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Save Our Home! Age 8–9. Lesson 1: What is a Rainforest? Learning outcome: I can describe the structure of a rainforest and explain why this is important.

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Presentation on theme: "Save Our Home! Age 8–9. Lesson 1: What is a Rainforest? Learning outcome: I can describe the structure of a rainforest and explain why this is important."— Presentation transcript:

1 Save Our Home! Age 8–9

2 Lesson 1: What is a Rainforest? Learning outcome: I can describe the structure of a rainforest and explain why this is important.

3 Lesson 1: What is a Rainforest? Big Question: Why are rainforests important?

4 Lesson 1: What is a Rainforest?

5 Makanan:

6 Lesson 2: Clearing the Rainforest for Palm Oil Learning outcome: I can name different oils in our food and where they come from.

7 Big Question: What effects does consumption of food oil have? Lesson 2: Clearing the Rainforest for Palm Oil

8 Word bank: rainforestcanopy understoryemergent trees transpirationwater cycle rainground layer tropicaljungle SumatraAmazon Lesson 2: Clearing the Rainforest for Palm Oil

9 The rainforest: Lesson 2: Clearing the Rainforest for Palm Oil

10 An oil palm plantation: Lesson 2: Clearing the Rainforest for Palm Oil

11 Palm oil products: Lesson 2: Clearing the Rainforest for Palm Oil

12 Lesson 3: Is There a Better Way? Learning outcomes: I can explain the need for sustainable food oil production.

13 Big Questions: How can we help the orangutans? Lesson 3: Is There a Better Way?

14 Unit Key Vocabulary rainforest canopy understory emergent trees transpiration water cycle rain ground layer oil palm oil cleared plantation orangutan sustainable destruction

15 Photo Credits: orangutan - / Matej Hudovernik; rainforest - / puwanai; plantation - / Kenishirotie; instant noodles - / kitsananan Kuna; ice cream - / ksena32; peanut butter - / Mike Flippo; chocolate - / Silberkorn; biscuits - / Abel Tumik; lipstick - / Studio KIWI; shampoo - / Denis Semenchenko Save Our Home!, Age 8–9

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