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Co-funded by the European Union OI-Net The European ERASMUS Academic Network for Open innovation Kick-off meeting, 16-17 January 2014, Technical University.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-funded by the European Union OI-Net The European ERASMUS Academic Network for Open innovation Kick-off meeting, 16-17 January 2014, Technical University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-funded by the European Union OI-Net The European ERASMUS Academic Network for Open innovation Kick-off meeting, 16-17 January 2014, Technical University of Lappeenranta WP4 Comparing and developing Curricula and Education on open innovation

2 WP4 core WP Leader: P39 – Transilvania University of Brasov - Simona Lache WP Support: P38 - INESC Porto, University of Porto - João José Pinto Ferreira P02 - Wifi - Vienna Chamber of commerce P03 - FH Wien P05 - MAC-Team aisbl P11 - University of Economics, Prague P16 - Actif-Europe P26 - Politecnico di Milano P30 - Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje P31 - University of Malta P36 - Technology Partners P40 - University of Novi Sad P42 - Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana P48 - Middle East Technical University P49 - ISPIM P50 - University of Exeter

3 Main objective o to raise the awareness among the European Universities about the importance of Open innovation as a subject to be integrated into the curriculum in all study programmes, at different levels – bachelor, master, Ph.D.

4 Main expected result o better trained, more innovative graduates, ready to transfer their ideas for the benefit of the companies they are working for, their own benefit and, ultimately, producing high added value for the society, in general

5 Tasks o analyzing, comparing and developing the Open innovation curricula and education in Europe by two main directions: (1) ⁻to collect and analyze the compendium on existing curricula on innovation, OI, and Global Innovation Management (GIM) in Europe and ⁻to define the role of implementing the multi-disciplinary approach to OI in higher education. (2) ⁻to develop the indicators and progress markers for OI curricula in HE in Europe.

6 Tasks TasksDeliverablesDeadline T4.1. Compendium on existing curricula in Europe on Innovation, Open innovation and Global Innovation Management D4.1. Compendium on existing curricula in Europe on open innovation: 1) Template for permanent data collection on open innovation curricula; 2) Report of the survey results, comparing the curricula of OI in HE in Europe, grouping by certain selection criteria; 3) Report on best practices on OI curricula in EU; 4) Recommendations for development the curricula on OI in EU M10

7 Tasks TasksDeliverablesDeadline T4.2 Role and deployment of multi-disciplinary approach in Open innovation and in HE D4.2. Analysis on the role and deployment of multi- disciplinary approach in OI and in HE 1) Manual for new courses on open innovation development, considering the multi-disciplinary approach in OI and in HE; 2) Training material, illustrating open innovation curricula and multi-disciplinary approach. M16 T4.3 Indicators and progress markers for Open innovation in HE D4.3. Indicators and progress markers for OI in HE 1) The methodology for analysis of the curricula on OI in HE 2) The indicators and factors influencing the curricula 3) List of indicators characterizing the OI, Innovation and Global Innovation management curricula. M12 M24

8 1. Compendium on existing curricula in Europe on open innovation ActivitiesDeadlineObs. 1) Elaborate the template for permanent data collection on open innovation curricula; 2) Elaborate the report of the survey results, comparing the curricula of OI in HE in Europe, grouping by certain selection criteria; 3) Elaborate the report on best practices on open innovation curricula in EU; 4) Elaborate the recommendations for development the curricula on OI in EU M4 M9 M10 Draft 1 available, to be discussed during the kick-off meeting Survey results to be presented at the network meeting in Dublin Draft 1 – template for BP collection available, to be discussed during the kick-off meeting

9 2. Analysis on the role and deployment of multi-disciplinary approach in OI and in HE ActivitiesDeadline 1) Elaborate the manual for new courses on open innovation development, considering the multi-disciplinary approach in OI and in HE; Defining the learning outcomes; Defining the content according to the learning outcomes (curriculum); Defining the syllabus for each subject in the curriculum. 2) Elaborate the training material, illustrating open innovation curricula and multi- disciplinary approach. M16 To be further discussed

10 3. Indicators and progress markers for Open innovation in HE ActivitiesDeadline 1) Develop the methodology for analysis of the curricula on OI in HE 2) Identify the indicators and factors influencing the curricula geography or region, cultural and language aspect, the age of the students, social factors, etc. 3) Elaborate the list of indicators characterizing the OI, Innovation and Global Innovation Management curricula M12/ M24 To be further discussed

11 Milestones and quality indicators … to be further discussed

12 12 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Programme: ERASMUS # 542203-LLP-1-2013-1-FI-ERASMUS-ENW o For more information: FIN:+358 504 357 545 o Simona Lache University of Transilvania (WP 4 Leader)

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