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We will be starting at the top of the hour! Al Fernandez.

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Presentation on theme: "We will be starting at the top of the hour! Al Fernandez."— Presentation transcript:

1 We will be starting at the top of the hour! Al Fernandez

2  If you have any troubles in seminar, please call Tech Support at: 1-866-348-1196 They can assist if you get “bumped” from the seminar room or experience other difficulties.

3 3 Seminar Basics Difficulty seeing PowerPoint? Hit F11 Please do NOT start side conversations. Please limit interjecting “I agree” or “Good point” as this clutters the seminar. I assume you agree and think the point is good!

4 4 Don’t worry about typos. Be as clear as you can and refrain from smileys and slang –use proper English. Relax and enjoy the seminar – it’s a chance for us to interact. If I ask if you have any questions – no need to reply “no” or “none” – if I don’t receive any questions – then it is assumed that you don’t have a question.

5 5 Missed Seminars

6 Make sure that you post your answer and response to at least one classmate to the discussion posts before the end of the unit. Try to post as early as possible to help your classmates. They are going to need to respond to posts also! Post at least 3 response posts on at least two separate dates to receive the full number of points for the Discussion Board. You will be locked out of the post at the end of the unit!!!!!







13 13 Units begin on Wednesday at 12:00 AM ET Units end on the following Tuesday at 11:59 PM ET

14 14 A minimum of two postings: One posting in response to the discussion question. A second posting in response to a classmate’s posting.

15 Each posting should be approximately 100 words and demonstrate critical thought regarding the subject matter--for example, a posting that simply states "I agree!" is not sufficient to earn full credit. Postings should be made as early as possible to allow classmates a chance to respond.

16 16 Must be taken before end of unit Can be taken multiple times Help out overall course grade

17 17 Check your email frequently Email reminders and advice Respond/acknowledge emails Outreach

18 18 Create a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum of six slides. Identify the five core operational strategies and one ancillary operational strategy of law enforcement. Explain how these strategies are used by law enforcement agencies to achieve their crime fighting goals.

19 19 Unit 5 – PowerPoint Resources – template for assignment. See unit 5 for complete details




23 23   Criminal Justice  What is Criminal?  What is Justice? 1

24 24 … conduct that violates criminal law for which there is no legally accepted justification or excuse. Is homicide always a crime?

25 25 … a powerful, yet elusive phrase … principle of fairness, the ideal of moral equity…

26 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TODAY, 9E PRENTICE HALL by Frank Schmalleger ©2007 Pearson Education, Inc. 26 … also includes the following viewpoints:  Individual rights  Public order

27  In order to have a safer community, and support public order, what rights would you give up?  Miranda  Speedy trial  Warrants (for arrest and search)  Free speech  Assembly

28 28 Core components: 1. Law Enforcement 2. Courts 3. Corrections  Which category do you want to fall in?

29 “The leading cause of failure is the inability to follow instructions” “The greatest investment you can make is in yourself. The best way you can invest in yourself is through education. Always look for the opportunity to learn.” John Milner

30 If you have any questions, feel free to contact me: and I’ll be happy to

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