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The Influence of Italian Literature on Polish Writing during the Renaissance. Authors: Grzegorz Koniorczyk Mateusz Siadul.

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Presentation on theme: "The Influence of Italian Literature on Polish Writing during the Renaissance. Authors: Grzegorz Koniorczyk Mateusz Siadul."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Influence of Italian Literature on Polish Writing during the Renaissance. Authors: Grzegorz Koniorczyk Mateusz Siadul

2 The Renaissance in Italy The Renaissance was a period of new ideas, a new cultural era. It lasted from XV and XVI century – in Italy from XIV century. The peiord was characterised by: ancient culture fascination, the rebirth of knowledge, humanism, individualism and the appreciation of the role of an artist in shaping culture.

3 Dante Alighieri Born in May of June 1265, died on 13 or 14 September 1321 – an outstanding Italian poet living during the Middle Ages, philosopher, politicain and a codificator of Italian language.

4 Giovanni Boccaccio Born on 16 June 1313 in Florence, died on 21 December 1375 in Certaldo – Italian writer, famous for his work Decameron.

5 Francesco Petrarka Born on 20 June 1304 in Arezzon, died on 19 July 1374 in Arqua.Ur. 20 lipca 1304 – he was a pattern maker for other writers (petrarchism).

6 The Renaissance in Poland Renaissance was a period of Polish culture flourishing. The Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth was big and powerful and Italian influences became even stronger after the wedding of Sigismund I the Old with Bona Sforza. The marriage contributed greatly to the development of painting, architecture and cuisine art. Numerous intellectuals and famous thinkers visited Poland. Poland became one of the most important cultural centers in Europe.

7 Jan Kochanowski Born in 1530 in Sycyna near Zwolen, died on 22 August 1584 in Lublin – Polish poet during Renaisance period, Royal secretary. He was a representative of the eclectic philosophy – stoicism, epicureism, Renaissance neoplatonism and deep faith in God, linking ancient traditions with Christianity.

8 Mikołaj Rej Born 4 February 1505 in Żurawin, died between 8 September and 5 October 1569 in Rejowiec) – Polish poet and novelist during the Renaissance. He was also a politicain and evangelican theologist. For a long time he was regarded "a father of Polish literature" (before some medieval Polish writers were not admired, e.g. Biernat from Lublin).

9 Jan Andrzej Morsztyn Born on 24 June 1621, died on 8 January 1693 in Paris) – a politician, poet, a chief representative of Court Baroque, marinist.

10 Primary objectives of Renaissance writing - knowledge popularisation, - antropocentrism and the interest in human subjects: humanism - ancient culture fascination, the rebirth of ancient ideas of beauty, poetry techniques and models - life admiration, (the beauty of nature, countryside, the joy of play)

11 Jan Kochanowski „Tren IX” „Kupić by cię, Mądrości, za drogie pieniądze!” Jan Kochanowski „Tren XI” „A my rozumy swoje przedsię udać chcemy” (Chcemy przecież uchodzić za mądrych, rozsądnych)

12 „Przyjął więc człowieka jako dzieło o nieokreślonym kształcie… Ciebie zaś, nieskrępowanego żadnymi ograniczeniami, oddaję w twoje ręce..,”

13 Ancient literary genres during the Renaissance: chant chant threnody threnody epigram epigram tragedy tragedy idyll idyll dialogue dialogue Medieval literature: sonnet sonnet medieval chronicle medieval chronicle mystery mystery sermon sermon New genres: short story short story essay essay

14 Conclusion The Renaissance in Poland was a period of great rebirth of culture and art. Renaissance culture has influenced every day reality. There is no human sphere of life that would not be described by Renaissance writers, both Polish and Italian.

15 Bibliography  Podręcznik „Przeszłość to dziś”  „Sławni Polacy”  „O literaturze polskiej”  Słownik poprawnej polszczyzny   Google grafika  www.ścią

16 Thank you for attention.

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