic analyses of buildings are more fragmented and speculative

12 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Spatial Exploration Correlation between Integration and exploration path A link between the way layouts function and how people can make sense of it, but needs further research

13 05-650: BIDAmin Nassiri Space and Design Effect of spatial structure on behavior is indirect. They occur through positioning of actors rather than through the prescription of action. Is built space reflective of the environment instead of altering it? How much can a built space alter behavior?

14 Spatial Structure of Environment and Behavior Joseph Peponis and Jean Wineman

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