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Published byAgnes French Modified over 8 years ago
第一版 Rubric( 從前陳執行長 ) 去年六月挑選幾個科目做,非常費事。 去年九月向系上同仁宣告每個科目都要做 Rubric 去年十月向陳執行長請教 : 經院長與周副等決定 整個 Program 做 assessment
Goal U3: Students will be able to identify and solve problems. ( 大學部 ) Objectives U3.1: Students will be able to clearly identify the problem, find alternative solutions and evaluate feasible solutions to solve the problem. Problem Solving Ability Rubric Below ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Define problem Demonstrates a limited ability in identifying a problem statement or related contextual factors. Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed. Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors. Identify strategies Identifies one or more approaches for solving the problem that do not apply within a specific context. Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem, only some of which apply within a specific context. Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem that apply within a specific context. Propose solutions/hypotheses Proposes a solution/hypothesis that is difficult to evaluate because it is vague or only indirectly addresses the problem statement. Proposes one or more solutions/hypotheses that indicates comprehension of the problem. Solutions/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as the one of the following: ethical, logical, or cultural dimensions of the problem. Proposes one or more solutions/hypotheses that indicates a deep comprehension of the problem. Solution/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as all of the following: ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem. Evaluate potential solutions Evaluation of solutions is superficial (for example, contains cursory, surface level explanation) and includes the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution and weighs impacts of solution. Evaluation of solutions is adequate (for example contains horough explanation) and includes the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution and weighs impacts of solution. Evaluation of solutions is deep and elegant (for example contains thorough and insightful explanation) includes, deeply and thoroughly, all of the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution and weighs impacts of solution. Implement Solution Implements the solution in a manner that does not directly address the problem statement. Implements the solution in a manner that addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem in a surface manner. Implements the solution in a manner that addresses thoroughly and deeply multiple contextual factors of the problem. Evaluate outcomes Reviews results superficially in terms of the problem defined with no consideration of need for further work Reviews results relative to the problem defined with some consideration of need for further work. Reviews results relative to the problem defined with thorough, specific considerations of need for further work.
Goal U4:Each student will be an effective communicator. Objectives U4.1:Students will demonstrate appropriate written and oral communication skills in academic activities. Oral Communication TraitBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Organization 有組 織 Organizational pattern (specificintroduction and conclusion, sequencedmaterial within the body, and transitions) is not observable within the presentation. Organizational pattern (specificintroductionand conclusion, sequencedmaterial within the body, and transitions)is clearly and consistently observablewithin the presentation. Organizational pattern (specificintroduction and conclusion, sequencedmaterial within the body, and transitions)is clearly and consistently observable andis skillful and makes the content of thepresentation cohesive. Language 恰當的語彙 Language choices are unclear andminimally support the effectiveness of thepresentation. Language in presentation isnot appropriate to audience. Language choices are thoughtful andgenerally support the effectiveness of the presentation. Language in presentation isappropriate to audience. Language choices are imaginative,memorable and compelling and enhancethe effectiveness of the presentation.Language in presentation is appropriate toaudience. Delivery 表達的技巧 Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eyecontact, and vocal expressiveness) detractfrom the understandability of thepresentation, and speaker appearsuncomfortable. Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eyecontact, and vocal expressiveness) makethe presentation interesting, and speakerappears comfortable. Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eyecontact, and vocal expressiveness) makethe presentation compelling, and speakerappears polished and confident. Supporting Material 支持的物 件 Insufficient supporting materials(explanations, examples, illustrations,statistics, analogies, quotations fromrelevant authorities) make reference toinformation or analysis which minimallysupports the presentation or establishesthe presenter's credibility/authority on thetopic. Supporting materials (explanations,examples, illustrations, statistics, analogies,quotations from relevant authorities) makeappropriate reference to information oranalysis which generally supports thepresentation or establishes the presenter'scredibility/authority on the topic. A variety of types of supporting materials(explanations, examples, illustrations,statistics, analogies, quotations fromrelevant authorities) make appropriatereference to information or analysis whichsignificantly supports the presentation orestablishes the presenter'scredibility/authority on the topic. Central Message 核 心訊息 Central message can be deduced, but is not explicitly stated in the presentation. Central message is clear and consistent with the supporting material. Central message is compelling (precisely stated, appropriately repeated, memorable, and strongly supported.)
Written Communication
Goal U5: Student will understand business ethics and social responsibility. Objectives U5.1: Student will understand business ethics and social responsibility, and their effects on corporate decision and public benefits. Ethic Rubric TraitBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Ethical Self-Awareness Student states either their core beliefs or articulates the origins of the core beliefs but not both. Student discusses in detail/analyzes both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs. Student discusses in detail/analyzes both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs and discussion has greater depth and clarity Understanding Different Ethical Perspectives/Concepts Student only names the major theory she/he uses. Student can name the major theory or theories she/he uses, can present the gist of said theory or theories, and attempts to explain the details of the theory or theories used, but has some inaccuracies. Student names the theory or theories, can present the gist of said theory or theories, and accurately explains the details of the theory or theories used. Ethical Issue Recognition Student can recognize basic and obvious ethical issues but fails to grasp complexity or interrelationships. Student can recognize ethical issues when issues are presented in a complex, multilayered (gray) context OR can grasp cross-relationships among the issues. Student can recognize ethical issues when presented in a complex, multilayered (gray) context AND can recognize cross-relationships among the issues. Application of Ethical Perspectives/Concepts Student can apply ethical perspectives/concepts to an ethical question with support (using examples, in a class, in a group, or a fixed-choice setting) but is unable to apply ethical perspectives/concepts independently (to a new example.). Student can independently (to a new example) apply ethical perspectives/concepts to an ethical question, accurately, but does not consider the specific implications of the application. Student can independently apply ethical perspectives/concepts to an ethical question, accurately, and is able to consider full implications of the application. Evaluation of Different Ethical Perspectives /Concepts Student states a position but cannot state the objections to and assumptions and limitations of the different perspectives/concepts. Student states a position and can state the objections to, assumptions and implications of, and respond to the objections to, assumptions and implications of different ethical perspectives/concepts, but the student's response is inadequate. Student states a position and can state the objections to, assumptions and implications of and can reasonably defend against the objections to, assumptions and implications of different ethical perspectives/concepts, and the student's defense is adequate and effective.
Goal U1: Students will possess professional knowledge of business administration. ( 研究所 ) Objectives U1.1: Students will be able to understand advanced knowledge of business administration and recognize related professional course. Professional knowledge of business administration rubric TraitBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Problem Identification Has no or a vague idea of what the problems are. Identifies at least one main problem facing the organization. Clearly identifies all pertinent problems facing the organization. Facts and Data Generation/ Collection Identifies few potentially relevant facts, collects some data on them. Identifies a number of potentially relevant facts, collects some data on them. Identifies a number of potentially relevant facts, collects extensive data on each of them. Analysis of the Data Confusing/inadequate interpretation of facts and data. Proper interpretation of facts, inadequate distinction between relevant and irrelevant data. Proper interpretation of facts and data collected, separates relevant from irrelevant data. Integration of Facts and Data Fails to apply frameworks covered in class to integrate the data and facts. Uses some frameworks covered in class to integrate the data and interpret the relevant facts. Use the most appropriate frameworks covered in class to integrate the data and interpret the relevant facts. Coming up with Alternative Solutions to the Problem Identifies some alternatives, poor articulation of their potential consequences and trade-offs. Clarifies at least two alternatives and predicts their associated consequences. Clarifies a number of alternatives and evaluates the plusses and minuses of each alternative in terms of costs and consequences. Making Recommendations Recommendations fail to address the main problems. Recommendations address the main problems but are not feasible given the current state of the organization. Recommendations address the main problems and are feasible given the current state of the organization.
Goal U2: Students will be able to identify and solve problems. ( 研究所 ) Objectives U2.1: Students will be able to clearly identify the problem, find alternative solutions and evaluate feasible solutions to solve the problem. Problem Solving Ability Rubric Below ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Define problem Demonstrates a limited ability in identifying a problem statement or related contextual factors. Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed. Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors. Identify strategies Identifies one or more approaches for solving the problem that do not apply within a specific context. Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem, only some of which apply within a specific context. Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem that apply within a specific context. Propose solutions/hypotheses Proposes a solution/hypothesis that is difficult to evaluate because it is vague or only indirectly addresses the problem statement. Proposes one or more solutions/hypotheses that indicates comprehension of the problem. Solutions/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as the one of the following: ethical, logical, or cultural dimensions of the problem. Proposes one or more solutions/hypotheses that indicates a deep comprehension of the problem. Solution/hypotheses are sensitive to contextual factors as well as all of the following: ethical, logical, and cultural dimensions of the problem. Evaluate potential solutions Evaluation of solutions is superficial (for example, contains cursory, surface level explanation) and includes the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution and weighs impacts of solution. Evaluation of solutions is adequate (for example contains horough explanation) and includes the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution and weighs impacts of solution. Evaluation of solutions is deep and elegant (for example contains thorough and insightful explanation) includes, deeply and thoroughly, all of the following: considers history of problem, reviews logic/reasoning, examines feasibility of solution and weighs impacts of solution. Implement Solution Implements the solution in a manner that does not directly address the problem statement. Implements the solution in a manner that addresses multiple contextual factors of the problem in a surface manner. Implements the solution in a manner that addresses thoroughly and deeply multiple contextual factors of the problem. Evaluate outcomes Reviews results superficially in terms of the problem defined with no consideration of need for further work Reviews results relative to the problem defined with some consideration of need for further work. Reviews results relative to the problem defined with thorough, specific considerations of need for further work.
Goal U3: Each student will be an effective communicator. ( 研究所 ) Objectives U3.1: Students will demonstrate appropriate written and oral communication skills in academic activities. Written Communication TraitBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Context of and purpose for writing Includes considerations of audience, purpose, and the circumstances surrounding the writing task(s). Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., expectation of instructor or self as audience). Demonstrates adequate consideration of context, audience, and purpose and a clear focus on the assigned task(s) (e.g., the task aligns with audience, purpose, and context). Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses all elements of the work. Content Development Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop simple ideas in some parts of the work. Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline and shape the whole work Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer's understanding, and shaping the whole work. Genre and disciplinary conventions Formal and informal rules inherent in the expectations for writing in particular forms and/or academic fields (please see glossary). Attempts to use a consistent system for basic organization and presentation Demonstrates consistent use of important conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s), including organization, content, presentation, and stylistic choices Demonstrates detailed attention to and successful execution of a wide range of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task (s) including organization, content, presentation, formatting, and stylistic choices Sources and evidence Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas in the writing. Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing. Demonstrates skillful use of high quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing Control of syntax and mechanics Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors. Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error free.
Oral communication ( 研究所 )
Goal U4: Student will understand business ethics and social responsibility. ( 研究所 ) Objectives U4.1: Student will understand business ethics and social responsibility, and their effects on corporate decision and public benefits. Ethic Rubric TraitBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Ethical Self-Awareness Student states either their core beliefs or articulates the origins of the core beliefs but not both. Student discusses in detail/analyzes both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs. Student discusses in detail/analyzes both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs and discussion has greater depth and clarity Understanding Different Ethical Perspectives/Concepts Student only names the major theory she/he uses. Student can name the major theory or theories she/he uses, can present the gist of said theory or theories, and attempts to explain the details of the theory or theories used, but has some inaccuracies. Student names the theory or theories, can present the gist of said theory or theories, and accurately explains the details of the theory or theories used. Ethical Issue Recognition Student can recognize basic and obvious ethical issues but fails to grasp complexity or interrelationships. Student can recognize ethical issues when issues are presented in a complex, multilayered (gray) context OR can grasp cross-relationships among the issues. Student can recognize ethical issues when presented in a complex, multilayered (gray) context AND can recognize cross-relationships among the issues. Application of Ethical Perspectives/Concepts Student can apply ethical perspectives/concepts to an ethical question with support (using examples, in a class, in a group, or a fixed-choice setting) but is unable to apply ethical perspectives/concepts independently (to a new example.). Student can independently (to a new example) apply ethical perspectives/concepts to an ethical question, accurately, but does not consider the specific implications of the application. Student can independently apply ethical perspectives/concepts to an ethical question, accurately, and is able to consider full implications of the application. Evaluation of Different Ethical Perspectives /Concepts Student states a position but cannot state the objections to and assumptions and limitations of the different perspectives/concepts. Student states a position and can state the objections to, assumptions and implications of, and respond to the objections to, assumptions and implications of different ethical perspectives/concepts, but the student's response is inadequate. Student states a position and can state the objections to, assumptions and implications of and can reasonably defend against the objections to, assumptions and implications of different ethical perspectives/concepts, and the student's defense is adequate and effective.
目前版 Rubric 大學部 Problem solving Rubric 簡化為四個 traits Oral communication Rubric 簡化為兩個 traits Written communication Rubric 簡化為三個 traits Ethic Rubric 研究所 專業科目,想做 Rubric 後來發現會考必修科目比較容易執行 Problem solving Rubric 與大學部相同 Communication Rubric 與大學部相同 Ethic Rubric 與大學部相同
Goal U3:Students will beable to identify and solve problems. 學生能辨認及解決問題 Objectives U3.1:Students will be able to clearly identify the problem, find alternative solutions and evaluate feasible solutions to solve the problem. 學生能清楚地辨認問題, 找出不同的解決方案, 以 及評估可行的解決方案 Problem Solving Ability Rubric ( 大學部 & 研究所 ) TraitBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Problem Identification 辨認問題 Has no or a vague idea of what the problems are. 對問題沒有概念或是只有模糊的概念 Identifies at least one main problem facing the organization. 對於企業組織所面臨的問題, 能辯認出至少一 項主要的問題 Clearly identifies all pertinent problems facing the organization. 對於企業組織所面臨的問題, 能清楚地辨識出所有 恰當的問題 Facts and Data Generation/Collection 產生 及收集事實與數據 Identifies few potentially relevant facts, collects some data on them. 辨認出少許潛在的相關事實, 並收集一些相關 資料及數據 Identifies a number of potentially relevant facts, collects some data on them. 辨認出一些潛在的 相關事實, 並收集一些相關資料及數據 Identifies a number of potentially relevant facts, collects extensive data on each of them. 辨認出一 些潛在的相關事實, 並收集豐富的相關資料及數 據 Analysis of the Data, Integration of Facts and Data 分析資料及數據, 進而 整合事實、資料與數據 Confusing/inadequate interpretation of facts and data. Fails to apply frameworks covered in class to integrate the data and facts. 對於事實、資料 及數據感到迷惑或無法提出適當的解釋,更無 法將課堂上的理論架構應用於整合事實、資料 與數據 Proper interpretation of facts, inadequate distinction between relevant and irrelevant data. Uses some frameworks covered in class to integrate the data and interpret the relevant facts. 能適當地解釋事實, 但是無法恰當地辨別 相關與不相關的資訊,應用課堂上的某些理論 架構於整合資料與數據, 並能解釋相關的事實 Proper interpretation of facts and data collected, separates relevant from irrelevant data. Use the most appropriate frameworks covered in class to integrate the data and interpret the relevant facts. 能適當地解釋事實及資訊, 也能恰當地辨別相關 與不相關的資訊。能選用課堂上最恰當的理論架 構來整合資料與數據, 並能解釋相關的事實 Coming up with Alternative Solutions to the Problem, then making recommendation. 想出不同的解決方案,給 予建議 Identifies some alternatives, poor articulation of their potential consequences and trade-offs. Recommendations fail to address the main problems. 能辨識出一些不同方案, 但是對於其可能導致 的後果及優缺點卻不清楚,提供的建議無法呈 現主要的問題 Clarifies at least two alternatives and predicts their associated consequences. Recommendations address the main problems but are not feasible given the current state of the organization. 能清楚地辨識出至少兩種解決方 案, 且能清楚地預估相關的後果,能針對主要 問題提出建議, 但對於現存的組織狀態並不可 行 Clarifies a number of alternatives and evaluates the plusses and minuses of each alternative in termsof costs and consequences. Recommendations address the main problems and are feasible given the current state of the organization. 能清楚地辨識出 數種解決方案, 且能清楚地評估各個方案可能產 生的後果及成本的優缺點,能針對主要問題提出 建議, 且對於現存的組織狀態具體可行
Goal U4: Each student will be an effective communicator. Objectives U4.1: Students will demonstrate appropriate written and oral communication skills in academic activities. Oral Communication ( 大學部 & 研究所 ) TraitBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Organization and Central Message 有 組織及具核心訊 息 Organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced material within the body, and transitions) is not observable within the presentation. Central message can be deduced, but is not explicitly stated in the presentation. 口頭報告中看不到具有組織的架構 ( 簡 介、結論、主文的順序、轉折點 ) ,核 心論點雖然可以推知,卻未能明顯地呈 現出來。 Organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced material within the body, and transitions)is clearly and consistently observable within the presentation. Central message is clear and consistent with the supporting material. 顯而易見其口頭報告具有組 織性的架構,。核心論點從頭到尾明顯地呈現, 而且提供支持性資訊來支持其核心論點。 Organizational pattern (specific introduction and conclusion, sequenced material within the body, and transitions) is clearly and consistently observable and is skillful and makes the content of the presentation cohesive. Central message is compelling (precisely stated, appropriately repeated, memorable, and strongly supported.) 顯而易見其口頭報告具有組織性的架構,而 且有技巧地將內容完整呈現。核心論點引人 注目 ( 確切地呈現,恰當地重述以至於令人記 憶深刻,而且提供支持性資訊來支持其核心 論點。 ) Language and Delivery 恰當的語彙及表 達的技巧 Language choices are unclear and minimally support the effectiveness of the presentation. Language in presentation is not appropriate to audience. Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness) detract from the understandability of the presentation, and speaker appears uncomfortable. 語彙的選擇使得報告效果模糊且無效率, 也不適合於聽眾。表達的技巧 ( 姿勢、 手勢、眼睛的接觸、以及語調 ) 降低聽 眾的理解力,報告者本身顯得不自在。 Language choices are thoughtful and generally support the effectiveness of the presentation. Language in presentation is appropriate to audience. Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness) make the presentation interesting, and speaker appears comfortable. 語彙的選擇周到能有效達成報告效 果,也適合於聽眾。表達的技巧令人感到有趣, 報告者本身顯得自在。 Language choices are imaginative, memorable and compelling and enhance the effectiveness of the presentation. Language in presentation is appropriate to audience. Delivery techniques (posture, gesture, eye contact, and vocal expressiveness) make the presentation compelling, and speaker appears polished and confident. 語彙的選擇具有想像力、令人記憶 深刻而且引人注目,也適合於聽眾。表達的 技巧引人注目,報告者本身顯得經過洗鍊而 且自信。
Goal U4: Each student will be an effective communicator. Objectives U4.1: Students will demonstrate appropriate written and oral communication skills in academic activities. Written Communication ( 大學部 & 研究所 ) TraitBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation Context of and purpose for writing 寫作的背景及目的 Includes considerations of audience, purpose, and the circumstances surrounding the writing task(s). Demonstrates minimal attention to context, audience, purpose, and to the assigned tasks(s) (e.g., expectation of instructor or self as audience). 僅些微注意到寫作的背景、目的、閱聽眾以及被 指派的寫作任務 Demonstrates adequate consideration ofcontext, audience, and purpose and aclear focus on the assigned task(s) (e.g.,the task aligns with audience, purpose,and context). 對於寫作的背景、目的、閱 聽眾以及被指派的寫作任務, 具備足夠的考量 Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task(s) and focuses all elements of the work. 對於寫作的背景、目的、閱聽眾以及被指派 的寫作任務, 能完整地瞭解, 並能聚焦於所有相關 的因素 Content Development with Sources and evidence 寫作內容的 構思,輔以呈現資料來源及佐以 事實為證 Uses appropriate and relevant content to develop simple ideas in some parts of the work. Demonstrates an attempt to use sources to support ideas in the writing. 對於寫作內容的某些部份, 可 以採用適當且相關的內容來發展構想,並 嘗試以佐證資料來支持構想 Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to explore ideas within the context of the discipline and shape the whole work. Demonstrates consistent use of credible, relevant sources to support ideas that are situated within the discipline and genre of the writing. 對於整個寫作主題, 能採用適當、相關且令 人信服的內容來發展構想, 並將之完整地呈現。能 始終一致性的採用可信且相關的佐證資料來支持 構想。 Uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying the writer's understanding, and shaping the whole work. Demonstrates skillful use of high quality, credible, relevant sources to develop ideas that are appropriate for the discipline and genre of the writing. 對於整個寫作主題, 能採用 適當、相關且令人信服的內容來展現對主題的專 業, 呈現作者的瞭解深度,並將之完整地呈現。能 始終一致性的採用高品質、可信且相關的佐證資 料來支持構想。 Genre and disciplinary conventions, control of syntax and mechanics. 符合寫作常規, 其語法及技巧能控制得宜 Formal and informal rules inherent in the expectations for writing in particular forms and/or academic fields (please see glossary). Attempts to use a consistent system for basic organization and presentation. Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage. 嘗試採用一致的系統來呈現基本寫作架構, 其語彙使用錯誤而阻礙正確意義的呈現。 Demonstrates consistent use of important conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s), including organization, content, presentation, and stylistic choices. Uses straightforward language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language in the portfolio has few errors. 以特定學科的重要寫作常規, 且一致地 應用於寫作的架構、內容、描述、甚至風格的選 擇。採用恰當的語彙,能將意義直接傳達給讀者。 但是文件中還是有少許錯字。 Demonstrates detailed attention to and successful execution of a wide range of conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task(s) including organization, content, presentation, formatting, and stylistic choices. Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error free. 能成功地以特定學科的各式寫作常規, 且一致 地應用於寫作的架構、內容、描述、甚至風格的 選擇。使用優雅的語彙, 技巧地將意義清處且流利 地傳達給讀者, 也沒有任何錯誤。
Goal U5: Student will understand ethics and social responsibility. Objectives U5.1: Student will understand ethics and social responsibility, and their effects on corporate decision and public benefits. Ethic Rubric( 大學部 & 研究所 ) TraitBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation 瞭解倫理規範 Understand ethic code 無法清楚界定倫理規範 Fail to clearly define ethic code 能清楚界定倫理規範 Able to define ethic code 熟捻倫理規範 Familiar with ethic code 具備正確倫理價 值觀 Possess correct ethical values 經常不符合正確倫理價值觀 Usually mismatch with correct ethical values 經常符合正確倫理價值觀 Most of time match with correct ethical values 總是符合正確倫理價值觀 Always match with correct ethical values 運用倫理規範於 管理行動 Apply ethic code to managerial actions 無法正確運用倫理規範於管 理行動 Fail to correctly apply ethic code in managerial actions 經常正確運用倫理規範於管 理行動 Most of time correctly apply ethic code in managerial actions 總是正確運用倫理規範於管 理行動 Always correctly apply ethic code in managerial actions
Goal U1:Students will possess professional knowledge of business administration. Objectives U1.1:Students will be able to understand advanced knowledge of business administration and recognize related professional course. Professional knowledge of business administration rubric( 研究所,後來改成會考 ) TraotBelow ExpectationMeet ExpectationMore than Expectation 瞭解企業的功能與經營特 性 Understand the functions and characteristics of business 無法清楚界定企業的功能與經營 特性 Unable to clearly define the functions and characteristics of business 能清楚界定企業的功能與經營特 性 Able to clearly define the functions and characteristics of business 熟捻企業的功能與經營特性 Familiar with the functions and characteristics of business 瞭解企業的經營環境特性 Understand the environmental characteristics of business 無法清楚界定企業的經營環境特 性 Unable to clearly define the environmental characteristics of business 能清楚界定企業的經營環境 Able to define the environmental characteristics of business 能具體分析比較企業經營環境 Able to analyze, compare and contrast environmental issues for business 熟悉企業管理專業相關理 論 Familiar with professional related theorem of business administration 未具備人資, 財管, 行銷, 作業流程等 基本概念 Do not possess the fundamental concepts of HR, finance, marketing, operation process, etc. 具備人資, 財管, 行銷, 作業流程等基 本概念與知識 Possess the fundamental concepts of HR, finance, marketing, operation process, etc. 熟捻人資, 財管, 行銷, 作業流程等專 業知識 Familiar with professional knowledge of HR, finance, marketing, operation process, etc. 能整合管理專業知識, 以 解決企業的基本問題 Integrate professional knowledge to solve fundamental problems for business 無法整合管理專業知識 Fail to integrate managerial professional knowledge 能整合管理專業知識, 以分析並解 決企業的基本問題 Able to integrate managerial professional knowledge to analyze and solve the fundamental problems for business 能整合管理專業知識, 以分析並解 決企業的複雜問題 Able to integrate managerial professional knowledge to analyze and solve the complicated problems for business
目前的 Pilot-run( 大學部 ) 1. 會考考題 ( 大四必修修課企業政策 ) ,成績匯總 => 見 excel 有少數幾位學生沒有來考 2. 資訊能力尚待六月底學生畢業後再調資料 3.Problem Solving=> 專題報告已評分 => 成績 excel 4.Written communication 專題報告評分 => 成績 excel 5.Oral communication 去年底 12 月口頭報告其專題成果 => 成績 excel 也有少數學生未能來參加 6.Ethical=> 請企業倫理老師幫忙出題評分 => 成績 excel
目前的 Pilot-run( 研究所 ) Professional Knowledge Rubric ,去年 12 月底、 1 月初,請應屆研究 生 => 成績 excel 企業流程管理因為任教與出題老師不同,成績通過率很低 Ethic Rubric, 舉辦企業倫理會考 => 成績 excel Problem solving & communication 則待學生論文口試時 ( 後 ) ,請指 導教授評分
檢討 大學部會考,第一次選擇題題庫十題 ( 選五題 ) ,期末再補十題,共 二十題。但是分數偏高,這學期大三的題庫,加入填充題,或者有 些科目不給答案。 本系有八個 programs ,如果要在進修部執行 : 大學部的進修部沒有畢業專題 碩專班的學生到研二,可能很難要求她們回來參加專業科目會考和 Ethic Rubric 檢定 建議由院方統一規定,畢業前,各個 program 都要畢業會考及檢定, 才能畢業
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