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Plants in Aquatic Ecosystems Environmental Science 4.3.

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1 Plants in Aquatic Ecosystems Environmental Science 4.3

2 Types of Algae Plankton algae – very small type of floating algae ▫When present in large numbers plankton algae give water a brown, yellow, red, or pea-soup green color  Algal bloom Pond scum – floating mat of filamentous algae ▫Filamentous algae grow as long strands Stonewort algae – identified by central stem w/ whorls of branches that can grow 3 ft

3 Importance of Algae Algae are most important producers in any aquatic ecosystem ▫Production of oxygen When there are too many algae competing, many die and decay, creating demand for oxygen ▫Algae can not produce enough oxygen to meet the needs of all aquatic organisms ▫May cause fish kill, either due to lack of oxygen or toxic chemicals produced by the algae

4 Some algal blooms are toxic to humans ▫Anabaena (formerly blue-green algae) Water treatment plants remove algae by filtering water through sand

5 Types of Flowering Plants Submerged plants grow in deep water and grow entirely below surface (except flowers) Emerging plants grow in shallow water ▫Most stems, leaves, and flowers grow above water Floating plants have floating leaves and flowers

6 Importance of Flowering Plants Submerged stems and leaves of flowering plants provide habitats Emerging plants along the shore prevent erosion and provide cover for fur-bearing animals (beaver, muskrats, mink) ▫Seeds provide food Small ponds that dry up in summer are important b/c can not support fish ▫Provides excellent salamander and amphibian breeding habitat

7 Water Pollution and Plant Growth Point sources - chemicals that affect the growth of aquatic plants may enter an aquatic ecosystem when there is an industrial accident or daily operations at an industrial plant or sewage treatment plant ▫From a specific place Nonpoint sources – herbicides and fertilizers enter aquatic ecosystems in storm water runoff from lawns, farms, etc. ▫From non-specific place

8 Many aquatic ecosystems are polluted w/ chemical s that stimulate plant growth ▫Fertilizers containing nitrates and phosphates Major sources of nutrients are sewage treatment plants, developments w/ individual home septic systems, food processing plants, animal wastes, etc.

9 Water Use and Plant Growth Must control plant growth sometimes Interfere w/ operations at fish hatcheries Slows flow of water in irrigation systems Plants steal water intended for farm crops Intake pipes for factories and water treatment plants may become clogged w/ floating plants

10 Controlling Plant Growth Physical removal ▫Time-consuming Animals ▫Usually not very helpful Chemicals ▫Must identify plants causing problem, select correct herbicide, time the application, and calculate correct amount ▫Many herbicides are toxic to fish Decay of dead plants may lower DO

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