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Water. We have only one Earth. But man does not respect its natural resources, exploiting them beyond measure. Scientists predict that by 2030 humanity.

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Presentation on theme: "Water. We have only one Earth. But man does not respect its natural resources, exploiting them beyond measure. Scientists predict that by 2030 humanity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water

2 We have only one Earth. But man does not respect its natural resources, exploiting them beyond measure. Scientists predict that by 2030 humanity will plunge into chaos - we are in danger of water shortages, hunger, poverty, terrorism and war. So we find ourselves on the brink of extinction, and only decisive action can bring about some improvement.

3 But before we begin our presentation, we want you to know a few important words... *germs- bakterie *protozoa- pierwotniaki *fertilizers- nawozy *sewage- ścieki *diarrhea- biegunka *sewage treatment – oczyszczalnia ścieków * circulatory system- układ krążenia

4 There is no life without water Water is essential for the life of plants and animals. Life would not exist without it on our planet.

5 Water is the environment for many organisms, such as germs, protozoa, algae, fish, mammals, and many other..

6 Water makes up about 60% of a body of an adult human, and 75% of a newborn.

7 A person can survive without food for 2-3 weeks, but without water for no more than 7 days.

8 Poisoning of aquatic ecosystems – reasons.

9 I. Wastewater discharges into water bodies Waste water contains about 100 000 different chemicals. Each year more than 520 million m3 of sewage flows into Polish rivers, lakes and the sea.

10 II. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides Farmers often use too many fertilizers and pesticides. These substances run off from fields into water bodies.

11 III. Acid rain Acid rain is formed when certain chemicals that are emitted into the atmosphere from factories and vehicles, mix with rain water.

12 V. Ships, Sailing Oil stains are particularly harmful, but there are also other poisonous substances, which often enter the water from the damaged vessels. Washing of vessels pollutes the water, too.

13 VI. Traffic pollution Water along roads and highways contains a lot of toxic chemicals, including lead, which are absorbed from vehicle exhausts; the chemicals then get into the groundwater.

14 In Poland there are three classes of water purity Class I - water suitable as habitat for crayfish and salmonid Class II – water suitable for fish other than salmonid Class III - water suitable for industrial use In Poland, some water is so polluted, that it cannot be classified.

15 Aquatic ecosystems are among the most vulnerable across the planet. The condition of water ecosystems is becoming dramatic, and it is the Man who is to blame; the Man therefore has to make up for the damage he has caused, if he wants to survive as a species.

16 Contamination of water causes diseases and then the death of living organisms. The oceans are dying of contaminated plants and animals. Contaminated water affects land plants too. Harmful substances in plants enter the organisms of animals and humans, when they eat the plants. Let's make the oceans clean, colorful and wonderful, as they used to be!!!

17 Every day in the 52 countries that make up the European Region of the World Health Organization, 37 children die of diarrhea. Out of every 13 500 young Europeans who die every year of diseases associated with water, 11 000 live in these countries – the countries where four out of ten households have no access to clean water from the aqueduct. The situation is particularly critical in many countries of southern and eastern Europe, such as Bulgaria, Romania, the countries of former Yugoslavia, Albania, Turkey and several former Soviet republics.

18 What must we do? Remember that rivers are the "circulatory system" of our planet; without water there is no life.

19 We must build water treatment plants for cities, large industrial plants and small factories. Unfortunately, the biggest Polish cities still do not have sewage treatment plants. We must release less chemicals into the water, and use water saving technologies. Factories that pollute the water should pay heavy penalties. E.g., until recently, the shipowners in Poland paid a fine of only $500 (!) for washing their ships in the Baltic Sea. We must promote organic farming and natural fertilizers!

20 QUIZ,,facts about water”

21 1.Which of these countries suffer from lack of drinking water? a) Bosnia and Hercegowina, Albania, Turkey c) Slovakia, South Africa, France b), Sudan, Germany, Scotland

22 1.Which of these countries suffer from lack of drinking water? a) Bosnia and Hercegowina, Albania, Turkey c) Slovakia, South Africa, France b), Sudan, Germany, Scotland

23 2.When is The World Water Day? a) 24 September c) 22 March b) 5 May

24 2.When is The World Water Day? a) 24 September b) 5 May c) 22 March

25 3. Most of all pollution will come back to us, for example, in the form of: a) mist rain c) acid rain b) aquatic rain

26 3. Most of all pollution will come back to us, for example, in the form of: a) mist rain b) aquatic rain c) a cid rain

27 4. Which of these most pollutes water? a) washing of vessels, oil stains c) animals living in water b) swimming

28 4. Which of these most pollutes water? a) washing of vessels, oil stains c) animals living in water b) swimming

29 5. What threatens us in 2030? a) water shortage, the end of the world, continuous earthquakes c) poverty, terrorism, war b) hunger, tsunami, grass will be blue due to the lack of chlorophyll

30 5. What threatens us in 2030? a) water shortage, the end of the world, continuous earthquakes c) poverty, terrorism, war b) hunger, tsunami, grass will be blue due to the lack of chlorophyll

31 6. Who of these celebrites supports animal foundations? a) Julia Roberts c) Demi Lovato b) Selena Gomez

32 6. Who of these celebrites supports animal foundations? a) Julia Roberts c) Demi Lovato b) Selena Gomez

33 Stars with aquatic animals

34 Clean, fresh water is a precious gift. Do not let it be wasted!

35 Information adapted from: 1. tykul=3314 tykul=3314 2. rg/images/cache/f1120edabdffb11bfa585ec13e0fb f7e.jpg&imgrefurl= rg/images/cache/f1120edabdffb11bfa585ec13e0fb f7e.jpg&imgrefurl= 3.%3FshowNewsPlus%3D4821&%3FshowNewsPlus%3D4821& 4. 0%3A+brak+wody%2C+g%B3%F3d%2C+wojny...&ticai d=6c71d 0%3A+brak+wody%2C+g%B3%F3d%2C+wojny...&ticai d=6c71d 5. 6. index.html index.html 7. 8.

36 9. art=10&limit=0 art=10&limit=0 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. tualnosci&group=47&nr=1 tualnosci&group=47&nr=1 15. http://www.ekologia-ochrona-srodowiska.komputery- \http://www.ekologia-ochrona-srodowiska.komputery- \ 16. wiecej wiecej 17. zanieczyszczenie_wod_w_polsce 18. przeszlosci 19.,282,rzeki_j ak_scieki 20. wiecej?mode=send zanieczyszczenie_wod_w_polsce przeszlosci,282,rzeki_j ak_scieki wiecej?mode=send 21.

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