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Lesson 3 Music Around Us By Chung, Sue-Eun By Chung, Sue-Eun.

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1 Lesson 3 Music Around Us By Chung, Sue-Eun By Chung, Sue-Eun

2 Music Around Us Do you enjoy listening to music? What kind of music do you like? Classical Music Hip hop Music Ballad Music R&B Music Jazz Music

3 Q. When do we sing…? 1> We hum as we walk along the street. 2> We sing when we are happy. 3> Some people sing as they work. 4> Mothers sing to their babies. Q. When do YOU sing?

4 We have all been hearing music ever since we were born. Music is always around us. Q. Do you agree?


6 Television & Radio When we are watching a movie or a television drama, we often hear music. Music can make … An exciting story A sad one A happy one even happier more exciting sadder

7 The Sound of Nature Nature itself is filled with music ! Q. What are the sounds we here from the nature itself? ______, ______, and _____ make a kind of music. So does the ____. In the city, ________ hum on the street Birdsrainwind sea bus tires

8 Composers enjoy the sound of nature, too. Have you ever thought that a bee buzzing around is making music? => A Famous composer thought so, and he made a bee’s buzzing into lovely music for the violin. “The Fight of the Bumble Bee”

9 “The Four Seasons” ______________, an Italian ________, wrote “ The Four Season ” for ________. In it we can hear ________ sounds for each of the different _________ Antonio Vivaldi orchestr a compose r nature’s seasons

10 We here bees _________, water ________, and soft winds _______. “Spring” “Summer” “Autumn” “Winter” “The Four Seasons” humming running blowing harvest merry skating breaking ice birds rain We can here the song of ____ and the sound of ____. We here the happy sounds of a _______. There is a ___________ party, and we here the sounds of ___________.

11 Who is he? He is one of the greatest composers. He wrote nine great symphonies. Ludwig van Beethovan

12 “The Sixth Symphony”, Nine Great Symphonies - Ludwig van Beethoven = music about ______ and life of _______ _______. “The Pastoral Symphony” countrypeoplecountry famous thunderstorm

13 Q. Did Beethoven and other composers just imitate the sounds they heard? It tells us something ! the quiet and peaceful life in the country the loud storms the happy feelings of the people when the storm is over.

14 How are we different from the people in Beethoven’s time and place? Different language Different lives !!! Yet, as we listen to his music, we can understand his feelings about the country and its people.

15 Beethoven’s Music * We have our ____ feelings about the country and its people that his music calls up on us. * We can understand his ________ about the _______ and its ________. Feelings countrypeople own

16 “Music” Music can ______ to us from many ______ and across many ______. landsyears speak

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