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Thornhill School News Issue 16 Fri 18 th Jan 2013 News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future.

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Presentation on theme: "Thornhill School News Issue 16 Fri 18 th Jan 2013 News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thornhill School News Issue 16 Fri 18 th Jan 2013 News from Miss Clark News from Mrs Colley SCHOOLSCHOOL This Week Future EventsNext Week News from Mrs Figes Attendance- last week Class 1- 96.6% ( 3 lates) Class 2- 98.3% ( 3 lates) Total- 97.4% The children have been working hard on fractions this week and many have produced pleasing work. In Science we did an experiment related to gravity and air resistance and next week we will be investigating friction with jelly and chop sticks. Now for an appeal. If you have any chopsticks that your child could use ( you will get them back) please send them in next week! In Art we are learning papier mache techniques in order to make masks. For this we will need a lot of old newspaper, so if you have any spare please send it in too. Thanks for your help! Let’s talk……. Mon- All Clubs start this week ( except dance) Year 5 & 6 Athletics Governors Meeting 6pm Thurs- Rev peacock assembly/ Accelerated reading Fri- ‘Relax Kids’ in am/ Youth club £1 28 th Jan- Cycling proficiency week. 5 th Feb- Sellafield visit (KS2) 8 th Feb- Bobble day- for Warm Up Britain campaign and AgeUK Mon- Sports Club- £1 Fri- Youth Club- Pasta ‘make and do’ I think people should care more about….. ( what are you concerned about? What issues do other people ignore?) This week we have been looking at life for children in Ancient Greece: Greek schools and learning. We have also compared two Greek City- states: Athens and Sparta. These areas had very different priorities. Ask your child- would they prefer to be a Spartan or Athenian? This week we have continued to look at traditional tales. We have compared the beginnings and endings of some stories and identified good and bad characters. In science we have found out about keeping safe at home and school when using electrical items. In numeracy the Year 1s and 2s have been practicing their addition and subtraction strategies and the Reception children have solved simple practical problems by adding and taking away.

2 Spring Term Clubs: Monday- Sports Club - £1 Tuesday – Key Stage Two Gymnastics Wednesday- Maths support clinic (lunchtime) - Dance Club with Miss Gregg ( not until 23/1) Thursday- Recorder Club - Lego club with Mrs Pettigrew Friday- Youth Club run by Friends of School - £1 Bad weather- Snow In the event of heavy snowfall this winter, every effort will be made to keep our school open. However, it may prove difficult for some of our members of staff to get into school if the roads are dangerous/ full of traffic. If there is a heavy snowfall over night, staff will make a decision about whether it is sensible to open the school. The decision will be made linked to numbers of staff who can get to Thornhill safely. If the school is closed, their will be signs on the school gate and announcements will be made on local radio ( CFM/ Radio Cumbria). There will be a member of the school staff on the premises to make arrangements for any pupils who arrive at school without a parent or guardian. If the weather suggests that there will be a heavy snowfall during the school afternoon, we may need to close the school early, in order to ensure that staff can get home safely. We will contact you if this decision affects your child. Zumba Classes Every Wednesday 5.30 to 6.30pm in the school hall Brownies If your child is interested in joining Brownies please contact Rachel on 07854462784 Only water for bottles in KS2 please ! Cars in the playground The Governing body would like to remind parents and carers that you are not allowed to drive cars into the school playground between these times: 8.30- 9.15 am, 10.30-11 am and 2.45- 3.15 pm or whenever you see groups of children in the playground. If you are coming into school and wish to park close to the building, please use the carpark. This is suitable for Friends of School to use on Fridays during Youth Club. Owing to the nature and layout of our outdoor space, we do need to keep our gates unlocked during the school day ( for access to the library, for kitchen deliveries and post, as well as for parents collecting children at different times). However, these gates are shut and monitored whenever the children are outside. Our internal security doors mean that all visitors can only enter the school via the office.

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