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Published byVincent Blair Modified over 8 years ago
Web Programming Java Script(Window and Document Objects) AND Forms and Form Elements
Window The window Object The window object is a convenient place for the document object model to attach methods that display modal dialog boxes and adjust the text that displays in the status bar at the bottom of the browser window. Accessing window properties and methods window.propertyName window.methodName([parameters]) OR self.propertyName self.methodName([parameters]) Creating and closing a window var subWindow =“define.html”,”def”,”height=200,width=300”); subWindow.close();
Window Cont… References to Window Objects Window Opener and Closer var newWindow function makeNewWindow() { newWindow =“”,””,”height=300,width=300”); } function closeNewWindow() { if (newWindow) { newWindow.close(); newWindow = null; }
Window Properties and Methods The one property and three methods for the window object described in this section. window.status property The status bar at the bottom of the browser window normally displays the URL of a link when you roll the mouse pointer atop it. Other messages also appear in that space during document loading, Java applet initialization, and the like. However, you can use JavaScript to display your own messages in the status bar at times that may be beneficial to your users. <a href=”” onmouseover= “window.status=’Visit the Microsoft Home page (’”> Microsoft Look closely at the script statement assigned to the onmouseover event handler: window.status=’Visit the Microsoft Home page (’
Window Properties and Methods Cont.. window.alert() method window.alert("Welcome to my site!"); window.confirm() method if (window.confirm(“Are you sure you want to start over?”)) { location.href = “index.html”; } window.prompt() method var answer = prompt(“What is your name?”,””); if (answer) { alert(“Hello, “ + answer + “!”); }
Other Objects The location Object Setting the location.href property is the primary way your scripts navigate to other pages: location.href = “”; The navigator Object A script running in Internet Explorer 6 in Windows XP receives the following value for the navigator.userAgent property: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461) The document Object Accessing a document object’s properties and methods is straightforward, as shown in the following syntax examples: [window.]document.propertyName [window.]document.methodName([parameters])
The document Object Following are some of the most commonly used properties and methods of the document object. document.forms[] property To find out how many form objects are in the current document, use document.forms.length To access the first form in a document, for example, the reference is document.forms[0] document.images[] property The presence of the document.images property indicates that the browser supports image swapping. if (document.images) { // statements dealing with img objects } document.write() method The document.write() method operates in both immediate scripts to create content in a page as it loads and in deferred scripts that create new content in the same or different window.
The document Object Cont.. Using document.write() on the Current Window Writing to Same Doc function reWrite() { // assemble content for new window var newContent = “ A New Doc ”; newContent += “ This document is brand new. ”; newContent += “Click the Back button to see original document.”; newContent += “ ”; // write HTML to new window document document.write(newContent); document.close(); // close layout stream }
The document Object Cont.. Using document.write() on Another Window Writing to Subwindow var newWindow; function makeNewWindow() { newWindow =“”,””,”status,height=200,width=300”); } function subWrite() { // make new window if someone has closed it if (newWindow.closed) { makeNewWindow(); } // bring subwindow to front newWindow.focus(); // assemble content for new window var newContent = “ A New Doc ”; newContent += “ This document is brand new. ”; newContent += “ ”; // write HTML to new window document newWindow.document.write(newContent); newWindow.document.close(); // close layout stream
The document Object Cont.. document.createElement() and document.createTextNode() methods The document.createElement() method lets you create in the browser’s memory a brand new element object. To specify the precise element you wish to create, pass the tag name of the element as a string parameter of the method: var newElem = document.createElement(“p”); var newText = document.createTextNode(“Greetings to all.”); document.getElementById() method The sole parameter of this method is a quoted string containing the ID of the element you wish to reference. The method returns a value, which you typically preserve in a variable for use by subsequent script statements: var oneTable = document.getElementById(“salesResults”);
The form Object Using the original DOM Level 0 syntax, you can reference a form object either by its position in the array of forms contained by a document or by name (if you assign an identifier to the name attribute inside the tag). If only one form appears in the document, it is still a member of an array (a one-element array) and is referenced as follows: document.forms[0] Or use the string of the element’s name as the array index: document.forms[formName]
Form as object and container
Accessing form properties Forms are created entirely from standard HTML tags in the page. You can set attributes for name, target, action, method, and enctype. Each of these is a property of a form object, accessed by all lowercase versions of those words, as in document.forms[0].action document.formName.action To change any of these properties, simply assign new values to them: document.forms[0].action = “”; form.elements[] property The following code fragment shows the form.elements[] property at work in a for repeat loop that looks at every element in a form to set the contents of text fields to an empty string. The script cannot simply barge through the form and set every element’s content to an empty string because some elements may be types (for example, a button) whose value properties have different purposes. var form = window.document.forms[0]; for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { if (form.elements[i].type == “text”) { form.elements[i].value = “”; }
Form Controls as Objects Three kinds of HTML elements nested inside a tag become scriptable objects in all browser document object models. Most of the objects owe their existence to the tag in the page’s source code. Only the value assigned to the type attribute of an tag determines whether the element is a text box, password entry field, hidden field, button, checkbox, or radio button. The other two kinds of form controls, textarea and select, have their own tags. if you were using only the identifiers assigned to the form and form control elements (that is, none of the associated arrays of elements), the syntax is as follows: document.formName.controlName For example, consider the following simple form: The following sample references to the text input control are all valid: document.searchForm.entry document.searchForm.elements[0] document.forms[“searchForm”].elements[“entry”] document.forms[“searchForm”].entry
Text-related objects Getting and Setting a Text Object’s value Property Text Object value Property function upperMe() { var field = document.forms[0].converter; var upperCaseVersion = field.value.toUpperCase(); field.value = upperCaseVersion; }
Text-related objects Cont… The Checkbox Object’s checked Property Checkbox Inspector function inspectBox() { if (document.forms[0].checkThis.checked) { alert(“The box is checked.”); } else { alert(“The box is not checked at the moment.”); } Check here
The Radio Object Scripting a Group of Radio Objects Extracting Highlighted Radio Button function fullName() { var form = document.forms[0]; for (var i = 0; i < form.stooges.length; i++) { if (form.stooges[i].checked) { break; } alert(“You chose “ + form.stooges[i].value + “.”); } Select your favorite Stooge: Moe Larry Curly <input type=”button” name=”Viewer” value=”View Full Name...” onclick=”fullName()”>
The select Object The most important property of the select object itself is the selectedIndex property, accessed as follows: document.form[0].selectName.selectedIndex Two important properties of an option item are text and value, accessed as follows: document.forms[0].selectName.options[n].text document.forms[0].selectName.options[n].value The selectedIndex property of the select object is then substituted for the index value of the options array of that same object: function inspect() { var list = document.forms[0].choices; var chosenItemText = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value; }
The select Object Cont… Navigating with a select Object Select Navigation function goThere() { var list = document.forms[0].urlList; location.href = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value; } Choose a place to go: Home Page Shop Our Store Shipping Policies Search the Web
Passing Form Data and Elements to Functions JavaScript features a keyword—this—that always refers to whatever object contains the script in which the keyword is used. Thus, in an onchange event handler for a text field, you can pass a reference to the text object to the function by inserting the this keyword as a parameter to the function: At the receiving end, the function defines a parameter variable that turns that reference into a variable that the rest of the function can use: function upperMe(field) { statement[s] }
Passing Form Data and Elements to Functions Passing a Form Object and Form Element to Functions Beatle Picker function processData(form) { for (var i = 0; i < form.Beatles.length; i++) { if (form.Beatles[i].checked) { break } // assign values to variables for convenience var beatle = form.Beatles[i].value var song = alert(“Checking whether “ + song + “ features “ + beatle + “...”) } function verifySong(entry) { var song = entry.value alert(“Checking whether “ + song + “ is a Beatles tune...”) } Choose your favorite Beatle: John Paul George Ringo Enter the name of your favorite Beatles song: <input type=”text” name=”song” value = “Eleanor Rigby” onchange=”verifySong(this)”> <input type=”button” name=”process” value=”Process Request...” onclick=”processData(this.form)”
Submitting and Prevalidating Forms The scripted equivalent of submitting a form is the form object’s submit() method. All you need in the statement is a reference to the form and this method: document.forms[0].submit(); Before you get ideas about having a script silently submit a form to a URL bearing the mailto: protocol, forget it. Because such a scheme could expose visitors’ e-mail addresses without their knowledge, mailto: submissions are either blocked or revealed to users as a security precaution. Before a form is submitted, you may wish to perform some last-second validation of data in the form or in other scripting (for example, changing the form’s action property based on user choices). You can do this in a function invoked by the form’s onsubmit event handler
Submitting and Prevalidating Forms Last-Minute Checking Before Form Submission Validator function checkForm(form) { for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { if (form.elements[i].value == “”) { alert(“Fill out ALL fields.”); return false; } return true; } Please enter all requested information: First Name: Last Name: Rank: Serial Number:
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