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Colorectal Cancer: Education and Screening in a Rural Community Grinnell Regional Public Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Colorectal Cancer: Education and Screening in a Rural Community Grinnell Regional Public Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colorectal Cancer: Education and Screening in a Rural Community Grinnell Regional Public Health

2 Main Objectives Objective #1 –Have 95% of the projected 1,500 participants be able to cite at least two methods of colorectal cancer screenings by July 1, 2016. Activities –Host small group educational sessions at service club meetings, churches, local events, and senior communities. –Used American Cancer Society Power point and added local information

3 Main Objectives Objective #2 –FOBT kits will be completed by 75% of the participants who attend the colorectal education sessions by July 1, 2016. Activities –Free FOBT kits will be distributed in the small groups to all adults between the ages of 50 and 75 as well as their spouses. –(Chose the Hemocult II SENSA kits after much research)

4 Main Objectives Objective #3 –Work with nine area primary care clinics and meet with providers to share evidence-based plans and ideas to start the conversation about the need/value of colorectal cancer screenings. Activities –Prior to the start of the start of this program, a letter of support will be secured from the GRMC medical staff. –Primary care providers will receive a letter from Grinnell Regional Public Health for each patient who returns a FOBT response with the results. –Public health staff will visit primary care providers to educate on CRC screening and follow-up.

5 Letter to the Providers

6 Colorectal education and screening Grant contact information Patricia Hinrichs RN Grinnell Regional Public Health Phone: 641-236-2385 E-mail:

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