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How to manage a coffee shop? 14213036 Fumiya Ogushi.

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Presentation on theme: "How to manage a coffee shop? 14213036 Fumiya Ogushi."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to manage a coffee shop? 14213036 Fumiya Ogushi

2 Purpose of research project ・ To know what is needed to be a owner. ・ To decide the best location to open the shop. ・ Make a motivation to learn in university.

3 Research Questions 1.Where is the best location to start my shop? 2.What qualifications are needed to be a owner? My business plan is... Cafe & Music live studio

4 Data collection&Analysis Kyewords "qualifications start business" "requirements to be a owner" "start business location" "marketing strategy location" Analysis Skimming,Scanning,Close reading.

5 Research Findings Location Area marketing is important. It is divided to three parts... Special quality of business region,Special quality of line of flow,Special quality of a site proposed. Qualifications and requirements business permits → health center food hygiene manager → lecture Fire protection manager → fire station

6 Individual concerns for research findings From the research of aria marketing... Shibuya & Shimokitazawa are the good places. Shibuya "trend city" "many train lines" "many CD shops" "biggest city in Japan" Shimokitazawa "many bandmans" "many live houses(251)" Official licence (business permits,food hygiene manager,Fire protection manager ) are important qualifications.

7 Relationship between English and Career The menu board is written in English. It makes more fashionable and stylish shop. Many foreign people will come to my shop. Tokyo is visited by many foreigners. ・ Basic English communication skills ・ English writing skills

8 Short Summary of Presentation ・ Shibuya or Shimokitazawa is good location. ・ The requirement to be a owner is business per mit,food hygiene manager,fire protection manager. To realize my future plan, I will... ・ choose class related to management in next semester. ・ graduate from aoyama university for 4 years.

9 List of source ・ Cafe`s life Retrieved from way11.htm ・ Chron. What licence do I need to start a cafe? Retrieved from start-cafe-15509.html ・ My own business Retrieved from se/

10 ・ Ken, M. Japan Live. Japan Live TOKYO LIVE HOUSE GUIDE. Retrieved from guide.html ・ Shijo chousa clinic Retrieved from http://www.research- 8%AC%E3%83%A2%E3%83%87%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3%E3%82 %B0/

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