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UMHS Department of Social Work Guest Assistance Program Katie Schneider, LBSW, Supervisor Maria Arredondo, LBSW, Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "UMHS Department of Social Work Guest Assistance Program Katie Schneider, LBSW, Supervisor Maria Arredondo, LBSW, Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 UMHS Department of Social Work Guest Assistance Program Katie Schneider, LBSW, Supervisor Maria Arredondo, LBSW, Lead

2 Program of the Department of Social Work Bachelor’s Level Social Work-focused scope of practice Navigate & remove barriers to care or discharge Improve access and timeliness of care Allow families to focus on care of their loved one Centralized office for walk-in/assistance disbursement On-site GAP social workers in some clinic areas Support & link to all social work services Program operates 7 days a week Available to all patients of UMHS All assistance related to care/treatment at UMHS What is the GAP?

3 3 Services Prescription assistance Lodging Transportation Gift/gas cards Medical equipment Other medically-related financial assistance Resources/Care Coordination –Internal –Community –Medicaid/CSHCS We are unable to financially assist with:  Needs not related to medical care at UMHS:  Utilities  Housing/homelessness  Car Repair  Food

4 4 Patient Assistance Funding All financial assistance provided is through donated funding Manage over 40 different funds currently, all with differing guidelines and restrictions for use: Funds range from $300 to over $200,000 Fund examples (Transplant, Helping Hands, etc.) Donors/donations vetted via UMHS Development/Gift Handling Varies by patient population Extensive tracking system/inventory process UMHS Internal Controls/University Audits FY15 assistance provided-over $600,000 (Barrier Busters network participant only)

5 5 Eligibility Guidelines/Assessment Fund Stewardship: GAP acts as gatekeepers of all Social Work funds Prior to authorizing fund assistance: –Investigate insurance options for benefits such as transportation services, mileage reimbursement, lodging and meals –Investigate and utilize all other patient assets or means of assistance (friends, family, church, etc.) –Care coordination/problem-solving –Explore patient ability to contribute to cost of assistance –Patient and/or family should meet established income guidelines –Identify a sustainable long term plan Match with individual fund guidelines

6 6 Assistance Example 50 year old female; urgently needed to come to Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital for procedure Wheelchair bound, lives with sister almost 100 miles from UMHS Utilizes a transportation agency for local medical appointments, otherwise no travel outside the home Patient’s sister owns a van, but it’s not wheelchair accessible Friends/family are unavailable on short notice No medical facilities close to the home that are able to perform the procedure GAP used an adult patient fund to assist with transportation to UMHS

7 7 How to refer Guest Assistance Program Phone: 800-888-9825 Email: Walk in hours: Mon-Friday 9am-5pm 2B203UH University Hospital

8 8 Questions

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