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What is a Pacing Guide? Definition of Pacing Guides How are Pacing Guides utilized? Use of Pacing Guides What is the process of writing a Pacing Guide?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Pacing Guide? Definition of Pacing Guides How are Pacing Guides utilized? Use of Pacing Guides What is the process of writing a Pacing Guide?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a Pacing Guide? Definition of Pacing Guides How are Pacing Guides utilized? Use of Pacing Guides What is the process of writing a Pacing Guide? Process of Writing Pacing Guides What does the research say about Pacing Guides? Pacing Guide example Current Research Pros and Cons


4 Pacing Guide Use By The District Pacing Guide Use By Teachers Pacing Guide Use By School Administration


6 Know the State Standards for that Subject Know the Content that has been outlined Use a calendar to adjust timings, dates & test schedules Compre- hensively align content covered with State standards and dates Give enough space for teachers to cover material with remediation PACING GUIDE WRITING PROCESS



9 Pacing Guide Example CMS World History Curriculum Pacing Guide 2010-2011 Week One Goal/Objective Week One Goal/Objective 08/25/2010 Day 1: Introduction & Basic Map Skills 1.01-1.06 08/26/2010 Day 2: Map Skills & Ancient Empires 2.01, 6.01-6.02, 8.02 & 8.06 08/27/2010 Day 3: Classical Greece: Early Greece [Chapter 5, Section 1 (pp. 127-132)] 2.02, 6.03 & 8.01 Week Two Week Two 08/30/2010 Day 4: Classical Greece: The Classical Age [Chapter 5, Section 2 (pp. 134-141)] 08/31/2010 Day 5: Classical Greece: Greek Achievements [Chapter 5, Section 3 (pp. 142-148)] 09/01/2010 Day 6: Classical Greece: Alexander the Great and His Legacy [Chapter 5, Section 4 (pp. 150-155)] 09/02/2010 Day 7: Classical Greece: Wrap-up & TEST 09/03/2010 Day 8: Rome & Early Christianity: The Foundations of Rome [Chapter 6, Section 1 (pp.163-169)] 2.03, 6.03 & 8.01- 8.02 Week Three Week Three 09/07/2010 Day 9: Rome & Early Christianity: From Republic to Empire [Chapter 6, Section 2 (pp. 171-176)] 09/08/2010 Day 10: Rome & Early Christianity: Roman Society and Culture [Chapter 6, Section 3 (pp. 177-182)] Week Four Week Four 09/13/2010 Day 11: Rome & Early Christianity: The Rise of Christianity [Chapter 6, Section 4 (pp. 183-187)] 09/14/2010 Day 12: Rome & Early Christianity: The Fall of Rome [Chapter 6, Section 5 (pp. 188-191)] 09/15/2010 Day 13: TEST on Ancient World

10 References David, J. (2008). Pacing Guides. Educational Leadership, 66(2), 87-88. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. Louis, K. S., Febey, K., & Schroeder, R. (2005). State-mandated accountability in high schools: Teachers' interpretations of a new era. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 27(20), 177-204. Photographs: Bill Staples

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