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INTRODUCTION Open Source Development. About Open Source (OpS)

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1 INTRODUCTION Open Source Development

2 About Open Source (OpS)

3 What is open source software? Software that you have access to raw source code – human-readable C, C++, Perl, etc. Files that get compiled down into binary that is executed by the computer This exe allows you to view source files to see why that darn error message keeps popping up, or how to make that widget default to a different directory, or how to add a cool new function Once start look at the source, you can look into becoming open source programmer

4 cont… You can make changes and submit them for others to look at. You can design a new widget to emulate a feature or a program that you liked on a different system, or to do something entirely new because you, using available Open Source software, can look at the code that drives Linux, or Apache, or the Gimp, or Open Office, or Mozilla.

5 Cont.. You can write code to  use it  Improve it  Hook to it  Make it do almost anything else Then changes can be shared with others as they did with you With open source it is not only OK to copy, to improve, to use, and to return the source code to the community of users, but is expected.

6 Why open source? Question 1 How is it that a groups of computer programmers made up of individuals separated by geography, corporate boundaries, culture, language and other characteristics, and connected mainly via telecommunications bandwidth, manage to work together over time and build complex, sophisticated software systems outside the boundaries of corporate structure and for no direct monetary compensation?

7 Answer Collaborative open source software projects such as Linux, Apache have demonstrated that large and complex systems of software code can be built, maintained, developed, and extended in a nonproprietary setting in which many developers work in a highly parallel, relatively unstructured way. Puzzle 1 - what will happen to large / small cooperation Puzzle 2 – labor and management of knowledge

8 Question 2 Why does the answer to that question matter to anyone who is not a computer programmer?

9 Answer Open source(OpS) process is a real world, researchable example of a community and a knowledge production process that has been fundamentally changed, or created in significant ways, by Internet Technology. Understanding OpS process can generate new perspectives on very old and essential problems of social cooperation. It can provide an early perspective on some of the institutional, political, and economic consequences for human societies of the telecommunications and internet revolutions


11 The web The WWW The World Wide Web, abbreviated as WWW or W3 and commonly known as the Web, is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them via hyperlinks.

12 How it works?

13 URL address  browser make socket connection (network connection) to server with IP address  using PORT 80 (HTTP) Other ports for other connections (22 – SSH, 23- TELNET) IP port ≠ physical port (COM1, COM2, USB, printer etc.) Server response back with data such as text, image, Java Applets, PDF, etc. Content from server can be delivered in many ways: static, dynamic, embedded

14 Client implement Java Script, java applets Client can sent data to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) Protocol The server can process data either on  Client side  Server side Java script is not same as Java  Java Script – Netscape  Java – Sun Microsystems

15 Serving up static data No server programming One way content display

16 Serving up dynamic data

17 Does some sort of server side processing  Search and display data from database  Store information on database Dynamic page ≠ dynamic HTML Dynamic HTML  Web page that exhibit dynamic behaviour such as pop-up windows, image rollovers, dynamic clickable menus  Implemented with Java Scrip and Document Object Model (DOM)

18 Serving up embedded data

19 Exe code embedded within an HTML file Suitable when those working on the web site are from different backgrounds Person knows HTML but not programmer  build template for the web page Programmer add exe code directly into the HTML file to make the page come alive Not static, not quite dynamic, embedded web pages provide a measure of flexibility

20 Approaches to embedded programming SSI (Server Side Includes) – a simple solution that is built into Apache, using a syntax that is unique to SSI Embperl –a Perl module that enables an HTML file to have Perl code embedded within it Mason – another Perl module that, like Embperl, enables an HTML file to have Perl code embedded within it PHP – a language unto itself, Perl-like in its syntax and providing a rich collection of built in functions to perform various tasks

21 What we don’t cover? XML – Extensible Markup Language Java JavaScript


23 Strength Unlike a commercial software project that requires adequate funding to get the project started, an open source software project can be started with very little funding. If the open source software has a market, other developers will join the project. The open source approach does not require a group of experienced developers to provide a total solution to users’ IT problems. It adds required components piece by piece based on when a component is needed. The installation and deployment of open source software does not require license fees and other service charges.

24 Open source software is designed so that it is relatively easy to include other open source software into the software that you are currently using. Open source software developers are often those who have the first hand experience. These developers can detect errors in the source code and fix them right away with the open source debugging tools. Every open source user can be a developer, which means open source software is supported a very large developer community for error reporting and problem solving. Open source software is often the result of research done by researchers in higher education institutions. These researchers not only bring new ideas into the software development project, but also provide analyses and improvement of the software.

25 Due to the low cost and availability, the open source technology is very popular among higher education institutions. It is easier for the students to adopt open source software in their work and research after they graduate. One of the reasons that open source tools have been adopted by many companies is because of its flexibility. When technology changes, software needs to follow the change. Open source software allows users to add or modify the current code to implement the change. After a commercial product is upgraded to a new version, it often means that the older version of the software is less supported and soon it brings the end of the older version of the product. However, for an open source product, there is no such pressure to stop using it since the open source product does not depend on the support team of a product vendor.

26 Weakness In general, there is less marketing effort for open source products. There is only minimal spending on advertising open source products. There is lack of investment on open source products. There is lack of well written user manuals for open source products.

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