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Passive Verbs. All verbs in Latin have 5 qualities. So far you know three: person, number, tense Verbs also have VOICE (active or passive) * Basic Active.

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Presentation on theme: "Passive Verbs. All verbs in Latin have 5 qualities. So far you know three: person, number, tense Verbs also have VOICE (active or passive) * Basic Active."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passive Verbs

2 All verbs in Latin have 5 qualities. So far you know three: person, number, tense Verbs also have VOICE (active or passive) * Basic Active endings:-o-mus -s-tis -t-nt Basic Passive Endings-r-mur -ris-mini -tur-ntur

3 The ACTIVE VOICE is used with the SUBJECT performs the action of the verb. Dominus iratus servum verberat. The angry master beats the slave

4 The PASSIVE VOICE is used when the subject receives the action instead of performing it. Servus a domino irato verberatur. The slave is beaten by the angry master. A person (or animal) performing the action in a passive construction takes the ABLATIVE case in a construction called the ABLATIVE OF AGENT (uses the preposition a/ab)

5 PRESENT TENSE PASSIVE: Present stem + regular passive personal endings 1 st conjugation3 rd conjugation amoramamurdicordicimur amaris amaminidicirisdicimini amaturamanturdiciturdicuntur TRANSLATION: “I am ________ed; I am being ____________ed”

6 IMPERFECT TENSE PASSIVE Present stem + ba +regular passive personal endings 1 st conjugation3 rd conjugation Amabaramabamurdicebardicebamur amabaris amabaminidicebaris dicebamini amabatur amabanturdicebatur dicebantur TRANSLATION: I was being _______ed; I used to be _________ed.

7 FUTURE TENSE PASSIVE * Present stem + bo, bi, bu + personal passive endings for 1 st & 2 nd conjugations * + 1 a and 5 e’s + personal passive endings for 3 rd &4 th 1 st conjugation3 rd conjugation amabor amabimurdicar dicemur amabiris amabiminidiceris dicemini amabitur amabunturdicetur dicentur TRANSLATION: I will be __________ed.

8 Practice 1.She is upset ______________________ 2.They were being overwhelmed ____________ 3.He will be thrown out ___________________ 4.They will be sold ___________________ 5.She is being heard _________________ 6. it was being extinguished _______________ 7. they are delighted _________________ 8. they were upset _________________ commovetur opprimebantur eicietur vendentur auditur exstinguebatur delectantur commovebantur

9 9. He will be overwhelmed _________________ 10. They are being thrown out _______________ 11. It was being sold _________________ 12.They were heard _________________ 13. they will be extinguished _______________ 14. she was delighted __________________ 15. he will be upset _______________ 16. he is overwhelmed ______________ 17.He is being sold _______________ 18. they will be heard _________________ opprimetur eiciuntur vendebatur audiebantur exstinguentur delectabatur commovebitur opprimitur venditur audientur

10 19.It is being extinguished _______________ 20. they will be delighted _________________ exstinguitur delectabuntur

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