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Waste Management in the Care Home Dawn Cadby – Corporate Waste Reduction Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Waste Management in the Care Home Dawn Cadby – Corporate Waste Reduction Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waste Management in the Care Home Dawn Cadby – Corporate Waste Reduction Officer

2 Overview Introduction The problem with waste Types of waste from SCC care homes What is SCC doing in care homes to manage waste more effectively Offensive/clinical waste Colour coding Definitions How to do dispose of correctly Paper work

3 Introduction Suffolk County Council Corporate Waste Reduction Officer Corporate Priority – To be the Greenest County SCC operate 16 residential care homes 526 occupants in total 38 beds for intermediate care Majority are older people Significant proportion are people with dementia Each home manages their own budget

4 What's the problem with waste? We need to divert waste from landfill Strain on resources Landfill restrictions Targets for the diversion of household waste Corporate/personal responsibility

5 The Waste Hierarchy

6 Waste management in Suffolk Suffolk Waste Partnership consists of SCC and the district & borough Councils WCA’s – Babergh District Council Mid Suffolk District Council Ipswich Borough Council Waveney District Council Suffolk Coastal District Council St Edmundsbury Borough Council Forest Heath District Council WDA – Suffolk County Council

7 Waste from care homes Care home waste is household waste Schedule 2 waste – Household waste for which a charge for collection can be made Care homes produce waste such as; Paper, card, plastic, cans, textiles, glass Food waste Offensive/Clinical waste Furniture Electrical Some hazardous waste

8 What are we doing in SCC care homes? Dry Recycling Introducing a separate collection for paper, cardboard, cans, tins, plastic. Mainly collected by local district/borough councils

9 Composting Composting of food waste on site – closed loop recycling, using the compost on gardens, fruit & veg patches etc.

10 Offensive & Clinical Waste

11 Colour Coding Yellow + Black stripe/s (tiger bags) – Offensive waste; landfill Yellow – Hazardous waste; requires incineration Orange – Hazardous waste; Must be ‘treated’ Purple – Cytotoxic/cytostatic waste; requires incineration Black – Domestic waste; landfill

12 Offensive Waste Offensive waste is non-infectious waste which is unpleasant and may cause offense to those who come into contact with it. It includes Outer dressings and protective clothing e.g. masks, gowns and gloves that are not contaminated with body fluids Hygiene waste and sanitary protection e.g. nappies and incontinence pads Autoclaved laboratory waste (

13 Offensive Waste This waste should be placed in ‘tiger bags’ Yellow + Black stripe/s Offensive waste must not be placed in a clinical waste container or a black refuse sack

14 Clinical/Infectious Waste Clinical waste can be hazardous to anyone who comes into contact with it. Clinical waste may contain: human or animal tissue blood or other body fluids excretions drugs or other pharmaceutical products used swabs or dressings used syringes, needles or other sharp instruments Clinical waste also includes any other waste that could pose a risk of infection and may be produced by: medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, pharmaceutical or similar practices investigation, treatment, care, teaching or research collecting blood for transfusion Clinical waste can be a health risk to anyone who comes into contact with it. It can be treated to be made safe. (

15 Clinical waste Clinical waste should be placed in Yellow or Orange bags Or Contact your contractor to advise them of the waste that you have and they will advise you on collection method/s. They should supply you with a secure bin to place clinical waste sacks

16 How do I know if the waste is infectious or not? A Risk assessment will enable you to determine whether the waste is infectious and therefore how it needs to be treated It should be based on the professional assessment, clinical signs and symptoms and any prior knowledge of the patient Waste Assessment: DoH Environment & Sustainability Health Technical Memorandum 07-01: Safe Management of Healthcare Waste – Appendix E

17 Because clinical waste is classed as hazardous waste you may need to register your premises with the EA as a Hazardous Waste Producer if you; Produce more than 500kg of hazardous waste per year Hazardous waste includes; Clinical waste asbestos chemical wastes printer toner electrical equipment containing hazardous components such as cathode ray tubes or lead solder, e.g. computer monitors, televisions fluorescent light tubes, e.g. energy-saving light bulbs lead-acid batteries oils, including oily sludge's (this does not include cooking oil) pesticides solvents, e.g. aerosols.

18 Hazardous Waste 500kg = x 45 Or 500kg = x 83

19 For all wastes Ensure it is stored and transported in suitable containers. Regularly check that storage containers are intact and that there is no risk of pollution. Label containers adequately and securely with the name of the producer and source of the clinical waste Ensure all your waste is collected by a registered waste carrier or someone who can demonstrate they are exempt from registration to transport your clinical waste Ensure that you have the correct paperwork when the waste is transferred, a Waste Transfer Note (WTN) is required for all waste Clinical/hazardous waste requires a Consignment Note (if this is the case a WTN is not required)

20 Further information My contact details Dawn Cadby – Corporate Waste Reduction Officer 01473 264447

21 Local Authority Contacts for Clinical waste collections Babergh District Council0845 606 6045 Mid Suffolk District Council 0845 606 6067 Ipswich Borough Council01473 433 090 Waveney District Council01502 562 111 Suffolk Coastal District Council 01394 444 000 St Edmundsbury Borough Council01284 757 320 Forest Heath District Council01638 719 284

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