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Hear & Now counselling is a confidential counselling service for all young people aged 11 - 18 who live or study in Redbridge. Cost £93per year Space4Me.

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2 Hear & Now counselling is a confidential counselling service for all young people aged 11 - 18 who live or study in Redbridge. Cost £93per year Space4Me - Trish is a teacher at Christchurch Primary and has undergone comprehensive training to take on a part time counselling role. Cost £150 per weekly session ASDAN courses are designed to develop learners’ personal and employability skills through an engaging and challenging curriculum of activities, leading to a certificate of accreditation or achievement. ASDAN's range of Preparing for Adulthood Programmes are designed for young people who have moderate, severe, complex, profound or multiple learning difficulties ASDAN - small groups - in house - 1 day per week x 38 weeks - Cost £11020 (provided by BEP) The Bep Programme is suitable for pupils in key stage 4 (14 to 16 year old) whom the traditional GCSE model is inappropriate. These pupils may feel the traditional academic model of education not fit for purpose and prefer a vocational and apprenticeship model. Pupils will still study English and Maths but other option to choice from such as ICT, Child development, plumbing, Beauty etc. BEP offers a personalised curriculum for pupils. Cost depends on the training provided - last year 3 days training/2 days placement for a student cost £223.50 per week - £8493 for the academic year. last year 2 days training/3 days placement for a student cost £204 per week - Cost for the academic year £7752. The Home Tuition programme for children aged between 11 and 16, covering Maths, English and Science. The programme is utilised for pupils who are able to attend school for medical reasons (possibly mental health) or school refusers. Usually, a member of an external agency (social worker) would get in touch with about the exam board and topics a pupil should be covering Cost for home tuition service this year - initial 1st hour £60, £52.50 per hour thereafter. Triage+ is a partner initiative between the Redbridge Youth Offending and Targeted Prevention Service and Schools. Triage can be used when a young person has been involved in an incident or a series of incidents which could if left unchecked lead to a permanent exclusion. Triage is a tool/option for schools to use. It is a restorative practice to resolve the incident or crime without the need for a formal sanction or police involvement. No Cost Fusion NELFT is made up of Specialist Drug and Alcohol workers working with young people in schools. Fusion NELFT offers young people (aged under 18) advice, information and support in relation to drugs and alcohol issues – No Cost Pupil Referral Centres - Constance Bridgeman Centre- Cost going up to £10000 per year from April, currently £8100 per year. The Constance Bridgeman Centre, Romford is a state special school for boys and girls aged from 11 to14. The John Barker Centre is an outstanding Pupil Referral Unit providing high quality education for 16 children with a wide range of need but predominantly for those with SEMH who are at risk of exclusion or have been permanently excluded from mainstream schools in Redbridge CONNEXIONS delivers impartial Careers Information, Advice and Guidance that is independent of the School, thereby meeting the School’s Statutory obligations in accordance with the Education Act 2011. Cost for 59 days @ £220 per day = £12980 April 2013 - March 2014 Hermitage Centre – is located at Trinity Catholic High School in Woodford Green. The centre has a partnership with Redbridge secondary schools and works with pupils who need some time out from their schools. This gives pupils at risk of exclusion the opportunity and time to reflect on issues of behaviour. No Cost New Rush Hall Outreach - Linda Severs - The New Rush Hall Group is an educational organisation based in the London Borough of Redbridge that works within a range of settings with children who are experiencing social, emotional and mental health difficulties. (SEMH) Cost – The initial hour for a new student is £60, all hours thereafter are £52.50 Brookside Young People’s Unit is an adolescent psychiatric unit and an multi-agency Early Years’ which supplies educational provision for young people. This facility is run by the New Rush Hall Group CHATTS Child and Adult Talking Therapy Service - Provide therapeutic counselling, behavioural management and a range of interventions including art and play therapy to support children, young people and their families.

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