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Status of the Front-end-Electronics based on NINO ASIC for the Time-of-Flight measurements in the MPD V. A. Babkin, M.G. Buryakov, V. M. Golovatyuk, S.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the Front-end-Electronics based on NINO ASIC for the Time-of-Flight measurements in the MPD V. A. Babkin, M.G. Buryakov, V. M. Golovatyuk, S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the Front-end-Electronics based on NINO ASIC for the Time-of-Flight measurements in the MPD V. A. Babkin, M.G. Buryakov, V. M. Golovatyuk, S. V. Volgin, M. M. Rumyantsev NEC-2015

2 TOF in MPD 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-20152 Number of FEE channels - 13824 (1728 chips) Power of FEEs - 800 W Thermal power is dissipated - 15 W/m2 TOF Requirements: - TOF detector elements must function in a magnetic field - 0.5 T - High geometrical efficiency (better than 95%) - Overall time resolution better than 100 ps - TOF together with TPC must be able to identify charged hadrons and nuclear clusters in the broad rapidity range and up to total momentum of 3 GeV/c

3 NINO ASIC 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-20153 designed at CERN for the multi-Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) TOF systems at the ALICE experiment at LHC. other applications: RICH detector NA62 CERN R7400 PMT readout Nucl.Phys.B, Proc. Suppl. 215 (2011) 125-127 TOF analysis in PET Gundacker, S. et al. PoS PhotoDet2012 (2012) 016 Multi-anode Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) PMT J. Instrum. 9 (2014) C02025 TORCH time-of-flight detector In: J. Instrum. 9 (2014) C02025

4 NINO ASIC 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-20154 Low threshold level Input signal Low threshold level LVDS Time-Over-Threshold Diff. signal

5 Prototype of the NINO-based FEE 3 V to 6 V power supply range stabilized of the voltage (+2.5V); differential input signal; ( Zdiff = 55 Ohm) overload protection for input channels; capacitors on the inputs for double-end strip readout; CPX (InfiniBand) output transmitting line; the possibility to use as trigger (series “or” output); controlling and monitoring of the thresholds. 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-20155 Input connector Output connector LDO 8-ch NINO

6 Testing the prototype board 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-20156 8-ch NINO based prototype board the timing resolution is 10.39/√2 = 7.34 ps for one channel

7 Test setup of the prototype board with MRPC 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-20157 TDC72VHL Molex’s CXP connector system DAQ based on VME 24-ch board Long strip readout plate in MRPC Capacitance ~40 pf

8 Test results of the prototype board with MRPC on cosmic stand 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-20158 Blue-Green Signal from MRPC Yellow-Red Output signal from NINO MRPC NINO Diff. Amp. (x1) Cross view of the cosmic stand

9 Testing of the prototype TOF system 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-20159 The test setup: two platforms made of aluminum profile to fix the detectors; the precision positioning device (precision 50 um) to move the tested detector; three proportional chambers (MWPC 1, 2, 3) with an accuracy of determination of coordinate <1mm five trigger scintillation counters; two fast cherenkov counters for generating “start” signal; two independent gas system for various gas-filled detectors with different gas mixtures; data acquisition system (DAQ) based on the VME and Ethernet. MRPC DAQ Low voltage power supply General view of the “Test beam MPD” setup during working in the 51 Nuclotron run the beam of deuterons extracted from the Nuclotron with energy 3.5 GeV/A

10 Results with MRPC 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-201510 Time-width distribution without correction. Distribution of the LVDS widths. Voltage dependence of the time resolution and efficiency.

11 Outlook and Conclusion 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-201511 Developed 8-ch and 24-ch prototype of NINO-based FEE Optimization for full scale TOF module in progress Preparing to the spring beam test 2016 The work carried out according with the timetable Full scale assembled prototype module for TOF barrel system

12 Thank you for your attention! 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-201512

13 В качестве триггерного сигнала используется сформированный сигнал с счётчиков S1-S8 включенных на совпадение. Между счётчиками расположены испытываемые детекторы. Pad RPC1, 2 – две пэдовые МРПК, Strip RPC – стриповая полноразмерная МРПК и FFD – прототип быстрого стартового детектора на основе быстрых микроканальных фотоумножителей. Таким образом, в качестве стартового детектора могли использоваться как FFD, так и одна из маленьких МРПК. Сигналы со всех МРПК снимаются усилителем NINO, который сигнал усиливает и преобразует в LVDS, ширина которого зависит от амплитуды входного сигнала. LVDS сигналы по специальному кабелю поступают на вход TDC32VL. Сигналы с FFD так же преобразуются в LVDS прямо в корпусе детектора и считываются в TDC. Все данные записываются на жёсткий диск управляющего компьютера и обрабатываются off-line. 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-201513

14 backup Molex Connector Part Number - 76105-0584 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-201514

15 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-201515 backup Stretcher and Hyst. control Threshold

16 IC Layout 12.06.2016M. Buryakov, NEC-201516

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