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Welcome to Kindergarten Learning is Fun!. What we do everyday Students are responsible to check their own backpacks and turn in information to their teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten Learning is Fun!. What we do everyday Students are responsible to check their own backpacks and turn in information to their teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Learning is Fun!

2 What we do everyday Students are responsible to check their own backpacks and turn in information to their teacher.

3 What we do everyday Calendar which incorporates a lot of math skills such as rote counting, skip counting, patterns, money, place value…...

4 Reading Our reading program provides a wide range of skills and all activities will meet your child at their level of ability.

5 What we do everyday We share stories.

6 What we do everyday We share words

7 Writing My goal is for each child to enjoy writing and to begin little by little to understand how to become a better writer.

8 What we do everyday Practice kid writing skills as a team.

9 What we do everyday Students practice kid writing skills in their journals. Remember, your child learned to speak gradually, and you celebrated each attempt. Together, let’s celebrate your child’s attempts and gradual growth as a beginning writer.

10 Math The students use a variety of manipulatives, play games, and participate in many activities designed to make math an everyday learning process.

11 What we do everyday We go to centers There are four centers to choose from. Students select a different center each day until they complete all four. Science center

12 Centers After completing an independent job which reinforces skills we have currently discussed there will be time for free play in the same center. What we do everyday Block center

13 What we do everyday Reading Center

14 What we do everyday House Center

15 What we do once a week Buddies Our older buddies help reinforce skills we have discussed and provide students with individualized instruction.

16 What can you do ? Read to your child everyday!!!!! Check your child’s backpack everyday. I send home a news letter every Friday. Help your child with homework assignments. Be enthusiastic about school and what your child is doing.

17 Sharing One child is chosen to be special person each week. On Monday they are provided the opportunity to share in front of the class and given special jobs throughout the week. However, all students share individual achievements everyday !

18 Birthdays Per school policy, we ask that no treats be sent to school for birthdays. Instead you may create a treat bag that can be sent home at the end of the day. Another great idea is to purchase a children’s book as a donation to our classroom library. If you choose to donate a book, please have your child write his/her name and birthday on the inside of the cover.

19 Special Events We send classroom shirt orders home. Each shirt is $5 and will be worn for special events. We take one field trip in the spring to visit a farm. Please remember to turn in you field trip emergency medical form. We will also have a fun fall with fathers, family picnic, mother’s day tea party and other special days at school.

20 Parties In kindergarten we have two scheduled parties; Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Please sign up before you leave today.

21 Recess Children need movement. Please remember to dress your child appropriately.

22 Discipline In my classroom I want my students to feel loved and happy. I also expect them to behave appropriately in order for us to do our best learning.

23 Discipline Students who keep their clothespin on green will receive a green ticket at the end of the day.

24 Discipline Students must move a clothespin with their name on it to yellow if they are not behaving according to our class rules. This is a warning and they will not receive a green ticket.

25 Discipline Students must move their clothespin to red if they still are not behaving according to our class rules. This is a time out allowing the student to reflect on the situation. If behavior continues I will make a phone call home to discuss further options.

26 Discipline When a student collects 10 green tickets, he or she gets to go shopping in our treasure box on Friday as a treat for good behavior. We are always in need of prizes feel free to send them in anytime.

27 Official Business Please fill out emergency form completely. Keep all information updated with at least three current names who we are able to contact.

28 Official Business Always call when your child will be out sick. Please bring in a doctor’s excuse when possible. Before leaving for vacation you will need to fill out a vacation request form.

29 Official Business We will have two conferences this year. Please sign up before you leave. Kindergartners will receive three official report cards.

30 Official Business Supplies 1.Backpack, which needs to be brought to school everyday. The backpack should be large enough to hold papers, projects and folders. Please do not send your child with a backpack with wheels or a handle. This can be dangerous going up and down steps. 2. Band-aids 3. Baby wipes 4. Tissues 5. Slide-lock bags-quart and gallon size. 6. Paper towels 7. Hand sanitizer 8. Please look in the wish basket for optional items to purchase.

31 Volunteers I’m always in need of volunteers! Please let me know if you can volunteer on a regular basis to read with the children, work on letter recognition, sound recognition and handwriting. Volunteers need to be fingerprinted at the board office for a background check.

32 Volunteers If you are not able to volunteer in the classroom we still need your help in other areas such as: sewing, woodworking, cutting materials or stapling books and purchasing items for projects. Please sign the volunteer sheet if you are interested.

33 Arrival Please drop your child off at the turn around.

34 Arrival Students will walk down the sidewalk to the kindergarten entrance. The doors have adult supervision for all students.

35 Arrival Students walk down the hall to the gym.

36 Arrival Students will sit with their class in the gym. There is adult supervision until the teacher picks up the class.

37 Dismissal All students are to be picked up at the turn around. We provide door service.

38 Dismissal Teachers load the first three cars. The next three cars pull up and we begin loading again. Please stay in your car so this process will go smoothly. Remind your child to wait for an adult to put them in the car.

39 Dismissal If there is any change you must send a note or your child will be dismissed to the normal place. If you forget call the office as soon as possible. Everyone needs to sign in the office whenever you enter the building. You will be required to show a valid drivers license.

40 You’re ready for kindergarten! Be active in whatever way you can with what we are doing in school. Don’t worry, I will take excellent care of your child!

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