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Narrative Introductions Grab your reader’s attention!

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative Introductions Grab your reader’s attention!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative Introductions Grab your reader’s attention!

2 S Setting/Snapshot C Character Description A Action/Noise R Reflection/Thinking E Emotion D Dialogue/Talking

3 S create a picture of the setting in the reader’s mind C A R E D

4 S C create a picture of an important character in the reader’s mind A R E D

5 S create a picture of the setting in the reader’s mind C create a picture of an important character in the reader’s mind A start with something interesting happening – or a sound R E D

6 S create a picture of the setting in the reader’s mind C create a picture of an important character in the reader’s mind A start with something interesting happening – or a sound R start with an interesting thought inside your mind E D

7 S create a picture of the setting in the reader’s mind C create a picture of an important character A start with something interesting happening – or a sound R start with an interesting thought inside your mind E create a picture of the strongest emotion you were feeling D

8 S create a picture of the setting in the reader’s mind C create a picture of an important character in the reader’s mind A start with something interesting happening – or a sound R start with an interesting thought inside your mind E create a picture of the strongest emotion you were feeling D start with interesting dialogue

9 S: Setting/Snapshot – create a picture of the setting in the reader’s mind It was a dark and stormy night. In her attic bedroom Margaret Murry, wrapped in an old patchwork quilt, sat on the foot of her bed and watched the trees tossing in the frenzied lashing of the wind. from: ~A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

10 C: Character Description – create a picture of an important character in the reader’s mind …Even though I’m a big dude with a face like the moon and ears that stick out like radar scoops and humongous feet like the abdominal snowman… from: Max the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick

11 A: Action - start with something interesting happening – or a sound I disappeared on the night before my twelfth birthday. July 28, 1988. from: Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo

12 R: Reflection/Thinking - start an interesting thought inside a character’s mind He did not want to be a wringer. This was one of the first things he learned about himself. from: Wringer by Jerry Spinelli

13 E: Emotion – create a picture of the strongest emotion you were feeling You were supposed to wake up from nightmares. That’s what Nina kept telling herself as she cowered on the floor of her concrete cell. from Among the Betrayed by Margaret Peterson Haddix

14 D: Dialogue/Talking - start with interesting dialogue “Hey, Killer! How’s your boyfriend?” from: Juliet Dove, Queen of Love by Bruce Coville

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