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Bernd Merz Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) BG BAU Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft Institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention - Building and.

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Presentation on theme: "Bernd Merz Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) BG BAU Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft Institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention - Building and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bernd Merz Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) BG BAU Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft Institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention - Building and construction industry Hauptverwaltung Berlin Hildegardstraße 29/30 10715 Berlin - Germany Email:

2 BM February 2016 Seite 2

3 BM February 2016 Seite 3 1881: "Imperial Message" 1883: Workers Health Insurance Law 1884: Workers Accident Insurance Law 1889: Workers Retirement Pension Law 1924: Employees Insurance Law 1927: Unemployment Insurance Law 1957: Revison of Retirement Pension Law 1983: Social Insurance for Artists 1995: Long-Term Care Insurance 1997: Book VII of the German Social Code (1997)

4 BM February 2016 Seite 4 Principles of the statutory accident insurance system: The statutory accident insurance system is characterized in particular by the fact that the following are delivered from a single source: Accident prevention The restoration of health and capacity for work (rehabilitation) The awarding of pensions and other forms of compensation.

5 BM February 2016 Seite 5

6 6 Insured members (enterprises):504.812572.451 Private house builder:40.56744.504 Insured individuals:2.714.5802.732.121 Inspections:214.611210.072 Preventive medical checkups:442.267412.276 Compensation paid:1,49 bn €1,52 bn Allocation:1,59 bn € 1,63 bn 20132014 BM February 2016

7 7 Number of training courses Master craftsman Employers, Manager Skilled workers Committeemen, workers‘ council members Safety officers OSH professionals Trainees

8 8 Prevention services: Strategic goal of BG BAU prevention services is to use all appropriate means to work-related accidents, occopational diseases and work-related health risks. BM February 2016

9 BM 15.10.2014 Seite 9 Prevention work

10 BM February 2016 Seite 10 Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB VII) Siebtes Buch - Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung Social Code – Book VII Employment Accident Insurance Employement accident and occupational disease benefit Law, Act 1996-08-20

11 11 Statutory accident insurance is one of five mandatory insurances within the German social security system. Employees, children and students are insured during their activities at the workplace, in schools, nursery-schools and institutes of higher education; other groups such as domestic staff and voluntary workers are also insured. Altogether, over 70 million people enjoy the protection of the statutory accident insurance system. BM February 2016

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13 Seite 13 The premiums system As with the other forms of social insurance, the level of premiums for statutory accident insurance also varies according to the level of the total wage costs (TWC) of the insured individuals (wages and salaries) and the expenditure of the accident insurance institution concerned. The accident risk in the corresponding sector is also significant. This is expressed by the risk category (RC). The contribution base (CB) is calculated as a function of the financial requirement for a given year. It is the same for all insured employers, but must be recalculated each year.

14 BM February 2016 Seite 14 The accident prevention regulations (UVVs) are issued by the German Social Accident Insurance institutions. A small number of these apply to all sectors of the economy, such as the regulation governing prevention principles; others are geared to particular sectors, establishments or areas of activity. The accident prevention regulations are legally binding upon the employers concerned and the insured individuals. Should employers or insured individuals contravene accident prevention regulations deliberately or through gross negligence, the German Social Accident Insurance institutions may impose a fine of up to €10,000. The fine does not exclude the possibility of further civil and criminal proceedings.

15 BM February 2016 Seite 15 Rules and information The rules governing safety and health at the workplace describe how the regulations may be implemented in practice. Provided the employer observes the rules, it may generally be assumed that machinery and plant are being operated in accordance with the state of the art. In the event of an accident, the employer is thus able to prove that he is not guilty of negligence. For actual implementation within companies, the rules are supplemented by information, written in clear language and accompanied by illustrative examples. These include codes of practice and sector-specific checklists.

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27 BM February 2016 Seite 27

28 BM February 2016 Seite 28 Germany: Occupational accidents

29 BM February 2016 Seite 29 Germany: Days absence

30 BM February 2016 Seite 30

31 BM February 2016 Seite 31 Prevention culture (Safety culture)

32 BM February 2016 Seite 32 The Infrastructure of Every Organization

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