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Peer Support and Harm Reduction.  What is Peer Support  Peer support is a system of giving and receiving help founded on key principles of respect,

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Support and Harm Reduction.  What is Peer Support  Peer support is a system of giving and receiving help founded on key principles of respect,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Support and Harm Reduction

2  What is Peer Support  Peer support is a system of giving and receiving help founded on key principles of respect, shared responsibility, and mutual agreement of what is helpful. Peer support is not based on psychiatric models and diagnostic criteria. It is about understanding another’s situation empathically through the shared experience of emotional and psychological pain. When people find affiliation with others whom they feel are “like” them, they feel a connection. This connection, or affiliation, is a deep, holistic understanding based on mutual experience where people are able to “be” with each other without the constraints of traditional (expert/patient) relationships. Further, as trust in the relationship builds, both people are able to respectfully challenge each other when they find themselves re-enacting old roles. This allows members of the peer community to try out new behaviors with one another and move beyond previously held self-concepts built on disability, diagnosis, and trauma worldview.

3 Christopher What is Harm Reduction

4 What is Housing First? Homeward Trust embraces the principle of Housing First—that every person has the right to a safe, secure home. This principle is at the core of both the Government of Alberta and City of Edmonton 10 year plans to end homelessness. Homeward Trust officially began the Housing First Support Program on April 1, 2009. How do we do it? The focus is on ending homelessness by providing permanent housing and follow-up support. Individuals who are experiencing homelessness are housed first and then given appropriate supports. The Housing First Support Program is intended to last 12 months Clients are stabilized then transitioned to a reduced level of support The final stages of the program involve planning to discharge the client once self-sufficient

5 George Spady CAT Team CAT stands for “Clinical Access Team” 1 Team Director 2 Harm Reduction Specialists 1 Mental Health Outreach Worker 1 Concurrent Disorders Specialist 1 Clinical Supervisor 1 Program Administrator 1 Trauma Specialist 1 Peer Support Specialist 1 Family Support Specialist 1 Occupational Therapist 1 Community Support Worker 1 Outreach Nurse

6 Spady CAT provides wellness supports through direct service in the community, referrals to external service providers, assessments, groups, and consultations.\ Is CAT a Crisis Team? No. Although CAT helps to prevent crises, CAT services are only available during business hours: 8am – 5pm, M – F. Contact our office at 780- 756- 3917. Length of Stay A client remains with CAT until they reach the goals in their service plan. If a client is no longer with Homeward Trust, then CAT cannot continue to provide services. Harm Reduction CAT provides services using Harm Reduction. That means that we support your right to choose how you live your life and help you to make those choices safer. What Services Does CAT Offer?

7 The Role of Peer Support and CAT  Orient and motivate clients toward appropriate mental health services, physical health, substance use, life skill and daily functioning services  Refer to and support client engagement with relevant clinical specialists  Develop and maintain a network of community service providers in the field of mental health and substance use  Provide supported referrals to external service providers  Develop and facilitate opportunities for group and individual peer-based community integration  Assess health, mental health, substance use and functional challenges within scope of practice  Research and participate in relevant training opportunities

8 What I Think I Do  I come to work every day and I get to work within my community  Everyday is fun because I get to work with a community that I love  I get to see the community grow more and more as they come to realize that they are worthwhile people after years of being told they are not  I have learned to do paperwork through much coaxing from my team  And I get paid to do it!!!!!!


10 Peer Support Group  The early days  Promoting the group at CAT  Recruiting members  First Meeting  Ground Rules  What direction the group wanted to take  How often do we meet

11 Peer Support (cont.)  Events







18 Peer Support (cont.)  Advocacy  Where we are at today  Questions?

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