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Agenda: Here comes the sun March 18 and 21 1.Learning Target: I can describe how sunspots are important 2.Agenda 1.Danger Solar Storm DVD and Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda: Here comes the sun March 18 and 21 1.Learning Target: I can describe how sunspots are important 2.Agenda 1.Danger Solar Storm DVD and Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda: Here comes the sun March 18 and 21 1.Learning Target: I can describe how sunspots are important 2.Agenda 1.Danger Solar Storm DVD and Questions 2.Sunspot notes and math—possible set up of sunspots 5.Homework: UW Reading pages 385-392, concentrate on Discovery 16-1, write 10 questions that would be used on a test 6.Iris Challenge Homework

2 Cool news: March 16 A high speed solar wind stream flowing from a southern hemisphere coronal hole is now geoeffective. Enhanced geomagnetic activity, possibly reaching minor (G1) storm levels will be possible during the next 24 hours. Sky watchers at high latitudes should be alert for visible aurora tonight. UPDATE: Periods of isolated minor (G1) geomagnetic storming is again being observed at higher latitudes while our geomagnetic field remains under the influence of a high speed solar wind stream. Enhancements will remain possible during the next 12 hours. Read more at: Short movie of the 16

3 Cool news March 21 COMET BRIGHTENS AS IT APPROACHES EARTH: On March 21st, Comet 252P/LINEAR will make a close approach to Earth--only 0.036 AU (5.4 million km) away. This is the fifth closest cometary approach on record and, as a result, the normally dim comet could become an easy target for backyard telescopes. In fact, it is brightening much faster than expected: data.Comet 252P/LINEARdata tml tml

4 Vocabulary CME (coronal mass ejection) Solar cycle aurora

5 Sun weekly challenge due Mon March 28 klyquestions.html klyquestions.html Answer All Questions are online ready for you to research and respond. The compound question is: What is a sun quake? What is a Hyder flare? Check your answer with theirs.

6 End of class Quiz 1.Describe why sunspots are important

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