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Methods of training ► On the job training Training given to an employee in the place where he is employed. work and learn is the philosophy of such a training.

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Presentation on theme: "Methods of training ► On the job training Training given to an employee in the place where he is employed. work and learn is the philosophy of such a training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Methods of training ► On the job training Training given to an employee in the place where he is employed. work and learn is the philosophy of such a training concept. Off the job training Training is given to staff at a place away from the actual work place.

2 On the job training ► Induction ► Apprenticeship training ► Refresher training ► Job rotation ► Vestibule training

3 Methods of training ► On the job training Training given to an employee in the place where he is employed. work and learn is the philosophy of such a training concept. Off the job training Training is given to staff at a place away from the actual work place.

4 Off the job training ► Lectures and Conferences ► Role playing ► Case study ► Management games ► Brain Storming ► Sensitivity Training

5 Induction  It is also know as orientation training  It is required for all new employees.  A person who has just been inducted into an organisation must be informed of his duties.

6 Apprenticeship training ► In such a method,the trainee,called “apprentice”, is placed under a qualified senior worker. ► System of training in which a worker entering the skilled trades is given thorough instruction and experience, both on and off the job, in the practical and theoretical aspects of the work. ► During the period of training the apprentice gets a consolidated pay called “Stipend”

7 Refresher training ► The object is to enable the workers to constantly update their job knowledge. ► They must become familiar with the newer methods of work.

8 Job rotation ► This kind of training enables an employee to become well-versed in different kinds of work,each of which is not totally different. ► Once an employee becomes familiar with different types of work, he can be posted in any section depending upon the need.

9 Vestibule training ► “Vestibule” refers to a training school established within the factory premises. ► The working conditions and facilities resembles the actual work place. ► The emphasis is on instruction rather than production. ► Instructors specifically appointed for the purpose will train a large number of workers.

10 Lectures and Conferences ► Te experts in different functional areas of management (marketing,finance,personnel etc..) impart training through lectures ► Conferences provide an opportunity for the executive trainees of different enterprises to meet at a particular place for the sake of exchanging views on specific organisational issues.

11 Role playing ► In a role-playing session, a specific organisational problem may be explained to the trainee group and each participant may be asked to act in the manner he would if he were the decision maker.

12 Case study ► Te trainees are given an organizational problems in written form. ► The problem may be something that has been experienced in some workplace or may even be an imaginary one. ► The participant may be asked to analyze the cause of the problem, suggest alternative solutions and also indicate the best solution in the prevailing conditions.

13 Management games ► The trainer specifies a certain situation in which each group has to make decisions in the specific area assigned to it. ► The decision of the group is evaluated and feedback information is given to them.

14 Brain Storming ► It is a technique used to solve a certain important organisational problem. ► Participants may express their views freely without having to bother about what others would think of their ideas. ► The proposals putforth are recorded for the sake of evaluation and decision-making.

15 Sensitivity Training ► The object is to promote good human relations among trainees. ► The sensitivity training group is called the “T- Group”. ► It involves interaction between members of a small group that has no formal agenda. ► It helps an individual to understand group behaviour and develop a sense of tolerance to work with others as a team.

16 Training and Development and Other HRM Functions Training may permit hiring less-qualified applicants SelectionSelection Effective selection may reduce training needs Training aids in the achievement of performance Performance Appraisal A basis for assessing training needs and results Training and development may lead to higher pay Compensation Management A basis for determining employee’s rate of pay Presentation Slide 6–1 Availability of training can aid in recruitment RecruitmentRecruitment Provide an additional source of trainees Training may include a role for the union Labor Relations Union cooperation can facilitate training efforts

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