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© 2010 by the Oregon Reading First Center Center on Teaching and Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2010 by the Oregon Reading First Center Center on Teaching and Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2010 by the Oregon Reading First Center Center on Teaching and Learning

2 T OPICS ODE funding updates Future Professional Development opportunities Project-level and School Level Data and Upcoming Deliverables Due Dates Where do we go from here?

3 F UNDING UPDATES FROM ODE When do ALL school/district Reading First funds need to be spent? Can a school pay for services up front using RF funds, like having Jo Robinson come to their school, but physically have Jo come in October? Who is the RF contact person at ODE? September 30, 2010 No Julie Anderson- Remember DTLs should be the ones to contact ODE

4 August 17-20: Oregon Reading First Summer Institute October 26-27: CTL Research to Practice Conference July 29-September 23: ODE K-12 Literacy Framework Professional Development Opportunities through ESDs Other PD: July 12-15: DIBELS Next Training Institute-Eugene, OR July 17-21: US Department of Education Reading Institute- Anaheim, California July 25-29: National DI Conference-Eugene, OR U PCOMING PD O PPORTUNITIES





9 S CHOOL AND D ISTRICT D ELIVERABLES DeliverableCohort BDue Date Teacher Commitment document from new staff members October 1, 2009 Fall-Winter Instructional Focus Group Plans *Required for RC Supported Schools October 23, 2009 Literacy Plan Updates (based on RC feedback) October 23, 2009 Action Plan Update & New Actions February 12, 2010 Winter-Spring Instructional Focus Group Plans *Required for RC Supported Schools February 12, 2010 Winter Data-Based Leadership Plans February 26, 2010 Action Plan Updates June 18, 2010 2010-2011 Action Plan June 18, 2010 Literacy Plan Updates / Revisions June 18, 2010 Spring Data-Based Leadership Plans-District and Principal June 18,2010

10 W HERE DO WE GO FROM HERE ? Next Week: Deni will send Project and School Level % at Benchmark and Adequate Progress data This Summer Deni will send Teleform Data School Reports RCs will provide feedback on 2010-2011 Action Plans, Literacy Plans, and Data-based Leadership Plans RCs and the ORFC Center will be available for phone and technical support through September 30, 2010 We’ll see you all at the ORF Summer Institute! And Beyond The ORFC website will continue to be part of the CTL website- The ORFC is working with the CTL Research Group to publish papers on topics relating to ORF School data, Implementation, and Tools that have been created. The CTL PD Group has been hired by ODE to develop a collection of online resources to support implementation of the Framework in Oregon schools The CTL PD Group will also expand on the above work and provide additional online resources for schools/districts across the country

11 “We are not where we want to be. We are not where we are going to be. But we are not where we were.” Rosa Parks Moving forward

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