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PARACHUTE ADVANCED JASMINE HAIR OIL By Hakuna Matata Members: Ashis Sanpui Nilesh Halder Sauvik Mukherjee Tanoy Paul.

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Presentation on theme: "PARACHUTE ADVANCED JASMINE HAIR OIL By Hakuna Matata Members: Ashis Sanpui Nilesh Halder Sauvik Mukherjee Tanoy Paul."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARACHUTE ADVANCED JASMINE HAIR OIL By Hakuna Matata Members: Ashis Sanpui Nilesh Halder Sauvik Mukherjee Tanoy Paul

2 Based on a research done by Global Research Analysis International Target Group  Women in the age group of 25-45 years  Income Group 20k pm and above There are Five Major Factors that affects the purchasing decisions for Hair oils Value Easiness Suitability Quality Familiarity  Brand Name  Value for Money  Better Shine  Price  Attractive Package  Advertisement  Doctor Recommendation  Relieve Dryness  Softness Hair  Hair Growth  Suitable for Hair  Fragrance  Contents  Quantity  Easy Availability  Easy Rinse Factors Top 3 Major categories 2 1 3 Top 3 Sub categories 2 1 3 Value Easiness Suitabilit y Suitable for hair Better Shine Doctor Recommendatio n The market share for different types of hair oils are as follows Oil Ingredients can be of Coconut + Amla

3 Segmentation Targeting Positioning  DEMOGRAPHIC  Females  Late teens to old age  SEC A,B (as per NRS social grade)  Educated Middle Class and Upper Middle Class  GEOGRAPHIC  Urban India (Metros and Tier 1 Cities)  PSYCHOGRAPHIC  For Women who love to enjoy to the fullest and is conscious of her appearance  Working and Educated women  Believes in the superiority of Oils over other Hair care products like Shampoo, Conditioner, Gel etc.  BEHAVIORAL  Hair oils are typically used before taking a hair wash(2-3 times a week)  GENDER  Females  AGE  25 to 45 years of age  PRIMARY MARKET  Educated (Graduation or above), Working, Middle aged Women  SECONDARY MARKET  Single, Women in their twenties  LIFESTYLE  Middle Class & Upper Middle Class; SEC A,B  Mostly working with PVT Enterprises  Socially Active  Working as well as non working women who belong to those Sec A & B  POINTS OF PARITY(POPS)  Available in different packaging sizes  Suitable for different Hair Types viz. Dry/Oily etc.  Suitable for different Hair Problems viz. Dandruff, Dry hair, Color protection  POINTS OF DIFFERENCE  Relevance: Emphasizing on Shine and Hair Strengthening  Distinctiveness: Light, Non Sticky hair oils focusing on repairing the problem from its root  Believability: Using Doctor’s recommendation and ordinary looking (non- models) in advertisements  BENEFITS  Benefits like Dandruff- Control, Freedom from Dry hair, Hair-repair, Nourishment etc.  Benefits of both Coconut and Amla in one oil  Additional benefits like Shininess. Fragrance, Softness

4 Like AMWAY, ORIFLAME etc. start Consultancy Programme by building a team of female hair care consultants Conduct a drive to register female volunteer(college students, house wives etc) Train them about how to influence females and consult them on hair care issues Provide them with benefits( Monetary, Goodies, on successful lead generation They can be a great way to generate lead. A survey done by IMRB suggests the following Five attributes are expected to be enhanced by an Hair Oil, By Indian Women Hair Strength Shine Hair Thickness Damage Control Hair Fall Control

5 Unique Promotional Campaigns Design a rope like a long bunch of hairs, conduct campaign in Shopping malls/Beauty Saloon/Large cosmetic shop – Where two girls will be involved in a tug of war, winning one will get a gift hamper containing a Sample bottle of the product with the message on the bag “ Strong Hair Guaranteed”. Do this campaign on a large scale, to get maximum impact of this campaign broadcast the video clips of these on Facebook and Youtube. Hash tag campaign may be useful as well Also use public transport’s handles as a platform of unique advertisement as shown above Use time lapse videography technique to show how easily one can get shiny beautiful,damage free hair. This can be used to show reduced hair fall as well Use a renowned model/actress for the ad campaign Message should be “Be bold Inside, Shine strong outside” Use this on television, theatres while movie break

6 It will help in Huge product familiarity i.e. Brand awareness Sure shot leads to buy product Finding out reasons of not choosing the product Retaining current users and recommending to others Regaining trust among old users and encourage them to reuse Website Social Media Marketing Google AdWords Google AdWords (It will bring traffic to your website) Advertise to Specific TGs for pre-impressions based on 1. Sex [Female] 2. Age [18-25] 3. Interest [Cosmetics] 4. Location [urban/sub-urbs] 5. Topic based Post-impressions optimization: Market your product to high traffic sites based on Cost Per Acquisitions Social Media Marketing 1. Target to specific prospects based on age, sex, interest, location. 2. Create contest to tell users about the benefits and encourage people to share their thoughts about product. 3. Remarketing through Social Media 4. Enable “Shop now” option when that product is visible on social sites Website 1. Create a responsive website, monitor on-page and off- page activity to get high page rank 2.It is not search engine compatible. Include “Fragrance+Hair+ oil” in title, URI, meta data to get more visibility about the product 4. Integrate social icons for product management Advanced Digital Marketing Approach

7 More specific recommendations As this product is for upcoming females so this product must use Pinterest social media platform as their TG identification Marketing through YouTube is very costly affair and high chance of irrelevancy so use of this social media is must be lower priority In twitter, use a hash tag campaign from all hair oil users about the perceived benefits they are getting by using hair oils Product’s landing page’s “description” is not well researched. Recommend to have description, based on most searched keywords specifically related to the product. Recommend to have responsive website so that people can easily browse in smart phones. Because, majority of internet surfing is being done through mobiles only Sponsor music shows/dance shows on television, FM, radio channels Break the target areas into clusters and target one celebrity face in that region to promote the virtues of the product on FM, radio channels #tag

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