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University Strategic Organizations Office of the Vice President for Research Spring 2011 Re-competition Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "University Strategic Organizations Office of the Vice President for Research Spring 2011 Re-competition Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 University Strategic Organizations Office of the Vice President for Research Spring 2011 Re-competition Workshop

2 AGENDA What are USOs? Why are USOs being re-competed? What is the competition timeline and process? What are the criteria for successful applications? Office of the Vice President for Research 2

3 What are USOs? Strategic research or scholarly focus for OU The USO as a whole will be greater than the sum of its parts The USO will be transformative Specific goals and metrics Business plan, governance, and sustainability Vision, Accountability, Culture Change 3 Office of the Vice President for Research

4 Competitive Applications More competitive Multiple faculty involved Record of collaboration Senior leadership with junior affiliates Evidence of national and/or international impacts Business plan to attain sustainability Step up to next level Less Competitive Only one or two faculty Good idea but no track record of collaboration Primarily comprised of junior faculty Some promise but little to show so far Uncertain or unrealistic business plan More of the same 4 Office of the Vice President for Research

5 If Your Idea is Less Competitive College and academic unit designation and support as a research center Research Council seed funding VPR Challenge Grants Long-term programmatic planning with assistance from CRPDE 5 Office of the Vice President for Research

6 How to Improve Your USO Competitiveness Identify common themes with other research groups or centers Think beyond your current research or scholarship to something bigger Develop a business plan that supports a strategic growth plan Leverage resources and collaborations outside OU 6 Office of the Vice President for Research

7 Why are USOs being Re-competed Now? Aspire 2020 dialogue has changed the context for OU Research National research and funding priorities have shifted substantially OU’s strengths and opportunities have evolved 7 Office of the Vice President for Research

8 Competition Process and Timeline Mandatory workshop for applicants held in January 2011 Brief letter of intent due Feb 22, 2011 Invitation to submit full proposals announced by March 4, 2011 (CRPDE collaboration required) Full proposals due April 15, 2011, at which time oral presentations will be scheduled External reviews of full proposals obtained Oral presentations between April 15 and May 6, 2011 USOs formally announced by May 16, 2011 8 Office of the Vice President for Research

9 Review Criteria Technical and/or creative merit of the activities proposed Rationale and necessity of the organization for achieving stated goals Congruence with University strategic goals and potential for enhancing the scholarship enterprise Viability of the proposed governance model and qualifications of the leadership team Nature and value of existing or proposed linkages with other organizations Soundness of the financial plan and rationale for support requested Potential for fiscal and programmatic sustainability Likelihood of success in making meaningful impacts beyond the scholarship being proposed 9 Office of the Vice President for Research

10 Letter of Intent (3 pages single spaced) What is the research focus of the USO? Who is involved? Why is this proposal strategic for OU and how would it be transformative? What are some of the national and international opportunities that a USO would leverage (including financial sustainability)? What are some of the goals and metrics? 10 Office of the Vice President for Research

11 CRPDE Assistance Questions answered throughout the process Letters of Intent – CRPDE review available no later than February 18, 2011 Full Proposals As soon as you are invited to submit a full proposal, make an appointment with Alicia Knoedler by contact Cindy Clark, Do not wait until the last minute Assistance also available for oral presentation preparation 11 OURC :: VPR(N) :: VPSPED

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