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Aberdeenshire Signposting Project. Project launched June 2004 2004 2013…….

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1 Aberdeenshire Signposting Project

2 Project launched June 2004 2004 2013…….

3 Set up in 2004 through funding from the Choose Life Initiative ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT Providing a service within a primary care setting to help prevent deterioration in vulnerable clients’ well being and mental health Working with clients over the age of 16 who have developed or are at risk of developing mild to moderate mental health problems

4 Clients can be affected by a range of issues including (but not exclusively) financial problems, locational and social isolation, bereavement, family breakdown and many others ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT Service delivered in GP surgeries throughout Aberdeenshire with referrals coming from primary care staff (GPs, HVs and practice nurses Service delivered by volunteer Signposters recruited from local areas Referrals now also taken from other statutory and 3 rd sector organisations, such as OTs and Care Management Teams as well as self- referrals

5 Project works by assisting clients in: ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT Finding and accessing sources of advice, help and support for the issues affecting their wellbeing Finding and making contact with local clubs, societies and sources of social contact to encourage and enhance motivation, independence and community engagement Finding and making contact with other like minded people to provide companionship/ friendship, helping to reduce social isolation

6 Other aspects: ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT Project collates and maintains a database of national, regional, local and hyper local sources of support, advice, activity etc Identifies gaps in services and reports back to various sources Works with other organisations to fill gaps identified Identifying trends/ clusters in referral issues and working to provide tailored local solutions to same

7 Aberdeenshire Signposting Project Trend emerges in enquiries from potential referrers 2010 2004 2013…….

8 Enquiry Trend 1 ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT In 2010 project receives several queries from potential referrers in Aberdeenshire who have clients suffering from PND (post natal depression) and who are struggling to access support. No specific source of support exists in Aberdeenshire at that time, so decision is taken to source funds to set up support project. Funding bid to LTCAS (now the Alliance) is successful and PND Support Project is launched in late 2010. PND project is now a national project with an international profile, has provided direct long term support to over 160 families and has achieved over 3 million ‘hits’ across the 3 websites run by the project. Current funding for PND Project expires on 28 th February 2013.

9 Aberdeenshire Signposting Project PND Project awarded funding by LTCAS 2010 2004 2013…….

10 Aberdeenshire Signposting Project Trend emerges in clients seen by Signposters 2010/11 2004 2013…….

11 Enquiry Trend 2 ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT In 2011 project identifies trend in demographic of clients being referred. Majority of clients aged over 55 with complex issues needing specific support Decision is taken to source funds to develop service for working with older people. Funding bid to Aberdeenshire Change Fund is successful and project begins working in a more in depth way with older people Work with older people is very successful and project is now able to provide longer term, more in depth support to clients.

12 Aberdeenshire Signposting Project Change Fund bid awarded- working with older isolated people 2011 2004 2013…….

13 Enquiry Trend 3 ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT In 2012 cluster of older clients in identical circumstances identified. Decision is taken to source funds to develop specific service to work with older people to reduce social isolation and assist them in making friends/ building relationships with like minded people. Funding bid to Aberdeenshire Change Fund is successful and project begins working in a more in depth way with older people Out and About project begins pilot in Central Aberdeenshire in October 2012. Now has 7 active clients and referrals are building. Project’s parallel aim is to encourage older isolated people to remain active and engaged for longer.

14 Aberdeenshire Signposting Project Change Fund bid awarded- Out and About Project 2012 2004 2013…….

15 Discussion ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT BARRIERS What would you imagine to be the main barriers for referrers in delivering the project?

16 Lack of referral- why? ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT BARRIERS Some of the barriers that we have encountered are: Lack of understanding of project- why? Hostility- why? Lack of services to refer to- why? Local transport issues- getting clients to services Volunteer recruitment- why?

17 Discussion ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES What would you imagine to be the main successes and benefits of the project?

18 Positive client and referrer feedback ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES Some of the successes that we have achieved are:

19 It is very difficult for GPs to keep up to date with the wide range of facilities in the community. The Signposter service is a very valuable resource in giving patients the time to explain and discuss their needs and then putting them in touch with appropriate services. We should be raising the profile of the signposting service and encouraging GPs to refer patients more often. - Dr. David Hood- GP Inverurie Medical Group (Participating Practice since 2004) ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT

20 Just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for your recent help in supporting our patients to find and access activities in the local community. One of the most challenging and time consuming aspects of community rehabilitation is finding opportunities that are appropriate to the patient's current abilities and stage in the rehabilitation process. Working in partnership with the Signposting Service to identify such opportunities has been invaluable. Your timely input has contributed greatly to their progress and to the success of our treatment plans. Looking forward to working with you again in the future! Shona Campbell Occupational Therapist ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT

21 Pre Signposting 2nd April 2012: “I can’t take the pain anymore, I never go anywhere or see anyone.” ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES Client feedback:CLIENT A Post Signposting 19th April 2012: “I am so happy, people are helping me and for an hour, I felt no pain, I didn’t think it was possible. I will doing things in the next few weeks that mean I get to talk to other people face to face. Thank you so much, I had no idea that people would actually care, I always felt like I was just a burden before.” 8 Week Review 14th June 2012: “I am so busy I have to tell people I can’t do things, honestly, I never ever thought I would live my life again like this I thought it was over. I have gone from being an isolated wreck back to the social person I used to be. I had forgotten how caring people could be, everyone I have met has been so helpful I have missed out on so much over the years. Thank you so much, there are no words to thank you for what you’ve done for me.”

22 Pre Signposting 22nd Feb 2012: “I want to look forward to more than going to bed at night, this isn’t living – I’ve been dumped here and now I’m just existing.” ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES Client feedback:CLIENT B Post Signposting 20th April 2012: “I had no idea these things were out there, my mobility is very slowly improving now I’m not stuck in a chair and I can look forward to living again! You will keep looking for more things won’t you?”

23 ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES Some of the successes that we have achieved are: Evidence gathering and it’s impact





28 ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES Some of the successes that we have achieved are: Encouraging community engagement

29 ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES In 2011-2012 the Signposting project referred clients to the following organisations and groups:

30 ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES In 2011-2012 the Signposting project referred clients to the following organisations and groups: * Denotes multiple referrals to one organisation or to multiple offices within same organisation

31 ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES Some of the successes that we have achieved are: Potential for growth/ development The ability to recognise need, evidence and seek funding for previously lacking projects and services

32 ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT SUCCESSES Some of the successes that we have achieved are: Contribution to local solution based discussion/ development

33 Discussion ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT BENEFITS TO CLIENTS What would you imagine to be the main benefits to clients referred to the project?

34 Benefits to clients: ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT Being encouraged to be pro-active and tackle the issues in their lives which are causing or exacerbating their low mood/ mental health issues Fostering a sense of independence and encouraging clients to make decisions and take control of the issues causing them concern Increasing engagement within local communities and with statutory bodies and 3 rd sector organisations Increased mental wellbeing, increased confidence, less dependence on primary care sector Clients are more likely to make and retain contact when referred via Signposting project as they are less likely to have to seek help from multiple sources before finding the correct source of help, reducing the likelihood of discouragement

35 Discussion ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT BENEFITS TO REFERRERS What would you imagine to be the main benefits to referrers referring clients to the project?

36 Benefits to referrers: ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT Less reliance on frequent appointments/ interventions to offer support/ reassurance Increased mood and wellbeing leading to better general health Clients receiving tailored, specific support for issues with which the referrer can only provide a listening ear, but cannot offer practical solutions themselves Clients becoming more resourceful and self- assured, feeling more confident in taking decisions for themselves

37 Discussion ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT BENEFITS TO REFERRERED TO ORGANISATIONS What would you imagine to be the main benefits to organisations to whom the project refers clients?

38 Benefits to referred to organisations: ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT Appropriate referral- clients are offered targeted referral reducing the likelihood of organisations receiving inappropriate referrals. Increased footfall and capacity for referred to organisations- helping to build community capacity. Referred to organisations are better prepared to work with clients after having clearer details of issues and a better knowledge of the clients’ needs and expectations after speaking to Signposter. Organisations have the opportunity to work with the Signposting project to help them evidence need for new projects and services.

39 Discussion ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT FUTURE CHALLENGES What would you imagine to be the main challenges the project might face in the future?

40 Sustainability- transference to long term funding/ status of project ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT FUTURE CHALLENGES Some of the future challenges that we foresee are : Capacity- managing increasing client levels Increasing client needs with growing elderly population Restriction/ diminishment of available 3 rd Sector orgs to refer into due to funding constraints and cut backs

41 How, as a 3 rd sector org do we translate anecdotal, qualitative evidence into real terms quantitative cost savings evidence? How do we calculate the long term savings which might occur for each client referred into the project in terms of : ABERDEENSHIRE SIGNPOSTING PROJECT FUTURE CHALLENGES Our main future challenge at present: Savings to Primary Care via reduction in number of appointments, prescriptions etc Savings to Statutory Sector via delay in clients who remain active and engaged entering the care management system etc What are the cost benefits of having an ageing population who remain active, engaged and independent for longer


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