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Chapter 15. Last Chinese Dynasty  Last dynasty of China – Qing fell in 1911  Imperialism + Internal Problems = Collapse  Internal Problems:  Corruption.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15. Last Chinese Dynasty  Last dynasty of China – Qing fell in 1911  Imperialism + Internal Problems = Collapse  Internal Problems:  Corruption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15

2 Last Chinese Dynasty  Last dynasty of China – Qing fell in 1911  Imperialism + Internal Problems = Collapse  Internal Problems:  Corruption  Peasant Unrest  Tai Ping Rebellion  (1850-64).  Incompetence  Population Growth  Food Shortage  Famine

3 Imperialism in China  European sea trade with China during 1500-1600s. Trade tightens under Qing (1800s)  Britain = largest trade partner  British East India Company  Sells opium in China  Qing make opium illegal and British refuse to stop selling.

4 Opium War (1839-1842)  Qing close Guanagzhou port.  British sail into port and open China up by force.  Navy is to STRONG.  Treaty of Nanjing:  Opened 5 ports to England.  Hong Kong to England.  Port cities not subject to Chinese law.  Marked strong western influence in China

5 Imperialism Increases  Spheres of Influence: created by several European nations.  Sphere = Colony All about TRADE

6 Open Door Policy  Other nations begin to fear the growing power of others so they meet and agree on a new policy.  Open Door Policy- foreign nations all have equal access to Chinese Markets.  No one nation could dominate China.


8 The Boxer Rebellion  Too much foreign influence. Some want all foreigners out!  Society of harmonious fists (Boxers) disliked Christian missionaries and foreigners in general.  1900- Boxers attack foreigners. Combined foreign army defeats them.  Qing were weaker than ever!  watch?v=F4QdEKjEg88 watch?v=F4QdEKjEg88

9 1911 – Fall of the Qing  Sun Yat-sen (Mr. Sun) – tries to revive Chinese society through revolution  Revolutionary Alliance – Mr. Sun & Gen Yuan.  Gen. Yuan turns on Sun and Civil War begins in 1916.  Transitional Governments until 1949  Mao - Communism

10 Imperialism in Japan  Geography had isolated Japan for centuries. The Tokugawa Shogunate kept it that way until the 1800’s.  Little foreign trade. Foreign ships driven off.  Over time, western powers want to open trade with Japan.

11 United States First to Succeed  1853 – Commodore Matthew Perry sails into Tokyo Bay and forces Japan to open trade with U.S.  Gunboat Diplomacy

12 Treaty of Kanagawa  3 Parts  Return of American Shipwrecked sailors held by Japan.  Two trade ports opened up.  U.S. consulate opened.  Within years, several European nations sign similar treaties.

13 Sat-Cho Rebellion  1868 – Sat Cho attack Tokugawas and win  Restore power to the Emperor.  Important realization – They must modernize  New Gov. Meiji realize they must strengthen military and make other changes.

14 Meiji Restoration  Local Nobles land taken/small unit of Gov. created (Prefectures)  Western style Gov./Legislative Assembly created  Prime Minister  Cabinet Members  Money to start new business enterprises  New modern army  New land ownership/peasants given land/land taxes  Industry promoted  Foreign advisors help guide Japan  New transportation system  New education system  Universal education  Western Culture – Clothing food, etc

15 Japan becomes an Imperialist  Japan lacks land and resources. Expansion is needed. Take part of China as a Trade Colony.  Rivalry with Russia & China leads to a War. (1904)  Japan will continue to modernize and industrialize. Growing power of Japan will soon lead to other conflicts. (WW2)

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