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Caroline Humphrey University of Hull.  Ontology : naïve realism and dualism  Epistemology : objectivism and universalism  Methodology : robust and.

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Presentation on theme: "Caroline Humphrey University of Hull.  Ontology : naïve realism and dualism  Epistemology : objectivism and universalism  Methodology : robust and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caroline Humphrey University of Hull

2  Ontology : naïve realism and dualism  Epistemology : objectivism and universalism  Methodology : robust and representative empiricism with statistics and experiments  Axiology : truth in the service of progress with top-down social engineering

3  Statistical profiles of students to correlate demographic profiles with progression  Online surveys of students and employers plus questionnaires for practice educators  Interviews and focus groups in 6 case study sites – students, tutors, service users, carers  Vignettes of hypothetical case scenarios to test students’ knowledge and skills at beginning and end of programmes

4 The formula for ‘realistic evaluation’ – Context + Mechanism = Outcome National statistics/surveys plus ‘deep dives’  Is it realistic enough?  Is it deep enough?  Is it practical enough?

5  Ontology : distinctive and shared humanity  Epistemology : inside-out understanding and social construction of all knowledge; creation of grounded theory  Methodology : qualitative methods within ethnography, co-inquiry or action research  Axiology : truth dislocated or displaced; collective action from the grassroots

6  Surveys of whole cohort of students at beginning and end of BA in Social Work  Interviews with 30 students and 30 educators  Focus groups with students during the curriculum and practicum  Reading 40 portfolios from students in 23 agencies and authorities

7 Ethnographic inquiry and action research  Validity/reliability : are they compromised by a solo project in a single site?  Anonymity/confidentiality : will the use of real-life case studies jeopardise these?  Ethics/politics : role-conflicts entail risks!

8 Where is the critical paradigm of emancipatory research in professional education?

9 Why is there a schism between teaching and research texts in social work education?

10 Medical education research includes -:  Positivist paradigm : rich and robust evaluations and experiments  Constructivist paradigm : ethnographies and nationwide longitudinal studies  Critical paradigm : women doctors What are the root causes of this disparity?

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