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EQ: How can you match your reaction to the size of the problem?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: How can you match your reaction to the size of the problem?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: How can you match your reaction to the size of the problem?
CAN DO kids are problem solvers! EQ: How can you match your reaction to the size of the problem?

2 Every problem has a size
Big problems are problems that you need an adult to help you with. Little problems are problems that you should ignore or solve by yourself.

3 When you have a problem, it is your job to figure out how big it is.

4 When you figure out the size of your problem, it will help you know what to do.

5 How Big is My Problem? 5 Emergency Earthquake, tornado, fire 4
Gigantic Getting lost, getting into a fight, getting seriously hurt 3 Big Someone keeps bothering you, someone calls you a mean name, you forget your lunch 2 Medium* Arguing with a friend, your card is flipped to yellow, forgetting your homework 1 Little* A change in schedule, not being first in line, losing a game Glitch* Somebody bumps into you, your pencil breaks

6 A glitch is a tiny problem that you should solve yourself.
Level 0 = Glitch A glitch is a tiny problem that you should solve yourself. “I dropped my pencil!”

7 A Level 1 Problem is a little problem that you should solve yourself.
Level 1 = Little Problem A Level 1 Problem is a little problem that you should solve yourself. “Our schedule was changed!”

8 A Level 2 Problem is a medium problem that you should solve yourself.
Level 2 = Medium Problem A Level 2 Problem is a medium problem that you should solve yourself. “My card was flipped to yellow!”

9 Level 3 = BIG Problem A Level 3 Problem is a BIG problem that you may need an adult to help you with. “She called me a mean name!”

10 Level 4 = GIGANTIC Problem
A Level 4 Problem is a GIGANTIC problem that you may need an adult to help you with. “Other kids are fighting!”

11 A Level 5 problem is an EMERGENCY. Adults will tell you what to do.
Level 5 = EMERGENCY A Level 5 problem is an EMERGENCY. Adults will tell you what to do.

12 When you have a problem:

13 Match the size of your reaction to the size of your problem:
5 Emergency Your pencil box spills. How big is your problem? What should you do? STOP. THINK. DECIDE. DO. 4 Gigantic 3 Big 2 Medium* 1 Little* Glitch*

14 Match the size of your reaction to the size of your problem:
5 Emergency Somebody sits in the seat you wanted to sit in. How big is your problem? What should you do? STOP. THINK. DECIDE. DO. 4 Gigantic 3 Big 2 Medium* 1 Little* Glitch*

15 Match the size of your reaction to the size of your problem:
5 Emergency You got into an argument with a friend. How big is your problem? What should you do? STOP. THINK. DECIDE. DO. 4 Gigantic 3 Big 2 Medium* 1 Little* Glitch*

16 Match the size of your reaction to the size of your problem:
5 Emergency You get pushed on the playground and your knees get scraped up. How big is your problem? What should you do? STOP. THINK. DECIDE. DO. 4 Gigantic 3 Big 2 Medium* 1 Little* Glitch*

17 Match the size of your reaction to the size of your problem:
5 Emergency Someone breaks something important to you on purpose. How big is your problem? What should you do? STOP. THINK. DECIDE. DO. 4 Gigantic 3 Big 2 Medium* 1 Little* Glitch*

18 Match the size of your reaction to the size of your problem:
5 Emergency You are on vacation and you get separated from your family. How big is your problem? What should you do? STOP. THINK. DECIDE. DO. 4 Gigantic 3 Big 2 Medium* 1 Little* Glitch*

19 Match the size of your reaction to the size of your problem:
5 Emergency There is a tornado warning. How big is your problem? What should you do? STOP. THINK. DECIDE. DO. 4 Gigantic 3 Big 2 Medium* 1 Little* Glitch*

20 When you have a problem:

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