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8 Dec 2004IEEE802.3aq Channel model ad hoc Task 2: Time-varying study & modal noise 1 Teleconference notes, 8 Dec 2004 Jonathan King.

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1 8 Dec 2004IEEE802.3aq Channel model ad hoc Task 2: Time-varying study & modal noise 1 Teleconference notes, 8 Dec 2004 Jonathan King

2 8 Dec 2004IEEE802.3aq Channel model ad hoc Task 2: Time-varying study & modal noise 2 Agenda 1)Attendees 2)Agree last meetings minutes 3)Task 2 a)no agenda items 4)Launch study, joint task 2 & task 4 a)Joerg Kropp - OM3 simulations and experiment b)David Cunningham - PIE-D measurements on OM3 fibres 5)other business 6)next meeting date/time

3 8 Dec 2004IEEE802.3aq Channel model ad hoc Task 2: Time-varying study & modal noise 3 1) Attendees Jonathan King, Big Bear Networks Yu Sun, Optium John Jaeger, Big Bear Networks Joerg Kropp, Infinion David Cunningham, Agilent Sudeep Bhoja, Big Bear Networks John Ewen, JDSU John Abbott, Corning Jim Morris, DOC Al Brunsting, Panduit Andre van Schyndel, Bookham Jonathan Ingham, Cambridge Pete Hallemeier, Optium Lew Aronson, Finisar

4 8 Dec 2004IEEE802.3aq Channel model ad hoc Task 2: Time-varying study & modal noise 4 2) Agree last meetings minutes Peter Hallemeier and Joerg Kropp asked to be added to the attendee list; no other comments 3) Task 2 - no agenda items

5 8 Dec 2004IEEE802.3aq Channel model ad hoc Task 2: Time-varying study & modal noise 5 4) Launch study, joint activity task 2 & 4 - 1 a) OM3 simulations and experiment - Joerg Kropp Modeled OM3 DMD and bandwidths were compared with measurements on 3 recently made OM3 fibres for CL and OSL (connector offsets were not included in calculations). An alpha-p fit of 2.09 was derived by comparing modeling and experimental results. Calculations showed that a good single mode spot launched into ideal OM3 resulted in good transmission for both CL and OSL, but if a wider core area was excited, OSL bandwidth collapsed and CL gave best transmission. Experiments showed significantly better transmission for CL. Discussion following John Abbott noted that the typical alpha-p value wouldn't necessarily reflect worst case fibres. Joerg Kropp commented that he thought that OSL would be challenging in the presence of connector offsets. b) PIE-D measurements on OM3 fibres - David Cunningham Presented measurements of PIE-D metrics on recently made 300m OM3 fibres for CL and OSL (with and without 7um MM-MM connector offsets included). Results showed that single mode CL was lowest PIE-D both with and without connector offsets. It was also noted that an ROFL launch (also a centre launch) gave significantly higher PIE-D values than single mode CL. It was noted that OM3 fibre characteristics were fairly consistent fibre to fibre, so these results were expected to be representative of modern OM3 fibres.

6 8 Dec 2004IEEE802.3aq Channel model ad hoc Task 2: Time-varying study & modal noise 6 4) Task 2 & 4: joint activity on launch study - 2 a) PIE-D measurements on OM3 fibres - David Cunningham Discussion following The possibility of a high offset launch was discussed, David Cunningham said that although PIE-D metrics peaked at 10-12um, higher offset OSL >17um would introduce significant mode selective loss and modal noise issues. Joerg Kropp commented that an OSL on OM3 would be challenging in the presence of connector offsets. Al Brunsting offered to present measured data on significant sample sizes of commercial connectors at the next meeting John Jaeger offered further measurements on OM3 fibres for 15th Dec. There was some discussion on launch compliance tests. There was some support for appropriate encircled flux type specifications for CL and OSL. CPR (Coupled Power Ratio) measurement was also discussed for direct centre launch into MMF, as a test to ensure a single mode launch at the transponder was compatible with a mode conditioning patchcord. Other Discussion points OM2 fibre model - a task 1 meeting is scheduled for 16th December next week It was agreed that Jonathan King should draft up launch and launch compliance test templates for each fibre type, including a line for a common launch for all fibre types to help structure the range of launch selections and recommendations by this study group

7 8 Dec 2004IEEE802.3aq Channel model ad hoc Task 2: Time-varying study & modal noise 7 5) Next meeting Wednesday 15th December 2004 9.30am PCT 4) Other business - no issues raised

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