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Grant n° 243631-2 FP7 2007-2013.  Duration: 3 years  Type: Collaborative research project  Funding: ◦ Budget: 2.040.417 € ◦ Funding: 1.551.509 € ◦

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Presentation on theme: "Grant n° 243631-2 FP7 2007-2013.  Duration: 3 years  Type: Collaborative research project  Funding: ◦ Budget: 2.040.417 € ◦ Funding: 1.551.509 € ◦"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grant n° 243631-2 FP7 2007-2013

2  Duration: 3 years  Type: Collaborative research project  Funding: ◦ Budget: 2.040.417 € ◦ Funding: 1.551.509 € ◦ Source: 7 th Framework Program - Research for SME Associations  13 partners across Europe  Started in July 2010

3  “Knowledge Assisted Rapid MAnufacturing”  To design a KBE system for ALM that can efficiently guide the end user towards the optimized fabrication scenario selection & process planning for ALM (Service Bureau or Novice User).  To create an EU of ‘intelligent AM customers’ who understand the capabilities and constraints of different ALM technologies  To provide contrasted knowledge about AM machine capabilities and constraints

4  Allows users to assess the capabilities of SLA, SLS, SLM & EBM Processes & materials (initially) ◦ It provides detailed property data on part made from various materials in different post process states (mechanical, thermal, environmental, economic, etc) ◦ Enabling users to assess specific attributes affecting the Quality, Cost & Delivery of AM parts (surface finish, part resolution, build time & cost) ◦ Enabling users to assess the impact of part build orientation on critical attributes ◦ Provides novel ways to compare and contracts different ALM processes and materials for both novice and expert users alike

5  A Web base tool kit accessible to anyone with a browser and the appropriate access rights  A toolkit based on existing commercial software architecture such as PHP, JAVA & JAVA 3D  A toolkit that can interrogate design data on a users local machine, without the need for extensive data uploading  A toolkit that uses a web backend database, enabling real-time updates and expansion into the future

6  WP 1 – KBE Database development  Mechanical, thermal, safety, etc.  WP 2- Algorithm Development  Orientation, cost, support, quality, build time, roughness  WP 3 – KBE systems integration  Development of Graphical User Interface (GUI)  WP 4 – KBE systems implementation  Web enablement of algorithms, GUI & KBE database  WP 5 – KARMA system testing  WP 6 – Dissemination

7 SME AG (customers & owners) RTD (execution) SME (end-users)

8  Almost arrived to the end of the 1 st year of project.  Full characterization of 6/8 materials and 3/4 technologies already performed.  KB Database & wizard implemented and loaded with the corresponding data.  Functional algorithms already working and contonuously improving.  Started with the implementation of GUI.


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