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By: Julissa Benitez, Nilda Ruiz, Stephanie Huerta, and Axel Miranda.

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2 By: Julissa Benitez, Nilda Ruiz, Stephanie Huerta, and Axel Miranda

3 The phosphorus cycle The phosphorus cycle describes the movement of phosphorus through the geosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. phosphorushydrosphere biosphere The phosphorus cycle reflects the balanced interactions between organisms and their biotic and abiotic environments. Phosphorus flows through each compartment by give and receive actions and allowing life to exist.

4 An interesting fact about the phosphorus cycle is that there is no phosphorus in the atmosphere. Also, there is little to no phosphorus in the lithosphere and biosphere.

5 A high concentration of phosphorus is harmful and even considered pollution. Excess phosphorus that collects in bodies of water leads to eutrophication. The result is an overproduction of weeds, plankton, and especially algae, which “destroy” lakes.

6 Eutrophication comes from too much human input of nitrogen and phosphorus. It affects the quality of water and habitats. It changes both animal and plant populations.

7 Products cause oxygen to decrease quality of water and change; water is toxic and unable of being used as a habitat Plant and animal populations changed due to large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus created Plants and some animals, like fish, die due to toxic water and reduce population.

8 Cloern, James. “Eutrophication.” TheEncyclopediaofEarth. Ed. J. Emmet Duffy. 18 Dec. 2007 15 March. 2012. “Eutrophication In Water.” FreeDrinkingWater. 14 March. 2012. “Phosphorus Cycle.” NewWorldEncyclopedia. 2 April. 2008. 14 March. 2012.. “Short Circuiting the Global Phosphorus Cycle.” WorldWatchInstitute. 15 March. 2012.. “Water Treatment and Purification.” LennTech. 14 March. 2012.

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