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2  Aromatase is an enzyme critical in sexual determination  Converts androgen to estrogen  Conserved across all vertebrates and mammals  Located in the brain, ovary, and testes  This study assesses protein alignment and evolutionary relationships between Kmar and other Teleosts

3  Obtained sequence from NCBI ◦ Taxonomy report ◦ Saved in FASTA format  Put sequences in SEAVIEW ◦ Converted to Protein ◦ Aligned Protein Sequence  Used RaxML ◦ Determined Bootstrap values  Input into Figtree ◦ Graphical representation of evolutionary relationship

4 Protein Alignment

5 Aromatase Tree

6 Concatenated Tree

7  Similar protein structure when Kmar compared to other Teleosts  Teleosts evolved at similar rates  Kmar and Medaka closely related ◦ Evolved at similar evolutionary rates  Out-group evolved separately

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