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Stem-Changing Verbs Yes, again! El Presente In the present tense of stem-changing verbs we learned that there are 3 major changes that take place. O.

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Presentation on theme: "Stem-Changing Verbs Yes, again! El Presente In the present tense of stem-changing verbs we learned that there are 3 major changes that take place. O."— Presentation transcript:


2 Stem-Changing Verbs Yes, again!

3 El Presente In the present tense of stem-changing verbs we learned that there are 3 major changes that take place. O changes to UE E changes to IE E changes to I

4 REPASO: REVIEW When a verb has a stem-change, they take the normal present tense endings. -AR-ER-IR -o-o-o -as-es-es -a-e-e -amos-emos-imos -áis-éis-ís -an-en-en

5 LAS BUENAS NOTICIAS: The Good News There are NO new endings to memorize.

6 LAS MALAS NOTICIAS: The Bad News If you do not remember these verbs, you have more memorizing to do as well as a bit of a new twist to learn.

7 LISTA DE VERBOS O to UE Aprobar - to approve Contar - to count Costar - to cost Devolver - to return (an object) Dormir - to sleep

8 LISTA DE VERBOS O to UE Encontrar - to find Envolver - to wrap (up) Morder - to bite Morir - to die Mostrar - to show Mover - to move (an object) Probar - to prove, test, sample, taste

9 LISTA DE VERBOS O to UE Recordar - to remember Resolver - to solve, resolve Sonar - to sound, ring Soñar (con) - to dream (about) Tostar - to toast Volver - to return (i.e. to come back) Volar - to fly

10 LISTA DE VERBOS E to IE Acertar - to guess; get right Advertir - to advise; warn Cerrar - to close; shut; lock Confesar - to confess Consentir - to consent Convertir - to convert

11 LISTA DE VERBOS E TO IE Defender - to defend Encender - to light; kindle Entender - to understand Hervir - to boil Mentir - to lie; tell a lie

12 LISTA DE VERBOS E TO IE Pensar (en) to think about Perder - to lose Preferir - to prefer Referir - to refer Sugerir - to suggest Temblar -to tremble

13 LISTA DE VERBOS E TO I Colegir - to deduce Competir - to compete Conseguir to obtain; get Corregir - to correct Despedir - to fire (as in from a job) Elegir - to elect Freír - to fry Gemir - to moan; groan

14 LISTA DE VERBOS E TO I Impedir - to impede; hinder Medir - to measure; be ___ long Pedir - to ask for; request Reír - to laugh Repetir - to repeat Seguir - to follow; continue Servir - to serve

15 ¡Estoy flipando, Sr. Mann! ¿Qué voy a hacer con estos verbos?

16 Do you remember…? SHOE VERBS?

17 EL PRESENTE All of these verbs are SHOE VERBS in the present tense. That means that ALL forms will make the change EXCEPT nosotros and vosotros.

18 contar - to count cuentocontamos cuentascontáis cuentacuentan

19 defender - to defend defiendodefendemos defiendesdefendéis defiendedefienden

20 servir - to serve sirvoservimos sirvesservís sirvesirven

21 Tengo una pregunta… Did you see how each verb follows the shoe pattern?


23 contar - to count contabacontábamos contabascontabais contabacontaban

24 defender - to defend defendíadefendíamos defendíasdefendíais defendíadefendían

25 servir - to serve servíaservíamos servíasservíais servíaservían

26 EL PRETÉRITO This is where it starts to get a little complicated. Let’s look at the rules for stem- changing verbs in the preterite one at a time.

27 There ARE stem- changing verbs in the preterite.

28 They do NOT follow the same rules or patterns as the present tense.

29 -AR VERBS Make NO changes in the preterite at all!! Treat them just like any other regular verb.

30 contar - to count contécontamos contaste contasteis contócontaron

31 -ER VERBS Make NO changes in the preterite either!!!! Treat them just like any other regular verb.

32 defender - to defend defendídefendimos defendistedefendisteis defendiódefendieron

33 -IR VERBS oThese DO change in the preterite. oBut, they are no longer SHOE verbs. oThey become SANDAL verbs. oThat means that ONLY the 3rd person singular and plural changes. oThere are only TWO changes:

34 O to U and E to I are the only changes that occur.

35 servir - to serve servíservimos servisteservisteis sirviósirvieron

36 HUH?

37 Wanna run that by me again? oOnly -ir verbs stem-change. oThe only changes are O to U and E to I. oThe change only takes place in the BOTTOM forms on the chart.

38 Let’s look at a few verbs to see how this works… odormir (ue, u) ohervir (ie, i) opedir (i, i) oThe first note is the present tense change. oThe second note is the preterite tense change.

39 dormir - to sleep oPresent - changes o to ue. oImperfect - NO CHANGE oPreterite - changes o to u. oLet’s look!

40 duermodormimosdormíadormíamos duermesdormísdormíasdormíais duermeduermendormíadormían dormídormimos dormistedormisteis durmiódurmieron

41 hervir - to boil Present - changes e to ie. Imperfect - NO CHANGE Preterite - changes e to i.

42 hiervohervimoshervíahervíamos hierveshervíshervíashervíais hiervehiervenhervíahervían hervíhervimos hervistehervisteis hirvióhirvieron

43 pedir - to ask for Present - changes e to i. Imperfect - NO CHANGE. Preterite - changes e to i.

44 pidopedimospedíapedíamos pidespedíspedíaspedíais pidepidenpedíapedían pedípedimos pedistepedisteis pidiópidieron

45 So there you have it! Stem-changing verbs in the present, imperfect and preterite tenses!


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