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Chad Perkins Marley Rutkowski John Olennikov Ben Younce Project Advisor: Robert J. Albright Industrial Advisor: Andy McConnell Client: Mark Utlaut.

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Presentation on theme: "Chad Perkins Marley Rutkowski John Olennikov Ben Younce Project Advisor: Robert J. Albright Industrial Advisor: Andy McConnell Client: Mark Utlaut."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chad Perkins Marley Rutkowski John Olennikov Ben Younce Project Advisor: Robert J. Albright Industrial Advisor: Andy McConnell Client: Mark Utlaut

2 * Magnetic Levitation * Small neodymium magnet suspended a minimum of 2 inches from solenoid * Secondary Objective * Movement Control * 1 st Vertical * 2 nd Horizontal

3 *Fri 22 Nov *Create initial plan for prototype build *Fri 6 Dec *Finalize prototype plans *Determine lead time for any technician help. *All parts purchased or ordered *Fri 17 Jan *Begin programming for Arduino

4 *Fri 24 Jan *Begin prototype build *Fri 31 Jan *Prototype build 50% complete *Fri 7 Feb *Begin testing/debugging of prototype

5 *Fri 7 Feb *Prototype build 100% complete *Begin testing/debugging of prototype

6 *Fri 21 Feb *Have at least 1 dimensional movement working *Fri 28 Feb *Comprehensive Exams *Fri 07 Mar *Complete Final Report Document initial write *Fri 21 Mar *Complete Final Report, first complete draft (ver. 0.9)


8 * Overloading the power supply * Reduce Voltage from source * Current Max = 6-A, to defeat gravity * Precise adjustments for negative feedback * Hall sensor output range from 0-5 V truncated to 2.5 -5 V, then expanded back to 0-5 V * Get a reasonably sized heat sink!!


10 * Overall Team 125 is on track! * Milestones * Oregon snow caused some “slipping” * Tele-comuting/ task delegation * Minor complication solutions being implemented!


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