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SHARAD radar sounder for the MRO Mission SHARAD TL – R. Seu SHARAD TL Deputy – G. Alberti SHARAD US Deputy – R. Phillips SHARAD Ops Team – S. Mattei, M.

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Presentation on theme: "SHARAD radar sounder for the MRO Mission SHARAD TL – R. Seu SHARAD TL Deputy – G. Alberti SHARAD US Deputy – R. Phillips SHARAD Ops Team – S. Mattei, M."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHARAD radar sounder for the MRO Mission SHARAD TL – R. Seu SHARAD TL Deputy – G. Alberti SHARAD US Deputy – R. Phillips SHARAD Ops Team – S. Mattei, M. Cutigni, A. Valle, L. Travaglini. M. Mastrogiuseppe SHARAD Italian Co-I – R. Orosei, L. Marinangeli, E. Pettinelli, A. Frigeri SHARAD Status and Metrics JMSSTM 18-20 April 2012

2 Instrument –Safing Event –Health Status Operations –Status –Data Products –Metrics and Coverage Status –SHOC move Presentation Overview

3 Safing Events MRO safed on Nov. 06, 2011 and exited the safe mode on Nov. 09, 2011 SHARAD exited the SAFE mode on DOY313 (Nov. 09) @17:55:55 UTC. Post-safing first observation was nominally acquired on 2011-315@20:25:32 UTC(central time) SHARAD lost 31observations on RM131a o MRO SAFE EVENT o SHARAD SAFE EVENT SHARAD safed on Dec. 06, 2011 (DOY340 T:01:56:45) and exited the safe mode on Dec. 07 (DOY341 T:23:27:01). Post-safing first observation was nominally acquired on 2011-342 @00:36:27 UTC (central time) SHARAD lost 23 observations

4 SHARAD Health Status EMI MRO Safe (1.93 dB noise shift) MRO CMIC Safe (no noise shift) Solar Conjuction (1.97 dB noise shift) EMI SHARAD Noise Level Time slot –Orbits range: 1689 – 26173 –Time period: Dec. 30, 2006 – Feb. 05, 2012

5 A fourth period of unusually high EMI in SHARAD data appeared in the noise level graph An increase of 2.6 dB in the noise average level has been recorded No effects on SHARAD performances SHARAD Health Status

6 Jan. 23 2012 Jan. 27 2012 Mar. 05,07,09 2012 2012 Solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) effect on SHARAD -Time slot: Jan, 1, 2012 – Mar 11 2012 -SHARAD RDR mean SNR -Coronal Mass Ejections events SHARAD Health Status

7 SHOC Operations Status All operation tasks performed timely without major problems Coordination with SHARAD Science Team with no issue SHOC hw and sw upgraded through PROC  Data storage disks Operative environment: SHOC storage size 21,5 TB (51% used, 49% available) Test environement: SHOC storage size is 250 GB (40% used, 60% available)  New tools available for data processing, visualization, comparison and search Level 2 processor PROC Visualization Tool Web Portal

8 SHOC Operations Metrics Uplink –IO and NIO Planning performed on a regular basis NIO: last planned session is RM141_b IO: last planned session is RM142 SHARAD nominal de-conflicting guidelines applied since RM129 Non-comm windows for SHR rolled targeting applied since RM142 –Commanding performed on a regular basis each week with the last SPICE received OST/PT command files generated nominally since RM141_b Downlink –Data processing L1A processed up to RM139-b L1B processed up to RM139-b -Data delivery Periodic Data Delivery up to RM124-a

9 SHARAD Rolled Targeting 4 non-comm windows applied from RM087 to RM112 Back to non comm-windows starting from RM142 IOs rolled observations during MRO occultation periods scheduled from RM094 to RM112 Back to MRO occultation periods rolled observations scheduling starting from RM142 IO new MCS guidelines and SHARAD 16 large rolls applied since RM119

10 SA parkings for SHARAD MRO Project suspended parking the SAs for SHARAD in response to anomalous behavior of the +X Solar Array outer gimbal of the S/C starting from RM140b −Suspending the SA parking has caused an issue with S/C momentum management, so an absolute roll limits of +/-25º has been instituted starting from RM140b Following the investigation of the +X Solar Array Outer Gimbal anomaly, it was approved to reinstate the SHARAD Solar Array Parking as soon as possible SA parking in the SHARAD position: SNR improvement up to 3 dB

11 SHOC Operations - Data Delivery PDS Data Delivery #20  Delivery expiring date: Mar. 1, 2012  Mission months boundaries: 54 – 55 – 56  Time boundaries: May 08, 2011 – 07 Aug. 2011  Orbit Range: 22401 – 235817  Number of observations:507 (11 observation lost due to a SHARAD safe event)

12  PDS Data Delivery #21 –Delivery expiring date: Jun. 1, 2012 –Mission months boundaries: 57 – 58 – 59 –Time boundaries: Aug. 08, 2011 – Nov. 07, 2011 –Orbit Range: 23582 – 24761 –Number of observations: 423 (63 observation lost due to two MRO safe events) –Level 1A & Level 1B Data already processed (ready for delivery)  PDS Data Delivery #22 –Delivery expiring date: Sept. 1, 2012 –Mission months boundaries: 60 – 61 – 62 –Time boundaries: Nov. 08, 2011 – Feb. 07, 2012 –Orbit Range: 24762 – 25942 –Number of observations: 700 (23 observation lost due to a SHARAD safe events) –Level 1A & Level 1B Data already processed (ready for delivery) SHOC Operations - Data Delivery

13 New Data Products With the end of PROC activities, the final version of SHARAD Level2 Processor is now available L2 data products are compliant with PDS standard Data provided –Multi-looked data (increased radiometric resolution, lower spatial resolution –Simulated data –Ancillary data (Sub SpaceCraft East Longitude, Sub SpaceCraft Planetocentric Latitude, Solar Zenith Angle, Altitude, ReceiveWindowPosition, Altimetric Profile, Doppler Centroid, Ionospheric Delay, SNR.) L2 data products could be delivered to PDS node if agreed

14 Example of L2 data products (orbit 17522) New Data Products L1B data L2 multilooked data L2 simulated data

15 Example of L2 data products ancillary information (orbit 17522) New Products SpaceCraft Altitude Lat - Lon ReceiveWindowPosition Doppler Centroid Ionospheric Delay SNR

16 Observation Metrics SHARAD acquired a total of 11421 science observations up to April 15, 2012 (RM142_a) –5567 observation during PSP –2393 observations during ESP –3461 observations during EM1 SHARAD Operation Center received ~2.49 TB of raw data up to April 15, 2012 (RM142_a) –~1.21 TB during PSP –~0.59 TB during ESP –~0.69 TB during EM1 A total of ~6.79 TB of EDR + RDR products have been generated up to Marc. 24, 2012 (RM140_b) 18484 EDR + RDR Products (about 5.895 TB) delivered to PDS Node covering an acquisition period up to Aug. 07, 2011 (RM124-a)

17 Observation Metrics SHARAD observations over time (whole RDR data set)

18 Observation Metrics SHARAD observations over time (rolled targets RDR data set)

19 SHARAD Coverage map Ground Track Coverage up to Mar. 11, 2012 (observation 26352_01 – RM139_b)

20 SHARAD Coverage map North Pole Ground Track Coverage Mar. 11, 2012 (observation 26352_01– RM139_b) South Pole Ground Track Coverage Mar. 11, 2012 (observation 26352_01– RM139_b)

21 SHARAD Rolled Coverage map Ground Track Coverage up to Mar. 11, 2012 (observation 26352_01 – RM139_b) 541 rolled observations (mean roll angle > 15°) 207 rolled acquired up to Dec. 2010 (black lines) 334 rolled acquired from the beginning of 2011 to Mar, 11, 2012 (white lines)

22 SHARAD Rolled Coverage map North Pole Ground Track Coverage  127 rolled Black: up to Dec. 2010  48 White: from Jan,1 2011 to Mar, 11 2012  79 South Pole Ground Track Coverage  81 rolled Black: Up to Dec. 2010  13 White: from Jan, 1 2011 to Mar, 11 2012  68

23 SHARAD Rolled Coverage map Compared to rolled observations before the 2011 solar conjuction, SHARAD rolled targeting increased of 161%, from BGS113_a to BGS_139b (334 rolled observations) North Pole:  Increase 165%, from BGS113_a to BGS_139b (79 rolled observations) South Pole:  Increase 523%, from BGS113_a to BGS_139b (68 rolled observations)

24 SHARAD Aeral Coverage map Surface Coverage up to Mar. 11, 2012 (observation 26352_01 – RM139_b) Coverage Perc.  45% North Pole [75°< Lat < 88°]  79% South Pole [-88°>Lat> 88°]  69%

25 SHARAD Dielectric Constant Map Dielectric Constant of Mars Surface has been estimated from SHARAD data -Orbit range: 1689 - 25095

26 SHOC Move ASI established to move SHOC (along with the other operation centers – PROC – MOC – CPAD) to ASI Geodesy Center located in Matera −A transfer plan is already in place −ASI infomed us that the goal is to move the center by the end of April - to be confirmed −Moving date depends on lots of factors (activation of new IP addresses, reconfiguration of the center under the Italian Academic and Research Network – GARR, contract activations, …) Timeline and arrangement −1 month (nominal condition) to 3 months (worst condition) for moving and re-open the center −No operations during moving period −Operations activities to be executed once SHOC is re-opened via remote connection

27 SHOC Move SHARAD to be powered off during SHOC moving period −No observations for a long time (1 to 3 months) −In the very worst case it might just precede the SHARAD power-off period for MSL (scheduled on Aug.) lengthening it’s inactivity ASI is willing to minimize impacts on SHARAD out-of-service period as much as possible

28 End

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