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Seine Normandie Water Agency Forty years of sustainable developement.

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Presentation on theme: "Seine Normandie Water Agency Forty years of sustainable developement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seine Normandie Water Agency Forty years of sustainable developement

2 Water Management in France Delineated water management roles The French state The Municipalities The water agencies system

3 6 river catchment territories

4 River basin Committee Executive body :

5 Polluters have to pay Water Price in Paris area: 3€/m 3 Polluter pay principle Purifiers are financed

6 Financing water works Pollution tax : 500 M€ A five year financing and planning program Grants and soft loans to finance : - Studies (50 M€/year) - Waste water treatment plants (400 M€/y) - Sewer systems (400 M€/y) - Drinking water treatment plants (140 M€/y) Average financing ratio : 50%

7 Demography

8 Results and benefits

9 1960 2006 Oxygen in the river Seine downstream Paris 1981 2000 2005 FISH MORTALITY LIMIT Oxygen Concentration (mg/l)

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