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National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Education A Center Perspective by Bob Gabrys, GSFC Education Director.

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Presentation on theme: "National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Education A Center Perspective by Bob Gabrys, GSFC Education Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Education A Center Perspective by Bob Gabrys, GSFC Education Director

2 Aligning with Agency Strategy… 2 NASA Strategic Objective 2.4 on Education Advance the Nation’s STEM education and workforce pipeline by working collaboratively with other agencies to engage students, teachers, and faculty in NASA’s missions and unique assets. Reference: NASA Strategic Plan 2014 NASA Strategic Plan 2014NASA Strategic Plan 2014

3 3 3 3 NASA Education Overview – Strategic Framework – Agency Overview – Outcomes and Objectives – Education Pipeline – Portfolio Management National Administration and Congressional Priorities NASA Education Connects to National STEM Challenges Budget Overview Advance high-quality STEM Education using NASA’s unique capabilities. NASA Education Mission

4 Key Stakeholders and Influencers 4 NASA INTERNAL CROSS-AGENCY Education Coordinating Council (ECC) EXTERNAL


6 6 INSTITUTIONALENGAGEMENT Strengthens the capacity of U.S. institutions to perform STEM research and develop sustained STEM capabilities in topical areas of interest to NASA. INSTITUTIONALENGAGEMENT STEMENGAGEMENT Provides opportunities for participatory and experiential learning activities in formal and informal settings to connect learners to NASA-unique resources.STEMENGAGEMENT EDUCATOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Offers professional development to K-12 and pre-service educators. Integrates NASA missions, education resources and NASA-unique facilities to provide high- quality STEM content and hands-on learning experiences. EDUCATOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Offers professional development to K-12 and pre-service educators. Integrates NASA missions, education resources and NASA-unique facilities to provide high- quality STEM content and hands-on learning experiences. INTERNSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, AND SCHOLARSHIPS Utilizes NASA facilities and assets to leverage unique mission activities and increase the capabilities, diversity, and size of the nation’s next generation workforce needed to enable future NASA discoveries. INTERNSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, AND SCHOLARSHIPS Utilizes NASA facilities and assets to leverage unique mission activities and increase the capabilities, diversity, and size of the nation’s next generation workforce needed to enable future NASA discoveries.

7 Challenges 7 Broaden impact of NASA Education. Seek necessary funding levels in FY17 budget and beyond Strengthen plan to burn down unobligated balances. Continue to advance a “One NASA Education Mission” culture. Strengthen/Broaden Agency ownership of NASA Education Implementation Plan. Evaluate roles, optimize organizational structure, especially ECC as agency governing body. Sustain NASA Education through Administration change based on effective, evidence-based programs. Identify customers and stay focused on those learners.

8 STEM Education Goal Team and Governance Plan 8 Reference: Progress Report on Coordinating Federal STEM Education Goal Statement: Improve STEM education by implementing the Federal STEM Education 5- Year Strategic Plan. Oversight and Project Management of Implementation Working Groups Goal Leaders: Joan Ferrini-Mundy and Jo Handelsman Deputy Goal Leaders: NSF and OSTP Undergraduate STEM Education Co-Leads: NSF Dept. of Defense Undergraduate STEM Education Co-Leads: NSF Dept. of Defense Under-represented Groups Co-Leads: NSF NIH Under-represented Groups Co-Leads: NSF NIH Graduate Education Co-Leads: NSF NIH Graduate Education Co-Leads: NSF NIH P-12 STEM Instruction Co-Leads: Dept. of Education NSF P-12 STEM Instruction Co-Leads: Dept. of Education NSF Engagement Co-Leads: Smithsonian NASA Engagement Co-Leads: Smithsonian NASA Coordination Objectives Lead: FC-STEM Coordination Objectives Lead: FC-STEM Governance CoSTEM: Jo Handelsman (OSTP) and France Córdova (NSF) are Co-Chairs. Annual report from FC-STEM to CoSTEM FC-STEM: Joan Ferrini-Mundy (NSF) and Donald James (NASA) are Co-Chairs. Quarterly reports from Inter-agency Working Groups to FC-STEM

9 9 Lines of Business Alignment to CoSTEM Priorities Co-STEM Priority Goals NASA Lines of Business Improve STEM Instruction (P-12) YOUTH & PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT IN STEM UNDER- GRADUATE EXPERIENCES GROUPS HISTORICALLY UNDER- REPRESENTED GRADUATE EDUCATION Educator Professional Development (EPD) Primary STEM Engagement (SE) PrimarySecondary NASA Internships, Fellowships, & Scholarships (NIFS) SecondaryPrimarySecondaryPrimary Institutional Engagement (IE) SecondaryPrimary The proposed alignment is based on review of the 5-Year Strategic Plan and on the current discussions that have occurred in the IWGs (June 2014). The alignment is subject to change with more maturity of the IWG and CAP Goal progress.

10 10 Education Coordinating Council (ECC) 10 ECC OE (Deputy AAs) Mission Directorates (4) ARMD, HEOMD, SMD, STMD Center Education Directors (10) ARC, AFRC, GRC, GSFC, JPL, JSC, KSC, LaRC, MSFC, SSC Functional Offices OHCM, ODEO, OComm, OCFO, OCIO, OCS, OIIR, OLIA, Astronaut Office AA for Education, Chair Budget, Reporting, New Initiatives Activity Implementation Field Centers, Grantees, Contractors

11 Major ECC Responsibilities Setting NASA strategic direction for education, measurable education goals, education architecture, and policies relation to education for the agency Serving as the senior leadership forum for making decisions on all strategic agency level education issues. Approving Mission Directorate education portfolios, Center education portfolios, the Office of Education portfolio, educational activities at other agency entities, and the integrated agency educational portfolio and the associated risk. Founded in 2012 with next full review of the charter in 2016. 11

12 The Change Process—A Constant Cycle 12

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