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Insert photo COAST STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Bagamoyo, September 2013 Eco-tourism and Alternative Livelihoods - State of Affairs September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Insert photo COAST STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Bagamoyo, September 2013 Eco-tourism and Alternative Livelihoods - State of Affairs September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Insert photo COAST STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Bagamoyo, September 2013 Eco-tourism and Alternative Livelihoods - State of Affairs September 2013

2 Eco-tourism projects Background -Regional ST-EP eco tourism seminars organized in second semester 2010. -Value chain analysis in demo-sites carried out by COAST teams in 2011. -Eco-tourism projects launched in 2011 (Cameroon, Ghana and Kenya) and 2012 (Gambia, Nigeria and Tanzania), based on detailed workplan prepared by the COAST teams in the countries. -Mozambique carries out ST-EP project in demo site with funds mobilized by UNWTO

3 -All projects made significant efforts in 2013 to plan and implement project activities with a view to completing the ecotourism projects by the end of 2013/first quarter of 2014. -By mid 2013, level of financial expenditure varies from 20 % to 65 %. -Whereas detailed plans for project activities are in place, country procedures to release funds have sometimes delayed implementation. State of Affairs 2013

4 The ST-EP programme structure provided an already well tested framework for development and delivery of ecotourism projects, providing an easy structure that local groups have been able to work with and adapt. The MTE is confident that the suite of ecotourism projects funded through the COAST Project can be delivered inside the remaining two years if all are started by end March 2012. Eco-tourism projects have strong focus on socio- economic benefits, however, delivery of environmental benefits through the projects is less clear. Selected Findings MTE

5 -New global review on BAPs/BATs for eco- tourism drafted based on case studies from sustainable tourism projects (incl. field research on ST-EP projects in coastal areas in Ghana and Tanzania), also highlighting the benefits to biodiversity from sustainable tourism projects. -Extra attempts made to include environmental indicators and activities in eco-tourism projects. -Training on “Motivating tourism employees to act as champions for biodiversity conservation and environmental protection”. Pilot training organized in Gambia in April 2013, with possibilities for replication in other countries. New activities after MTE

6 -Cameroon: Tree planting activities carried out in demo sites. -Gambia: Tourism & Biodiversity training, and waste management (recycling – manure, crafts). -Ghana: Conservation fee charged for turtle watching; conservation component included in guide traiing. -Kenya: 30 community members trained to produce souvenirs from solid waste. -Nigeria: Awareness raising on protection of wildlife and mangrove (planned activity). -Tanzania: Mangrove conservation & replanting. New environmental activities

7 Objectives Gambia Seminar To analyse in a participatory manner the main threats to biodiversity and the environment in the destination, in particular those threats caused by activities of local people or enterprises. To provide guidance to local people that are (self-) employed in the tourism sector on how to act as champions for biodiversity conservation and environmental protection in their communities. To provide guidance to tourism employees on how to contribute to environmental management (making optimal use of scarce natural resources) and waste management in their enterprises

8 Outcome seminar Participants got ideas and left motivated to act as champions for biodiversity conservation and environmental protection, helping to reduce pressure on the natural environment. All participants indicated that the seminar had been very relevant for their professional activities and that it had provided them with good ideas to put into practice. Participants prepared an action plan to act as champions for biodiversity conservation and environmental protection in their enterprise and community, with first activities starting the weekend after the seminar. Ambition to replicate the seminar in other destinations in Gambia and other COAST countries.

9 -Joint efforts required to successfully complete all projects in the next 6 months  It’s not impossible, but it is and will remain a challenge. -Measuring results and timely reporting, using the template prepared by UNWTO for the technical progress reports. -Continue paying attention to both the socio- economic and the environmental aspects of the ecotourism project (replication Gambia biodiversity seminar?). Challenges ahead of us

10 Thank you! Marcel Leijzer Programme Coordinator Technical Cooperation & Services Visit us at

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