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Sv Tietovarastoseminaari 2013 Hanken 2013-09-23 Reijo Soréus.

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Presentation on theme: "Sv Tietovarastoseminaari 2013 Hanken 2013-09-23 Reijo Soréus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sv Tietovarastoseminaari 2013 Hanken 2013-09-23 Reijo Soréus

2 Sv Teknisk förvaltningsledare NyA Tidigare delprojektledare för lösning i Ladok3-projektet Tidigare teknisk förvaltningsledare Ladok Tidigare systemutredare och objektförvaltare KTH UHR  Universitets- och högskolerådet  Bildat 1 januari 2013  Tidigare bl.a. Verket för Högskoleservice 2 Reijo Soréus

3 Sv The present situation in general Two cases  KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)  GU (University of Gothenburg) The LADOK3 approach 3 This presentation

4 Sv Nothing like the XDW in Sweden  Standardised ministry reports supported by Ladok No general trend towards DW based BI Larger universities has started local projects  Cognos (KTH, SU)  Microsoft BI (GU)  Hypergene (LU) Diver and Qlickview generally used for Ladok reporting Integration platforms  WebMethods (GU)  ApacheServiceMix (UU)  BizTalk (Chalmers, LiU, UmU)  FIM (SLU) 4 The situation

5 Sv The University system landscape simplified 5 Admissions Student information Accounting HR Education offering NyA Ladok IDP, user catalogue etc. Local solution Agresso etc. Palasso etc.

6 Sv Student and studies administration 6 Ladok NyA Local course catalogue Xml-based files EMIL 2.0 Credits awarded Admitted students Synchronization Flat file transfer

7 Sv National admissions system  Owned by UHR, financed by license fees from the HEIs  Yearly budget app. MSEK 290 (including operation)  Total cost per application app. SEK 75 Operational since 2006 Supports marketing, application and admission to (almost) all higher education in Sweden No externally available API Data access through NyA Open  Replicated database, available through ODBC/JDBC  Updated once a day Student (applicant) IDP integrated in SWAMID  Swedish University authentication federation  Supports initial login to the University network 7 NyA

8 Sv Student information system used by almost all Swedish HEI  Shared development, local operation  Every HEI has their own installation Developed and maintained through the Ladok Consortium  Similar to Oodi  Financed by member fees  Total budget about MSEK 65 (does not include operation) Operational since the 1980’s Present version in use since 1996/1993  Uniface based administrator client  Web services built in Java Limited data access through API  Web services (SOAP) Data access mainly through a replicated database  Transaction replication – direct copy of production database 8 Ladok

9 Sv SUNET  EduID  Introducing a new common Idp for higher education  Contact:  Inkubator  Network for system development University integration network (ATI)  Arbetsgruppen för teknisk integration  20-30 IT-architects from Universities and University colleges  Coordination regarding integration and strategy sharing  Focus presently on integration with Ladok3  Integration platform discussions  Forum for Enterprise Architecture  Contact: 9 Cooperation forums

10 Sv DW initiatives VIS - VerksamhetsInformationsSystem Kungl Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) 10

11 Sv It is difficult to push a top-down approach to DW  System owners prefers to stay in the silos The common, standardized, management reports are a revolution  Hoping for them to be a first step towards more integrated analysis 11 Comments from KTH

12 Sv DW initiatives - 2 LIS - LedningsInformationsSystem Göteborgs Universitet 12

13 Sv ”Stärkt chefsroll genom ett system som är pålitligt och effektivt och gör det lättare att följa upp verksamhetens mål” Införa ett interaktivt systemstöd för ledningsinformation som möjliggör strategiskt arbete Ledstjärnor för utveckling av LIS:  Göra det komplexa enkelt  Stöd i det aktiva ledarskapet  Enklare att förstå och överblick sin verksamhet  Faktabaserat beslutsunderlag  Gemensam syn på verksamhet  Analysmodellen MAD1 för användaren  Öppen säkerhetsfilosofi  Förvaltningsbart  Plattform att växa med Stödjer förverkligandet av Vision 2020 13 Goals and ambitions

14 Sv LIS 1.0 Solution decided in the autumn of 2012 Operational in Q1 2014 Project runs over 2,5 calender years Total project cost MSEK 20 14 Project timeplan and budget

15 Sv Project prestudy listed over 400 process indicators  Reduced after analysis and interviews to 15 No focus on intra University comparisons  No such indicators will be included in the 1.0 version  Important new functionality in future versions Back bone prototype developed in a first phase  Supports navigation and dialogue structure  To be finished to a fully functional solution Basic work hypothesis  MAD: Monitor, Analyze and Drill (TDWI – The Data Warehouse Institute)  Framework for self service BI solutions  Monitor: GUI with indicators that highlights deviations  Analyze: Tools for dimensions, views and filters  Drill: Access to basic data 15 Project realization

16 Sv Planned indicators in 1.0 Studentnöjdhet Internationalisering i grundutbildning Utveckling betalstudenter Prestationsgrad Utfall mot takbelopp Söktryck Uppdragsutbildning Bibliometri Beviljningsgrad för ansökningar Fördelningsbalans forskningsmedel Kostnad helårsprestation Ekonomisk status Likabehandling Medarbetarnöjdhet Forskarrekrytering 16

17 Sv Alumni Staff planning Budgeting Procurement Ladok NyA GUL (LMS) Environmental reporting Statistics (from SCB) Scheduling (TimeEdit) … 17 Data sources

18 Sv Information mapping at six workshops Result  Common high level information model  System/Object matrix for the different information objects  List of basic concepts and their meanings Implemented in the backbone solution  Collective Data Storage Important to establish robust solutions for all shared objects  Identified to a high degree  Data quality is a problem  Organization most complicated 18 Information model

19 Sv Logical model 19 Data sources ETL Base data storage Dimension model Tabular model User tools Agresso Palasso Ladok … Import Stage Normalization Denormalization Semantics Performance Authorization Sharepoint - Excel services - RS Reports

20 Sv Solution 20

21 Sv Technical architecture 21

22 Sv Solution based on Oracle and Microsoft  Supplier preference based on the Gartner Magic Quadrant  Existing data warehouse is based on Oracle  Microsoft an Oracle require no changes to the data warehouse  Not happy with Oracle Oracle Data Warehouse is kept SQL server SQL Analysis Services Tabular for visualization  Supports required ADs 22 Components

23 Sv Microsoft applications  Instructions could be better  New technology with steep learning curves Unstable user requirements  Partly due to delayed development environment  Missed competence regarding best practices in Sharepoint design Redesigning ETL flows is very taxing The full report (in Swedish)  utrapport_v_2.pdf utrapport_v_2.pdf 23 Project analysis and conclusions (so far)

24 Sv The Ladok3 approach Reporting and data access 24

25 Sv Established 2011 Will replace the whole existing Ladok system with a new solution  Total estimated cost app. MSEK 300 Second delivery to a test environment (MIT) coming up now  Supports reporting of results Implementation in four steps starting in April 2015 Final implementations start in 2017 SOA-based solution  Atom feeds  REST  No direct access to the database More information   25 The Ladok3 project

26 Sv No external direct access to the database(s) Updates of information published through Atom feeds Information retrieval from the services through REST interface Updated internal Data Warehouse is updated by the feeds  One DW for each HEI  Can be accessed by ODBC Basic reports supplied with the system  Fiscal reporting  Statistics to SCB (Statistics Sweden) More information  26 Integration with Ladok3

27 Sv SQL based integration to Ladok3 27

28 Sv Denna layout kan användas för UHR:s samarbetslogotyper/underlogotyper. Placera logotyperna enligt exemplen nedan. 28

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