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Chapter 6: Life in the English Colonies 10 20 30 40 50.

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1 Chapter 6: Life in the English Colonies 10 20 30 40 50

2 Why were many of the colonies founded? Religious Freedom

3 What did a young person have to become to learn to be an artisan? An apprentice

4 What was the most important building in a colonial town? The meeting house

5 What name was given to the second part of a triangular trade route, the journey slaves took from west Africa to the West Indies? The Middle Passage

6 What subjects did colonial children study in school? Reading, writing and arithmetic

7 Name three cash crops grown on southern plantations. Indigo, tobacco, rice

8 Why were the Middle Colonies known as the “breadbasket of the colonies”? The grew so much wheat, milled the wheat into flour, and shipped it to other colonies

9 What was one of the most popular book in the 13 colonies? Poor Richard’s Almanac

10 What did slaves do to keep their culture alive? Played instruments like the banjo and drums

11 What did Benjamin Franklin do for the city of Philadelphia? Started the city’s first public library, volunteer fire department, newspaper, and hospital

12 How did slaves resist slavery? Attempted escapes, pretended to be sick, worked slowly, and broke tools

13 What was the Great Awakening? It was a religious movement that revived or awakened many colonists’ interest in religion

14 What skills did slaves bring with them to the plantations? Some slaves knew how to be a blacksmith, tailor, carpenter, and how to grow rice

15 What were some of the jobs available for artisans? (Give 4) Tailor, blacksmith, fisherman, miller,cooper, merchant, surveyor, shoemaker, printer, dressmaker

16 Compare how writing letters today is different from how colonists wrote letters. Today we often use email, or texting to write to people, we also use envelopes. In colonial times they were sealed with melted wax and envelopes were not used because it was a waste of paper

17 When children complete their schooling at the age of 13 or 14 what could they do? Work on family farms, become an apprentice, or a few could go on to college

18 Describe what daily life was like for colonial children? Some children in towns or cities attended one-room schools. By their early teens, most worked on family farms or as apprentices. Free time was spent on chores or simple games and sports.

19 How did colonists in New England towns use trees? Trees were a very important natural resource to the New England Colonies. Timber was exported to England. Trees were also used to build houses, ships, and barrels.

20 How did Olaudah Equiano feel about slavery? Olaudah Equiano experience what slavery was like first hand and he strongly disagreed with it. He believed that it went against a person’s rights.

21 Compare and contrast what life was like for slaves in the north and south. In the north, slaves had more opportunity to better their lives. They could earn extra money to buy their freedom, and they often worked in business and in the home. In the south, slaves were forced to work on large plantations and had no free time. Some were artisans on the plantation.

22 Describe the economies of the three colonial regions

23 New England Colonies Middle ColoniesSouthern Colonies Based on products from the sea and forests Trees used for ships, houses, and barrels Fishing and Whaling Based on farm products and valuable minerals. Grew so much wheat became know as the “breadbasket” Based on farming because of warm weather and rich soil Grew cash crops such as indigo, rice, and tobacco

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