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LPRCA FY2017 Budget Overview. FY2016 Accomplishments Completed pier-removal at Two Rivers SRA Completed 9 th year of real-time monitoring with USGS Initiated.

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Presentation on theme: "LPRCA FY2017 Budget Overview. FY2016 Accomplishments Completed pier-removal at Two Rivers SRA Completed 9 th year of real-time monitoring with USGS Initiated."— Presentation transcript:

1 LPRCA FY2017 Budget Overview

2 FY2016 Accomplishments Completed pier-removal at Two Rivers SRA Completed 9 th year of real-time monitoring with USGS Initiated new WQMN site at Leshara Utilized by Water Systems; recreationists; managers Completed NET Grant for predictive water quality work Completed Recreation Master Plan for Lower Platte River Corridor −Continued RTCA Grant from NPS Transitioned GIS data to ArcGIS platform Lower Platte River Watershed Restoration Completed successful outreach events & public presentations Increased web traffic, social media and newsletter/e-newsletter subscription Coordination with cities and counties continue −Examples over last 1-2 years: Cass County Compost Operation, Plattsmouth Main Street Association; Sarpy County Waste Water; Ashland Comp Plan & Economic development; Fremont City CIP/Hormel Park; Unicameral; Offutt levee/PCS nitrogen facility; Douglas County WQ Mailings/email/direct interaction with all counties and cities within Corridor Participated in 3 NRD IMP process and LPR Basin Plan Completed Sandbar Dynamics Study NET Grant Developed kiosks for LPWMA

3 Lower Platte River & Tributaries Authority 1998 Authorized Feasibility Study for Lower Platte River −Included: Western Sarpy Clear Creek Sand Creek Antelope Valley Water/Wastewater Treatment Study Cumulative Impact Study Numerous other studies/projects have been initiated through relationship with Corps and other partners via this authority $2,555,147 Federal contribution through LPR&T & LPRCA for Feasibility Study portion Project contributions would be in $100s of millions LPRWA Program—Letter of Intent to Corps Headquarters; Work with Senator Fischers’ Staff; −Potential for additional $12 million in federal funding for multiple benefit projects

4 Grant/Federal/Other $$ FY16: $865,300 $931,796 FY17: $931,796

5 ADMINISTRATION FY2017 Request: $90,000 −NRDs (each) : $16,000 $23,000 with contingency −Agencies (each) : $7,000

6 Project or Program Area: LPSNRDP-MRNRDLPNNRDOther funds Total new LPRCA Funds USGS WQMN Renewed Agmt Leshara Agmt 51,544 9,696 51,544 9,696 --- 9,696 31,272 18,824 8,000 103,088 37,088 BMP On-line Tool & database---------200,000--- WQ Plan Implmentation Supplemental Impl Strategy Design & Const/Impl Test your well nights/community meetings 10,000 250,000 100,000 30,000 2,250* Recreation Plan/Development Public Meetings App/Info Development Implementation 500 5,000 500 5,000 500 5,000 60,000 100,000 1,500 15,000 Environmental Suitability Assessment ESRI Agreement 834 2,502 Lower Platte River Watershed Program 53,334 500,000160,000 Platte Basin Timelapse 5,000---5,00010,00020,000

7 Other Coordination and Collaboration Rural Futures Institute Service Learning Grant Platte Basin Timelapse Nebraska Watershed Network NEWBA Ag Performance Network Nebraska Land Trust Lower Platte Basin Coalition/Basin Water Plan Lower Platte Weed Management Area Lower Platte Ice Agreement Nebraska Aquatic Invasive Species Program Platte River Recovery & Implementation Program Tern & Plover Conservation Partnership Other specific projects

8 Education and Outreach LPNNRDLPSNRDP-MRNRDOther funds Total new LPRCA Funds Kayak Tour(s)250 750 LPR Summit2,000 3,000 1,200 6,000 Newsletters, Kiosks, I&E Materials, Other events/meetings 2,250 6,750 Website Hosting/support 670 2,010 Advertising/ Social Media/Video 2,000 6,000 Water Quality Open 17,500

9 FY2016 & FY2017 Comparison FY2016 LPNNRD Maximum Requested Amount: $130,381 −Invoiced: $58,046 (44%) FY2016 LPSNRD Maximum Requested Amount: $229,775 −Invoiced: $94,428 (41%) FY2016 P-MRNRD Maximum Requested Amount:$224,775 −Invoiced: $89,428 (40%) FY2017 LPNNRD Maximum Requested Amount: $119,534 −Anticipated firm fund request: $51,200 FY2017 LPSNRD Maximum Requested Amount: $171,078 −Anticipated firm fund request: $102,744 FY2017 Papio & LPSNRD Maximum Requested Amount:$166,078 Anticipated firm fund request: $97,744 − Anticipated firm fund request: $97,744

10 Meghan Sittler, Coordinator Lower Platte River Corridor Alliance 402-476-2729 QUESTIONS?

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