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Thessalonians #3 Edification & Correction 4:1-12 Sanctification: Sexual Immorality Loving One Another Life’s Ambition.

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2 Thessalonians #3 Edification & Correction 4:1-12 Sanctification: Sexual Immorality Loving One Another Life’s Ambition

3 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Remember the situation in Thessalonica: -fairly small, young, Gentile church who had been left alone to face persecution. -Paul’s extreme concern had caused him to send back Timothy to check on them. -When Timothy returned with good news, this epistle was written to praise and encourage them to continue on. But it also contained some instruction for their continuing education...

4 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Remember the situation in Thessalonica: -fairly small, young, Gentile church who had been left alone to face persecution. -Paul’s extreme concern had caused him to send back Timothy to check on them. -When Timothy returned with good news, this epistle was written to praise and encourage them to continue on. But it also contained some instruction for their continuing education...

5 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Remember also the previous chapters: chapter 1: The Character, Election, and Reputation of the Thessalonian Church chapters 2-3: Paul’s Conduct Toward, Reception By, Concern and Prayer For the Thessalonian Church.  So far, the text has been mostly an expression of love, concern, and praise for the church, but now the education portion is about to begin….

6 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Don’t misunderstand, Thessalonians is not about to become the angry letter of rebuke that Galatians was- it isn’t.  Although there is a hint of correction in the tone, it is very gentle and instruction rather than critical and harsh. (cf. v.1 regarding “request and exhort” as cp. Gal.1:6-7 & 3:1)  Apparently, this instructive portion of the letter serves two primary purposes: 1) to remind them of previous teaching 2) to correct some misunderstandings / misapplications which resulted from the same.

7 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  The text of this section, like that of the previous ones, may be easily divided into sections: Section 1- vv.1-8 having to do with Sanctification. Section 2- vv.9-10a concerning Love of the Brethren. Section 3- vv.10b-12 regarding Life’s Ambition / Proper Behavior toward Outsiders

8 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Section 1- vv.1-8 God’s will is: “Your Sanctification” -Sanctification (Grk. hagiasmos) though sometimes translated as “holiness” simply means purification or consecration. -It therefore refers to the Christian being set aside for a particular (in this case, religious/spiritual) purpose. It is used here in vv.3,4,7. -As to a specific application here, remember the type of city Thessalonica was: free Roman and a commercial & political center of the province. -Hence, Thessalonica was a also a center of sorts for hedonism.

9 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Section 1- vv.1-8 God’s will is: “Your Sanctification” Therefore, Paul instructs the fledgling church: v.1 regarding how they ought to “walk and please God” v.2 to remembering the Source of the instruction, cf.2:13 v.3 & further understanding God’s Will for them: v.4 to abstain from sexual immorality v.5 as opposed to non-Christian Gentiles v.6 that none defraud his brother in the matter because God avenges this sin too!

10 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Section 1- vv.1-8 God’s will is: “Your Sanctification” But, v.7 God’s will for you is different/separate from the purposes of the world- He wants you to dedicated to His purposes rather than simply gratifying fleshly desires. Therefore, v.8 Those who reject His purpose is not simply rejecting Paul, but the Holy Spirit of God who communicates this message through him!

11 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Section 2- vv.9-10a Concerning “the Love of the Brethren” He says, v.9 You don’t need any further instruction! cf.1:8 Because, You already have been sufficiently instructed. And, v.10a You’re excelling at it already even beyond Thessalonica to the whole of Macedonia! cf. 1:3 & 3:6,12

12 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Section 3- vv.10b-12 Concerning “Ambition & Purpose in Life” Understand first…. that the city of Thessalonica’s mindset was one of a restless desire for personal distinction- to be noticed. This influence was one which was therefore potent for all kinds of mischief- especially it seems, sexual misconduct. Therefore, Paul’s instruction was to remind the church that this was not God’s will for them!

13 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification  Section 3- vv.10b-12 Concerning “Ambition & Purpose in Life” Instead, they were to be ambitious for: v.11a a quiet (or tranquil ) life, cf. 1Tim.2:1-2 v.11b their own business rather than everybody else’s, cf.1Pet.4:15 v.11c their own industry, cf. 2:9 > 2Thess.3:10 Properly done, this would result in: v.12a the proper example for unbelievers, Rom.13:13-14 v.12b self-sufficiency, cf.Eph.4:28.

14 Conclusions- what should we take home?  That God has given each of us the ability to contain & restrain our sexual passions and expects us to use them!  That God has given the Thessalonians and us all the information necessary for us to properly love one another and expects us to do so!  That true Christians are not and cannot be a part of the self-promotion and self- distinctions of the world from itself.  That it is our Sanctification that naturally sets us apart- not some artificial quest for individuality!


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