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CoLIMS progress Computational Omics and Systems Biology (CompOmics) Group Niels Hulstaert

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Presentation on theme: "CoLIMS progress Computational Omics and Systems Biology (CompOmics) Group Niels Hulstaert"— Presentation transcript:

1 CoLIMS progress Computational Omics and Systems Biology (CompOmics) Group Niels Hulstaert

2 outline predecessor: ms-lims database schema architecture status in the pipeline bumpy road demo

3 ms-lims lifetime growth Millions of spectra

4 ms-lims usage MS or MS/MS analysis Format A Format B Format C MySQL DB Micromass Q-TOF I Bruker Ultraflex Bruker Esquire HCT Agilent HPLC Identification Matrix Science Mascot Results interpretation Consumer 1Consumer 2 Consumer 3 spectra Applied 4X00 Format D

5 time for an update mascot centric no maxquant support database schema limitations hard to maintain legacy code memory issues cyclic dependencies minimalist gui

6 ms-lims-X -> CoLIMS take the good things (and start from scratch) rich client straightforward installation lightweight PeptideShaker support MaxQuant support ProteomeXchange/PRIDE support more mature database schema unique protein sequences unique modifications

7 database schema

8 metadata

9 search input

10 identification results

11 quantification

12 user management

13 architecture

14 database server colims DB storage task server ActiveMQ storage engine colims-core colims-repository colims-distributed colims-model in-house client colims-distributed colims-core colims-client colims-model colims-repository

15 JMS and JMX java technologies widely used and has proven to be a stable component in distributed architectures loose coupling of clients and storage engine sequential storing: unique protein and modification tables transactional and retry mechanism

16 quantification status in progress: MaxQuant import functionality need for validator in the pipeline Mascot quant support first: mzTab support later: mzQuantML support

17 supported search engines MaxQuant In the pipeline: native Mascot support PeptideShaker: MS-GF+, OMSSA, X!Tandem, MS Amanda and Mascot

18 ProteomeXchange export PRIDE XML mzIdentML PeptideShaker imported data in ProteomeXchange/PRIDE 93 submissions, comprising 11 408 817 spectra 50 submissions are public, containing 3 774 937 spectra 122 675 spectra on average per PeptideShaker project

19 in the pipeline PeptideShaker like data viewer data query tool native ProteomeXchange/PRIDE export (mzML, mzIdentML, mzTab) built-in distributed search architecture and identification interpretation (SearchGUI/PeptideShaker) improve client – storage task server interaction replace ms-lims and import existing data web interface third party access

20 design bumps ActiveMQ instead of in-house solution various database schema changes auditing issues unique protein accession -> unique sequence

21 adapting to PeptideShaker fast release cycles PSI-MOD -> UNIMOD modifications (multi search engines) protein inference strategy (protein tree)

22 adapting to MaxQuant no access to used FASTA spectral matching across searches black box



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