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100-2 Bible Literature: 1 Samuel chapter 12~24 Course by Fred Lee 2012, 04/20.

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Presentation on theme: "100-2 Bible Literature: 1 Samuel chapter 12~24 Course by Fred Lee 2012, 04/20."— Presentation transcript:

1 100-2 Bible Literature: 1 Samuel chapter 12~24 Course by Fred Lee 2012, 04/20

2 The Beginning of the kingdom of Israel From Nomadic tribe to a Kingdom

3 Samuel The first prophet to anoint a king of Israel The anointing horn The Ark of Covenant

4 God called for Samuel by the Ark (1 Samuel 3) The menorah: made of gold, symbolizing “light to the nations” (Isaiah 42:6, etc.)

5 Saul The first king of Israel Strong but conceited Part from “Saul Attacking David” (1646) by Guercino (1591-1666)

6 War with Philistines a Jonathan and his armor-bearer attack the Philistines --- unknown artist, 1928 Phinehas

7 David the Shepherd David, the 2 nd king of Israel Left: Church window in Fringford, UK Right: “David” (1501~04) by Michelangelo (1475~1564)

8 David and Jonathan Jonathan was Saul’s son who helped David fight a against the old king. “David and Jonathan” by Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano (1459 – 1517)

9 The Fall of Saul Saul’s calling Samuel from the underworld. " Ghost of Samuel appearing to Saul" William Blake - c1800

10 David became the king of Israel /wiki/David_and_Jon athan "Jonathan Embraces David" from "Historiae Celebriores Veteris Testamenti Iconibus Representatae" by Caspar Luiken published 1712 JonathanDavid1712

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